I want to become able to speak German fluently

I want to become able to speak German fluently.

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Me too.

this video series helped me to learn. check it out.


>step one
Don´t ask a germanophobic board full of autistic memelords

I want to become able to speak Mexican Spanish fluently.

Whatcha mean? The nonGermans here are usually much mote helpful than those fucks in /deutsch/

Ah yes
It´s the "only the Germans are smug and arrogant posters" meme.
Well if you want a good advice for learning german, I highly recommend to watch movies you like in german with english subtitles (or the other way around). That´s how I learned english.
Of course you need to learn all the basic rules first, but I think there are a lot of good tutorials on YouTube.
Reading books in german can help too obviously.

Hope I could help you.

Viel Dank. Ich meinte nicht, dass alle Deutsche unhöflich und blöd sind, aber ich habe in /deutsch/ Fragen gestellt und bekomme normalerweise dumme Antworten. Empfiehlst du ein Büch, das einen nicht so schweren Wortschatz hat?

And please ignore my little typos, pushed send too quickly

Mit Kinderbüchern lässt sich leichter lernen. Viel Glück!

Kinderlesebücher für den Start. Dann am besten ein simples Buch wie Harry Potter.
Und als Tip: Nicht in /deutsch/ Fragen stellen.

Deutsch ist eine hübsche Sprache. Viel Glück mein Freund!


>tfw you understand this after 4 years of learning German in elementary school

Our Austrian overlords would be pleased.

People that hate Germans, durr

>learning to speak the language of not paying denbts

Why would you do this?

I mean people make bantz on germs but who does unironically hate germans?


I don´t consider death threats to my land and people and spam as banter

Tip: Mexicans don't "vosean" eg: vosotros,

I will END the German land and people