Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums
Evening/night chat starts here
Hows your evening going user?
Im fucking pissed, Im all alone at home, hungry-no food in the fridge and I can't go out and buy some because I already spent like $12 today on useless shit
I though that I saw a chick that I went to high school with on tinder today, when I was swiping on everybody. and now Im curious as hell whether it was her or not, because she was kinda cute although dumb
Also have to go to some stupid museum in the city for my art class, have to get there by myself too which is a pain in the ass and im debating myself whether i should skip physics and just stay in SF for the rest of the day or actually go back. The guy doesn't take an attendance but there maybe something important discussed there, so i dunno
How about you user? Hows it going with ya today?


18 yo, half loser
another day of putting off things I really need to do. college, license

lost the promise ring that my gf got for me (she got one too), first time in a year and a half i haven't slept with it or her

Still dont have a license either, have permit though
Went to DMV today for my driving test, but there were some insurance issues so i moved the test to later
OP 19 y/o

Enjoy my day off with a bottle of sky and listening to some music. Try to hang out with a few friends but they all had something to do. Also don't go if your don't want to you be fine user

Yeah, i get it
Most of my friends are all the way in SF and im in suburbs, so we can't hang out everyday and none of us has a license
But ill probably hit them up when im in the city tomorrow

>promise ring
are you getting engaged or something?
Wtf is up with the kids these days? One friend of mine 19 y/o got married and divorced within a year, another retard is engaged too

I've got work in 3 hours and I haven't slept at all. Also have to lie to my boss about why I didn't go to work yesterday. I'm still pretty chill though

Nah, it was more cutesy. It got both of us through rough times with each other. Been dating for almost two years, and are pretty damn stable. More resolving big issues from the past.

when i worked at subway i wanted to ask user to swing by and do something stupid
didn't even have enough time, i was fired in like two weeks

Just got into a fight with my gf's bother this morning cause I caught him steeling my stuff. Told my gf that I'm done dealing with his bull shit and I want him out of my apartment by tomorrow. Want to call the cops but my gf beg me not to cause he a record (witch I didn't know till today) and he will get lock up.

you live in the ghetto?

Is this the first time you've caught him doing some shady shit? If so I'd say just kick him out and don't get the cops involved. If this has happened multiple times and he has a record, tell your gf that someone needs to teach him a lesson,and if she doesn't have the guts to let her own brother take responsibility than maybe she doesn't need to be with you. I'm not saying break up with her, just put a little fear in her.

No my apartment is close to my school

next thing you know,she is breaking up with the kid and he kills himself

I'm just saying if his gf begged him not to call the cops on her brother, who has a record, than just maybe she cares about her lowlife brother more than she cares about him. It's a shit situation and nobody wins no matter what happens.

No I caught him other time but I let go cause i thought he learn his lesson when I told him off in front of his friends and my gf. I thought he was a good kid I gave him place to stay rent free so he can start going to school and make something out him self but I guess not.

If you guys needed a symbolic ring to keep the relationship afloat, maybe there are bigger underlying issues and the relationship itself is unhealthy. I could be wrong though, pure speculation

Don't make promises that either of you can keep cause later going to bit you in ass user.

You gave him a chance and he blew it, plain and simple. Whether or not you want to get the cops involved is up to you, personally if I were you I'd do it. At the very least tell your gf that you want him out of your place, and that if she really cares about you she'll have your back on this. If she still defends her bro and takes his side, consider breaking things off and moving on with your life. I know it sounds harsh but you have to be firm with this kind of shit.

I told her I want him out she seems to have my back but she still doesn't want me call the cops cause he is her only family there mother die when my gf was in high school dad wasn't in the picture. We bin together for about 5 years now. Theres no win - win situation here and it sucks .

In this situation calling the cops wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. At the very least he wouldn't be out wandering the streets, and he'd have a place to stay for a while, even if it is jail. Sorry to hear that about their parents, but she needs to understand that he has to learn to accept responsibility and consequences for his actions.

Today I found out I'm going to a father currently processing that in my head. I ways want to have kids I just hope I can be the best father I can be.

Congrats user

how old are ya?


Me 28 and gf 26

im sorry

You have a point user and this will tests my and gf relationship I just can't blieve he would do this.

RIP life

Don't worry user I already done everything I want to do in life this just other chapter in life and looking for to it

Going to class tomorrow at nine, EST. started selling weed again … made it from $40 to an ounce sold it and bought another one so things are going well I guess.
My girlfriend bothers me to no end but I'm too lazy and overworked to break up with her and find better pussy
Been smoking too many cigarettes but since I've been doing good with money and my studies I'm not so pressed
Drank a thirty pack one night last week
Just fapped to negress porn, only negresses acquire my love now
About to smoke and sleep.
Let's hear some more guys

Hey I'm an only child so I can only relate to this so much. I mean, I've got cousins I haven't spoken to in years, not even on my birthday. You can't choose your family,so to me that just makes it easier to decide what to do with them when the shit hits the fan.