How is it ok for a president to be able to just lie to its people like that ?

How is it ok for a president to be able to just lie to its people like that ?
How can burgerfats still support him after the hundreds of lies that come out of his mouth every day ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>washington post

congratulation, you can read

Facts are facts no matter who tells you. If a retard tells you a fact are you gonna Deny it just cause it was a retard that told you? Its like you decide to attack the teller instead of face the facts it's regressive as fuck

>We'll state this is incorrect or false
> We won't reveal the source

Seriously? They're fact checking but they have no citation on their fact checking. That makes their comment just as bad as Trump's first comment if not worse because everyone knows how Trump is whereas they claim to be a source of knowledge and facts.

Shut the fuck up cuck. You think Obama never lied?

Donald is a fucking legend. He is possibly the president this country has ever had.

Wait, so if Trump can get one number from FOX news and the Washington Post can get a different number from wherever the fuck they pulled their facts from, how the fuck are you supposed to know which if any media outlet contains the ACTUAL facts?

>but they have no citation on their fact checking
they do. I have no idea why you claim the opposite
weak bait

goy, your president is lying.

sincerely, (((washington post)))

Are you implying that the director of national intelligence is less informed on that fact related to national intelligence ?

He purposely misleads the American people for whatever reasons.

"Somebody told me"
"People are saying"

Does this keep track of when they reengaged? Because if 113 were released under Bush and lived perfectly peaceful lives, then went up in arms again because of Obama and their disagreement with his policies, then really Trump would be right.

>122 prisoners released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield

>then went up in arms again because of Obama and their disagreement with his policies
you're completely missing the point
>122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration
>they weren't released by the Obama administration

Holy shit. This is some George Orwell level shit right here... I always thought the snowflakes were overreacting over this Trump thing, but are you seriously saying what I think you're saying?

What you don't realize is that Trump tells the truth from his idiocy which makes him 5000x more honest than any president we have ever had and which is why supporters like him. He tells it exactly as he thinks it is even if he's uninformed.

Other politicians are all about deceit and manipulating the presenting of actual facts to keep ones they don't like hidden and releasing the ones that paint them favorably. That's why no one trusts them. Politicians are experts at twisting facts and truth in such a way to infer whatever biased opinion they want you to believe at a given point in time.

>5000x more honest

>Trump tells the truth from his idiocy
Having a president not smart enough to see the difference between straight up lies and facts is the worst thing you can have
why would anyone trust him when he is gonna be involved in complex international affairs and policies ?

From the graph, 122 is the total reengaged, which is 113 (Bush) + 9 (Obama).

Why the fuck would you believe anything the Wahington post prints? You are a special kind of retarded

Wow! You are truly an imbecile. Really. Save the world from your stupidity and kill yourself

>What you don't realize is that Trump tells the truth from his idiocy which makes him 5000x more honest than any president we have ever had and which is why supporters like him. He tells it exactly as he thinks it is even if he's uninformed.
This right here.
I don't care if he's wrong sometimes. I don't care if he's off by 8 allahu ackbaring sandcoons.
He speaks his mind and he's honest. He's not afraid to be wrong.

Liberals? Rabid. Emotional. No factual basis. They believe autism comes from flu shots and that if an apple believes super-hard that it can turn itself into an orange, it'll actually become an orange and NOT an apple wearing an orange skin.

>why would anyone trust him when he is gonna be involved in complex international affairs and policies
Says the man that has literally zero experience in aforementioned field.

because they fact check everything they post, there's one thing blindly believing every thing shared by the media, It's another to not trust anything even when backed up by evidence

>"This is incorrect or false"
>Source is Washington Post

Are you even trying?

>washington post
>believing fake news
4/10 bait

>Rabid. Emotional. No factual basis
perfect description of Trump
>Says the man that has literally zero experience in aforementioned field.
and that guy isn't the president of the strongest nation of the world last time I checked

You get the leader you deserve

America will always prefer to blame goat herders ont he other side of the world for their problems

More unarmed white people die from our own police than terrorism, yet we have a 10+year war on terror that betters literally no ones lives

Its just an age old american ideal, that if there is something wrong with our country, it cant be our fault

Donald Trump is a god and deflecting bullshit onto other people. Very good at race-baiting and scaring the public

There are two things he talks about, how great he is, and how scary the rest of the world is.

Say those two things enough, and you will have the countries support

Post reality America don't give a fuck!

Give it up and get on board, mother fucker! We're pretending to Make America Great Again!

Why would you believe anything Trump says? You are a special kind of autism

I bet you still think he is trying to send Hillary to Prison

Where does he get this stuff? Oh, from the New York Times.

ITT: Horribly misguided claims flimsily backed up by paid Media about a President that no one will shut the fuck up about

is that some kind of advanced bot ?
if not, read the thread dumbasses, litteraly the first pic posted

>the strongest nation of the world
China is the strongest nation in the world.
They hold the worlds' manufacturing of steel, electronics fabrication and rare earth metal exports in their hands.

All they have to do is stop exporting.

>but theyll go broke too!

Who will go broke and starve first? The nation that has immense natural resources locally and the infrastructure, capital and manpower to harvest and process it, or the countries who deprecated their processing and manufacturing industries decades ago and import everything?

Trump won the presidency. The world hasn't collapses. Get the fuck over it.

It's because of posts like this that I sometimes wish, so desperately wish that Hillary Clinton won. Just so I could know what you People would be saying when you're knee deep in Ukrainian mud, fighting WW3 against Russia because "RUSSIA R BAD GUISE >:UU"

Trump says things exactly as he thinks it is which makes it easy to trust his actual intentions. It's supposed to be his advisers who give him the real facts that he should be informed of, and if he's misinformed, it's a short coming of his advisers.

Compare that to an expert politician. They can tell you all kinds of "facts" that they want you to believe, but their actual intentions and the actual truth can be completely hidden behind all that BS. That makes someone like that a lot harder to deal with because you can't trust what intentions they present you.

And the libtard tears still continue...

Know how I can tell you're underage? You think Trump is the first and only prez to lie...guckingg children these days.

>blame goat herders ont he other side of the world

One of the dude's primary foreign policy thrusts is that we should respect other nation's sovereignty instead of starting proxy wars on every continent. Obama's the one who decided to wage eternal warfare on medieval goat herders with killer robots.

Of all Trumps problems, being an international war monger doesn't seem to be one.

Hey, how about this grand plan.

Everyone in the United States who does not like or support Trump. Get out. Get out right now. The lot of you are already complaining about how America is ruined now and that he's #NotMyPresident.

So get out. All of you, get out.

>The world hasn't collapses.
Exactly, but Obama became President and within a few short weeks the world economy fell apart.

Plus, where was Obama on 9/11? Probably playing golf - he sure wasn't acting like a PRESIDENT however.

>China is the strongest nation in the world.
well it depends on the factor you use
USA has the military and political power, it has the support of most countries
>Hillary will literally star WW3 guys !!
how naive can some people be ?

>Very good at race-baiting and scaring the public
Correction. Obama is good at race-baiting.
>pic related

Your precious Black-skinned saint of a president divided this country. It's his fault alongside the media that glorified black people as incapable of doing anything wrong.

'Affordable' Care Act. Just saying.

>"pfft- you guise r so stoopid hillary wuld never start ww3 das jus connspiracy i mean shes never made propaganda for it yalls r jus dumb conservativ hiks LUL"

If I had the Power to do it, I would rip you from your home and family and send you right into the middle of war torn Aleppo, with nothing but a single pistol and a roll of tp

weak b8

Except that an adult would realise that the wire tap data might not have come from surveillance of Trump tower and may have involved counter intelligence wire taps on Russian contacts.

Of course it's better to lay out some Trumper-tantrums on Twitter to at least convince the brain washed peons that love you that your treason is fake. Everyone made up that moment you and your team betrayed the nation and enlisted the aid of a foreign power to attempt to sabotage an election.

That's real high treason by the way. Not pretend treason like Clinton and Pence with their e-mails. This is the real deal, execution at 11 kind of treason.

" Any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. "

Correlation does not imply causation, if anything, the numbers dropped in 2015 because of the rise of terrorist attacks, that makes way more sense

Call it b8 if you like, but they are facts. Libtard.

He is a liar, or at best ignorant. I'm all for the shakeup he's providing, but that doesn't mean his blatant lies are good.

The normal mode of operation for washington/the press is to lie by omission, or manipulate real facts to tell the story they want us to believe. In a way, Trump's transparent lies are almost quaint.


the TP would be a nice touch honestly.

Why's the FBI and the DOJ trying to stop Congress from launching a probe investigation into the wire tapping?

Surely, if your precious Obama has nothing to hide, the probe won't turn anything up, right?


>If I had the Power to do it, I would rip you from your home and family and send you right into the middle of war torn Aleppo
Most liberals need this.
Take them away from their comfy suburban cul-de-sacs and their lives solely dependent on a combination of federal student financial aid and mommy+daddy's paychecks.

Who fact checks the fact checkers?

Thank You! There is no proof that he said this. Plus there is no proof Bush released anyone. This whole thing is just another attack on the greatest President ever.


not even liberal friend. just old enough to remember America during the bush years.

Hey did you know that dubbya not only lied about 9/11 but he also killed the leader of another country? (A violation of international law)

Hey did you know that obummer was responsible for drone strikes that killed women/children? (Hospitals/schools/mosques) and lied about it?

Maybe you did, maybe you didn't, but you don't've got blinders on to all except your hatred of Trump.

>he's still prez
>will be for next 4 years (maybe 8)
>you hate him, he doesn't even know you or care

Stay mad libcuck!

So you don't even deny that they are facts - why? Because you know what I stated were facts. And that's a fact.

Which is the reason that nowadays I lament because Hillary didn't win. Because I would've very much wanted her to win JUST so I could watch all of these proud, smug Libcucks march their progressive asses onto some battlefields, and then quickly and painfully realize each and every mistake as they watch friend after friend die horribly.

>Correlation does not imply causation, if anything, the numbers dropped in 2015 because of the rise of terrorist attacks, that makes way more sense what?
Him continuing to be president?
There was no paradigm shift from 2013-2015. He had been president, was continuing to be president.

What happened was the nigger getting on stage infront of america and saying incredibly irresponsible shit like
>If I had a son, it would've been Trayvon Matrin

A kid that was high at the time of the attack, and was in possession of a firearm he was both underage to own and had no background check or proper paperwork to own.

Nice example.

Meanwhile, Trump's sons:
>good looking
>dress well
>dont do drugs
>dont illegally own firearms

First off, nobody has tried to block an enquiry. The Democrats called for it, almost all of the GOP called for it. The only ones who stood against the enquiry were Trump's team. Once they decided they couldn't stop it they decided to make up some wire tap bullshit, oh hey the guy who runs the site that posted the fabrication works for Trump! What a coincidence!

Second, I don't give a shit about Obama, this is about Trump. The is about what might be an extreme problem for the entire country, left-wing, right-wing, or rational adult.


Seems like politics as usual dude.

You're taught in school that there are laws and processes that must be followed, but for the people at the top, they're just bludgeons to use in political maneuvers. Laws are for the little people.

Because surely, there's nothing to hide, right?

During 9-11, Bush was POTUS.

They are facts...
>where was obummer during 9/11?

Dubbya was prez during 9/11 you millennial retard.

This changes nothing about Obama, stop diverting. Moron. MAGA!!!


>current president is shown to be a compulsive liar, incompetent and not smart enough to see the difference between made up lies and facts
>haha these libtards so mad mmmh their tears :) haha got them ! stupid libtards

>mention obummer and 9/11
>gets called out for being retarded
>durr stop deflecting!

China has a huge ground force, of Army units, would be a hell of a scrap. The US Air Force would close this force of arms gap. China and the USA having nothing to gain, by an all out war, end of story.

Facts drive you up a wall? Must be hard living in your warped reality...


>A kid that was high at the time of the attack, and was in possession of a firearm he was both underage to own and had no background check or proper paperwork to own.

Way to completely make this up kek. Try again?

SeeOnly children can't admit when they're wrong

At this point in time and our Human History, any one going into a massive War par la WW2 style would only really result in massive death and destruction.

War has gradually lost its value

If something is a fact, then the ONLY thing true is what's written as is. The fallacy is that liberals take facts and infer certain meanings from them, then treat the inferred meanings as true. That is a logical fallacy.

For example, it is a FACT that Trump is against illegal immigration. The fallacy is that they twist the facts of things he said regarding stopping illegal immigration to infer that he's a racist and against certain races/religions immigrating in general. That is not true. Yet the media purposely spreads those types of lies and fallacies all the time.

The media also informs you only of the facts that they want you to hear because it logically makes it possible to follow the fallacies they want you to follow. Basically the media constantly calls out Trump for being incorrect or false while completely ignorant to the logical fallacies they commit to also be incorrect or false just because it's a smarter way of doing it compared to Trump's way.

>Way to completely make this up kek. Try again?
Court transcripts, friend.
Final day of prosecutions' proceedings against the defendant, the evidence was presented.

Sorry your little saint child was just a thug nigger.

Obama and bush are pretty similer to be honest.

country v country war has lost its value
but continuous civil wars will always be beneficial for at least one party

>facts are facts no matter who tells you

Erm, it really doesn't matter if they re-engage or not. If the government has no legal evidence that they committed any crimes, they have to let them go. It's what makes our country great. The government doesn't just keep prisoners because it doesn't like them. It has to have evidence. And it doesn't just torture people to get that evidence. That's some English monarchy bulllshit.

>new term
>believing any of Trump's lies
>believing any of right wing media's lies

There's a massive track record of lying on right-wing websites and the MSM's starting to catch up. Does that mean that lying in the media is right? No. No intelligent American will ever defend lying to the people.

You idiots started the shit-flinging and lying since the division of ideologies in this country. Unironically KYS please. I'm tired of sharing the country with you. I'm tired of the massive amounts of blue-pilling that goes on this trashcan of a website every day. I'm tired of every valid point against Trump being pushed aside by worthless cucks who can only live vicariously through his lazy accomplishments. The only positive platform he has for you is "m-muh libtears." That's it. That's fucking pathetic. Please, make the world a little bit of a better place. KYS. Thank you.

This image shows EXACTLY what's wrong with politics in general. There is NO SUCH THING as "Mostly true" or "Half true". Those are manipulated facts to lie. Those are arguably WORSE than an outright lie because you can EASILY trick someone into believing overall lies with twisted truth.

Next time you're in class and taking a true/false test. write down "Half true" or "Mostly true" on a question. See how that helps you.

>dat tweet

Is he at it again?

Btw, can somebody please shoop a smartphone with a twitter app running into his hand?

>He's not afraid to be wrong.

Yeah he is, what the fuck are you talking about? He's a gullible reactionary moron. The fuck is there to like about that? How does that convey any kind of strength or leadership to anyone, not to mention anyone overseas?

This just sounds like you people are desperate to put your head in the sand and rationale out everything, even if it is to your own detriment.

Of course Republicans think that loving Russia is the most American thing they can do.

> No factual basis.
>They believe autism comes from flu shots
> No factual basis.

> he's honest.

LOL. Jesus christ people are fucking dumb. Seriously, the word honesty doesnt even mean anything anymore

>when you know a post was made by someone raised in a trailer park

How does he have so much spare time to make fake shit up constantly? Does he even work?

>He's not afraid to be wrong.
But you should be when you're blatantly and consistently wrong at work. Do you know he has a job that he's being paid not to do?

But it's country v country war that used to pull in the big bucks and unify people and make common goals and moivations, Civil wars are only good for replacing gov't leaders, installing new gov'ts or turf warring

Like I said, War has gradually lost its value

Your statement makes about as much sense as saying that liberals must love Iran because they attempted some kind of peaceful diplomacy while Obama was in office.

Except AFAIK the russian oligarchs don't encourage their subjects to march in the street shouting death to America

Yes, because not wanting to War with a super power is totally loving Russia

Because not wanting to watch my sons be sent to a pointless battle to die and watch their friends die with them is SUPER TREASONOUS AND RUSSIAN LOVING.

I hope you get sent to Aleppo, you and every male head in your household

You're densw, willfully ignorant, and or retarded. Obama lied about gitmo. That's over your head I'm sure, bit Trump tweeting things like this are MEANT to be fact checked and corrected by mainstream media. Why? Because THEY don't face the truth otherwise. Obama lied about gitmo and Trump drew attention to that. Jesus Christ you're dumb

I wonder if Trump purposely lies sometimes to make things get fact checked to try to get the truth out. The media wants to prove him wrong and make him the bad guy so much, that arguably the best way to get the media to do their actual jobs is for him to lie.

so you mean that he's just pretending to be retarded ?

This 5D chess meme needs to stop.

there is a lot of fake bullshit on that for both sides

Nah. I think he takes a horseshoes and hand grenades approach to facts. He's accustomed to being able to say "I'm the greatest entertain in the world!" or "My hotel is the best there is!". When you apply that kind of hyperbole to facts of record, they become obvious lies.

And he's also got a certain percentage of his base that will get fired up by anything he says, because they believe the media is lying to them or manipulating the facts all the time (which it is).