I found all this money in a sandwich bag near the trash outside my job. I don't know if I should keep it or return it

I found all this money in a sandwich bag near the trash outside my job. I don't know if I should keep it or return it.

Donate it. To this poorfag aka me of course.

You're black... you keep it, you prob stole it in the first place, but got so fucked up that you forgot and left the bag there..

return it to the good hard earned white community

drive around aimlessly and make sure aint no one following u then go to a hotel just to make sure then u should be good

You should keep it


Yeah! That's white man's money to steal!

Do whatever you want OP. But the owners will come looking for it at some point. If you blow it all the police will find it difficult to help you. If you take it to the police they will also probably not help you. It's your call.

Dont tell anyone or do anything. Buy yourself something nice in like a year and say you saved up for it.

They have no evidence

Spend it, but carefully. Money has serial numbers that can be traced, better hope you don't get caught with stolen money or using it...

Keep it OP just don't be a retard. No suddenly buying cars or vacations and stuff everyone knows you couldn't otherwise afford, making yourself look suspect.
That's enough money to build a very decent life on if you use it properly. Build/invest in a business.

Also yeah make sure you aren't followed.


If it's cartel money, someone's going to die because you took it. If you return it, and you're caught near the bag, you may also get whacked. Their blood is on your hands. Also, the IRS will be on your ass if you don't lander it.

Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up Lock him up

show bag and timestamp or gtfo


Give us a break OP, nobody finds money like that.

oh yeah well i found all this money in a garbage bag outside my real job

found this in a toilet bowl at the park the other day, outside my job.

found this guy on my computer speakers outside of my work.

Take it, hold it for a while then divide it into small amounts, mix it up with other bills use them to purchase second hand valuable items, sell items on ebay, you'll lose money but thats the price you pay for washing money.

found this book on a shelf outside my work.

good book, i recommend you read it

Do you have any idea how many Sup Forums passes you can buy with that?

>implying i haven't read it.
found this nigger on a bench outside my work.

keep him, you were visited by the gaming slav of good fortune, reply to this or your babushka umret vo sne

That seems like a lot of money, probably drug money or something. At some point the owner will go back to your place of work and "persuade" the owner to let him look at the CCTV footage to see if he can see what happened to his money.

By then you will be fucked. You shouldn't have taken what wasnt' yours man.
Or there's no way they can trace the money back and you just hit the jackpot.

>I found all this money
No Tyrone, you've robbed a person again.

>Buy anything nice

At some point the dude that left the money there will come back to see if he can find it.

He's going to get a bit suspicious when he sees a mcdonald's employee driving an audi R8

yes Sup Forums lets scare tyrone into fiscal responsibility

Count it up OP, how much money is there?

Keep it
But don't waste all in a day

Ez, buy bitcoins, wash them, sell them

OP, real shit. Were there any cameras around where you found it? Anyone see you in the area? If not, I'd take it. Go to a bank, get a safety deposit box. Put it in there. Sit on it for a week or two. If no heat, enjoy, but don't fucking wild out with it, spend it discreetly. Don't go buy a brand new car right off the bat.

P much go with these options if scenario OP posted was true. But since it's still pretty risky being that it was found outside work. I'd be paranoid af based on the likeliness someone could trace it back to me. And I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult at all, who else is likely dealing with garbage besides an employee (in b4 hobos)? Keep an extremely low profile and don't touch the money until a lot of time has passed.