I hate homeless people and have no sympathy for them, they leech off of society daily and beg hard working people for money to support their addictions. That being said, I have a fun hobby of putting firecrackers in cigarettes and leaving them when the bums normally sit.

TL, DR: I put firecrackers in cigarettes and prank homeless people

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You are a fucking idiot. Yep I took the bait. I smacked the living fuck out of a cunt like you who I caught beating on a homeless person. Not all of them choose to be homeless, and not all can even claim welfare. Karma's a bitch, faggot

You must be new here

is it karma, or the act of a person with a heart?

You're a fucking loser. I defy you to stop me when I fuck with the hobo that asked my son for a dollar to get drunk when he just handed him a sandwich

You must be fun at parties, good thing we have superheroes like you to defend schizophrenic alcoholics who steal from people

Also, in my city, bums target fat people so when they take out their wallet to give them a dollar, they grab it and run because they know that the fat person will never catch up

>TL, DR: I put firecrackers in cigarettes and prank homeless people
no you don't.

I'd stop you any day, any time.

No you wouldn't

I was homeless and lived in a shelter for 3 months. OP is right they're all lazy drug addicts who bitch all day about how the government and immigrants are fucking them over when while the government is paying them every month to get high. And you don't see any immigrants in shelters because at they are willing to work.

OP here, I only do it to the worst ones who I know for a fact extort people.

fite me irl fgt

yeah thats bullshit you'd clearly notice a fire cracker when you picked it up. Whenever I see a homeless person with a cup I knock it over or steal it If they look passed out

>Complains about how shitty people are.
>Is a shitty person.
>Do the math, big chutes.

No I empty the tobacco and have small firecrackers that I use and then refill it, you'd have to look closely since I cut part of the fuse, trust me, homeless people aren't very smart

I would put all my money in the world on the fact you'll get your head kicked in.

I'm not a small guy, I know that it's Sup Forums but irl I'm pretty fit but am not about to fight you over something that youll never even get to witness, do you actually think that I'd stick around and wait or be seen doing it?

Dubs have spoken

Not true. I saw a few people in high school put pic related in a smoke and give them to people. Its not like every firecracker has to be an m80 or something big.
Nothing too bad happened, like maybe a slightly burned lip, but a couple times when i saw it the cops were called. The kid would say who gave them the smoke and they were charged with assault with a weapon or something.

Could you record it and post vid? You are my hero.

I haven't laughed that hard in months.
