Drugs are for losers, gays and normies. Weed too

Drugs are for losers, gays and normies. Weed too.

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kewl story bro.
im just gunna leave this bait alone.

>yfw you're a faggot

same with caffeine, nicotine, morphine, and any prescription drug

>Drugs are for normies

This has to come from a NEET who who little about either drugs or normies.

Fucking normies

Legal drugs are accepted. Ilegal drugs are for losers. OP has rigth

Total winners

>who who.
>you cunt

FUCK OP this is my thread now.

Drugs are the best.
>explain why.

any drug, including alcohol, is for fucking losers

legality has nothing to do with it.

Drugs are for retards who can't handle reality.

ps: You're a fag.

yet here you are out of touch with reality, not me..
>go you

if drugs are bad, then why am i better in every way to some freak like you.
>thinks he doesnt take drugs
>takes drugs


Yes it has... the law of the United State say it.

>if drugs are bad, then why am i better in every way to some freak like you.

Jajajaja better than me... poor fucking normie loser

his point is that all drugs are bad not just classified ones.
He's 12 he ins't familiar with what point he wants to make, hes just copying what dad said once.

>TFW dad takes drugs lol, check his drawers.

Are drugs worth it guys?

tell me about how you're not on drugs superman?
ill explain how you couldn't possibly be free from drugs.

do you even chemistry?



look at those fucking shit pieces of art..
why'd you post somethig so faggoty user?

Yess, drug are the best...

Every time you takes drugs you're feeding a mexican or a nigger. Think about it

The excuse of every drug addict... what a normie drug faggot

I prefer to think of it as keeping them employed in a perpetual cycle of drugs and crime.
Thus keeping brownskins curbed and subservient.

The NWO plan works why are you rocking the boat sir?
ill send you to a fucking FEMA camp if you're not careful

Your mamma tell me that after the facefuck

Everybody uses drugs. Literally everybody.

OP has emotional problems

I don't do drugs anymore but they're awesome
>Math Ma here

ok tough guy.

what am i on now?
kek as though i'm offended.
I don't care what some future junkie thinks of me.

What is this "are for"?

Does OP believe in a god?

oxygen is a drug


heres my proof.

>no other creature could say something this dumb.
>only a 12 yr old white boy would think thats rad.

kekekekekeke holy fuck im too old to waste my time with awful shitposting

im out have fun normie

he knows whats up
sage that shit

>drugs are good
>thats why people do them.

weed is a gateway drug that also acts as a revolving door for people with serious drug addictions.

as in it can lead the other way

Good. Get out of my chan normieboy

>Another excuse from a consumer

That's what I read

Weed is the mexican dollar, if you hate ilegals inmigrants don't feed them

didnt see that coming.

kek i like this

i know many heroin addicts who hate weed
and many pot heads who hate heroin
i know speed/meth heads who think theyre both junkies.
drug culture is funny.

gateway drugs are a myth

ive tried everything

in reverse order
then i started smoking cigarettes and drinking.
>started crime after that.

>explain that with a gateway

Losers gays and norm is
That covers everyone. If you aren't a normal you're gay or a loser

your point?
ill consume what i want :)
stop me faggot.
ill sell drugs to your family and friends faggot

ill string out your sister and have her pimping her ass for rocks i drop in my spit on the fuckin ground

weed is a gateway drug - a gateway to opening your mind.

also to other drugs

is it really?
but is it reallllly user?
its not is it. you know it kek
you're a big boy form your own conclusion on the topic.
Don't read articles on a field that isnt studied widely and proclaim an answer without justifying it properly.
>anecdotal evidence doesn't count

WTF? Consume what you want, do what you want.... That does not
avoid you are a fucking normie. And a loser, don't forget that, you nigga/mexican lover

Don't forget AIDS!!!

life would be incredibly shit without drugs

troll harder normie, I think it was a joke

but if you think weed is worse than alcohol or something, you might want to learn how to process anecdotal evidence before you try to sound like a smart guy

Anything that changes your brain chemistry can be termed a drug you fucking imbecile. You have a shitty narrow minded outlook on life and I hope you die in a fiery car wreck ya nigger cunt