What do you guys think of Christopher Nolan?

What do you guys think of Christopher Nolan?

master of dialogue writing

Talentless hack who makes flicks for idiots and self proclaimed "movie buffs"

Nolan is basically the pleb version of Zack Snyder.

Best director this century, not saying much though

>You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


The original baneposter

This is actually true.

false. But he was undoubtedly the one to bring it to the biggest 4u audience until then.

>you're a big guy
>for you

overrated with too many fundamental flaws, and getting worse

pic related was his apex and his only truly great movie

I like momento

Lol fuck hits way too close to home on that one

easily the most misunderstood line in cinema


>yfw it isn't science fiction

I hope he doesn't fuck up Dunkirk

He's consistently made good, but not great, movies. I like many of his films, and am looking forward to Dunkirk.

His movies are some of the most well-made, poorly-written movies out there. He must owe something to his brother, that man cannot write for shit

No, zack snyder is the pleb version of nolan

Memeing aside, he's awful. Overrated pretentious mediocre reddit tier meme flickster hack. Everyone of his flicks is overexpositive and hard to follow, not because the plot itself is deep or complex, but because they're poorly directed (the plane scene is the greatest example of this, it makes absolutely no sense). Acting in his movies is terrible, aside from Ledger's in TDK. Inception is the best example of how shitty a Nolan joint is: he took a good concept with lots of room for creativity and turned it into an action flick with James Bond like action scenes, a plot and world building so poorly presented that seemed really weird and complex, when it's a really simple story, but the delivery is so bad, that throughout the movie, it has to be constantly explained, so that anyone could possibly follow. And, of course, plebs with a sense of intelectual superiority think he's a fucking genious, because they "understood" what this shithead presented. He sucks and his only work that was slightly above mediocre trash was Memento.

He's the greatest filmmaker working today


Is this like the day real film-makers take a break? 27th of July every year?

I wouldn't go so far

stay mad 2bh


strangeā€¦ it's almost as if any raiting for that movie is irrelevant because of the political influences around its releaseā€¦

nah, it must just be one big conspiracy and every single review ever counted on RT is a lie

that's the much more reasonable answer!

fucking pleb rt critics... Interstellar was his Magnum Opus

It's pretty easy to see that rotten tomatoes (just like any critics website) is not a trustable source for rating movies, as they always rate movies regarding the general public being entertained. Most Marvel flicks get insanely high ratings, but they don't possess any artistic merit, as they serve purely for mindless entertainment. They're ranked as being good products for the mass blockbuster consuming crowd, just like Nolan movies.

He makes watchable flicks that are superficially enjoyably but don't hold up to scrutiny. Whether or not this fact renders said flicks detestable is a matter of personal preference.


following was ok. memento was meh. rest is shit

memes aside he's great

his brother needs an editor to rein him in a bit though

>his two best movies are the two worst reviewed ones

i don't know why i ever paid attention to RT

>Confuses complexity for depth: The filmmaker

Someone get this man a copy of Moby Dick so he can learn what depth is. The story of Moby Dick can take place anywhere and it can be told and retold in 1000 different ways. It speaks to the human condition in a way that transcends cultures & time. It is also a very simple story (A man hunts a whale) imbued with the weight of DEPTH.

Christopher Nolan is the OPPOSITE of Melville. Every one of his movies is substitutes narrative tricks and high concept for humanity. He doesn't 'tell stories' because that's too subtle & nuanced for him. He tries to create events and substitute EPIC SCALE for DEPTH that fool or impress viewers to overlook just how shallow & devoid of real human feeling they are.

There isn't a single character in all of Nolan's filmography that have an appreciable amount of depth as a human being.

Dicks out for nolanfag

Leo in inception fucken faggot i love me mah mf nolan nigga fuck you nigga im big duece duece nigga

> as they always rate movies regarding the general public being entertained. Most Marvel flicks get insanely high ratings, but they don't possess any artistic merit, as they serve purely for mindless entertainment.

Have you ever stopped to wonder that that's exactly what a blockbuster aims to do?

that's my fucking point
Blockbusters aim to entertain
RT doesn't rate movies for artistic quality, but for the hability to entertain

>RT doesn't rate movies for artistic quality

Did it ever claim to? All it does rate it on how competently made the movie is/if it's worth paying money to see

It's not going to specifically align to your taste.

I know, but that's why using RT scores to tell the worth as a director makes no sense. The scores tell if the movies he makes are worth paying money to see if you're within the general public. But that doesn't mean he's good, or, as that user is defending, that "He's the greatest filmmaker working today". He makes money with movies, but doesn't make art.

You all are retarded cucks honestly. Every. Single. Person... in this fucking thread.

Anyone who goes into a movie grading that shit and not just sit there and absorb images for 2 hours for pure entertainment... you are a straight up DORK.

Literally if all your parents knew how you typed out your thesis for why a director is shit or if hes kino... they would be massively embarrassed.


He's great but he's a bit overrated.