I'm a german introvert who has no interest in people and watches anime all day

I'm a german introvert who has no interest in people and watches anime all day
Ask me anything, anons.

Sounds like its the killing weeb.
Maruseru-san, that you?

marcel pai

top 10 animu?

Are you me?

How old are you?

How long have you been doing this?

How do you maintain interest in anime after watching dozens of them? I find that no matter what I do it eventually turns bland and flat. Do you have a technique to avoid that or does it just not happen to you?

Are you Marcel?

Can I put it in your dubs?

Sounds like me, but in Deutschland instead of 2nd Nippon that is Colorado USA.

>I find that no matter what I do it eventually turns bland and flat.
This. The first few animes were great but nowadays it's just boring and cheesy for me. It's the same with western movies/series. It gets harder and harder to find any entertaining stuff.

i feel you

Yeah, I watched too much anime so that's ruined. Cartoons are ruined, books are ruined, movies are ruined, masturbation is largely ruined...

I wanna know OP's secret. Unless he's 15 in which case I want to point and laugh because I know what he's in for.

Whos your waifu?

Hey mr anime u should try youtube you can make a killing with ad revenue.

I am 19
For about 4 Years.
I don't really know, I guess i just keep interest in it. I didn't lose it at all overthsoe years.
go ahead, fam.

Plans for the future?

Mayoi Hachikuji, I really like her backstory and her personality is just awesome in my opinion.

I guess continuing what I am doing right now.
I work from home and make barely enough for food and a small 1 man flat. I dont really have any dreams besides this.

Ah, that explains it. It'll be about 3 or 4 more before the taste turns to ash in your mouth. Enjoy

idk I think there are some people who can watch the same stuff over and over again without getting bored. Just think of the people who watched all Star Trek series etc.

When you say "anime" do you mean robots and adventure or do you mean moe and high school?

And if it's robots and adventure, what do you recommend?

what's your job? do your parents support you? or even care about you? It's pretty nice that you live alone at 19.

Yeah, it might happen. I hope it doesn't but I guess I can't evade it.

That was me.

I watched all the star trek series', But the problem is, That took me like a few of months. Then I watched Babylon 5, both of the good Stargates, Firefly, and then I tried to start on Battlestar Galactica but everything seemed bland and samey. I went to do something else, but there wasn't anything.

There's just too much day.

How many mudslimes have raped you?

how do you get money?

Well it's not that Im only watching moe and high school, but I never found the mecha genre that enjoyable
Currently Im working as a web-translator, though I originally was selling cars, but I quit that after 2 years.
Pretty much just getting websites into other languages.
Well, they care about me and I care about them, but I guess as long Im not homeless they dont want to interfere how I am living.

If anime is all you're into, why would you watch garbage like Soul Eater?

How many normies are on this planet?
That many.

Working from home as I said, translating websites for a private company.

Well, I watched it once but stopped after that, isn't that interesting.

bredy gud.

anything you are not quite happy with at the moment?

Do you ever stalk girls?

Hast du ne Ausbildung?

On a scale of 1-10 how attractive are you?

1 being fugly 10 being alpha male extreme

Sorry, when I say "robots and adventure" I just mean... you know... fun. As opposed to boring girls going to after school clubs. Robots are just kind of my go-to stereotypical "unrealistic cool thing" in anime. "Magic and adventure" or "martial arts and adventure" or "children's card games and adventure" would all be fine too as long as it's good and it's not based around fan service and feeble attempted humor.

What causes you to be an introvert? Are you ugly? Do you hate socialisation? Do you have anxiety?

What is the prime reason

Actually, no. I feel pretty good, might be that my standars are pretty low because the only standars I have are food, some device to watch anime and a tiny flat.
Nah, I'm not really interested in people as i said.
Eigentlich wollte ich IT-Systemkaufmann werden, hab sogar ne Ausbildung bekommen, aber nach der Zeit hatte ich weniger und weniger Lust, dann hab ich diese Stelle im Internet gefunden und war ganz zufrieden.

good for you then. I'm striving for something similar, maybe less anime, but we seem to have similar (indeed, low) standards.

Well, I can't really tell how attractive others find me but I'd say 6,5/10 considering im not fat, have blonde hair, blue nearly purple-ish eyes (its some rare eye condition I dont know what it is called) and have normal hygiene.
I had a few I really enjoyed, though I dont really remember the names, could look it up later, I have a list of every watched anime around here somewhere.
I can't really tell if I'm ugly.
I do not hate socialisation, I just think being alone and watching anime is more fun.
No, I don't have anxiety.
Well I guess the fact that I just dont enjoy socializing that much. I answer if I'm asked something (if it's personal I just lie) but that's it.

Yeah, I guess so. Good luck to you, may you achieve what you enjoy.

>Anime fan
>Not jumping at the chance to promote his favorite titles


OP is probably successful, possibly attractive, maybe even female. They're just looking for attention.

Why does your hair vanish?

Are you just a German version of myself trying to find and kill me?

Ich wünsche dir alles gute! god tier german knowledge here, lol.

take care, OP

As I said, I might be an introvert, but I'm not autistic. Besides, no one asked me to name anything. If someone would ask and I have a few right at the top of my head, I would name then. Even though most people would probably scream "shit tastes" anyway.
I'm german, that's why.

That was actually pretty good german.
Yeah, you too.
Maybe, who knows.

Hmm, wer wünscht sich nicht von daheim aus arbeiten zu können. Ich hoffe du bist dir aber darüber im klaren, dass deine Zukunft ziemlich rau sein kann, wenn du keine Ausbildung/Studium hast. Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass du diesen Job die nächsten 60 Jahre lang machen kannst. Wenn du mal entlassen wirst, wirst du feststellen dass deine Jobalternativen ohne Ausbildung nicht besonders rosig sind. Und selbst wenn du den Job behälst, so verdienst du nur einen Hungerlohn und hast keinerlei Ausfstiegsmöglichkeiten. Willst du wirklich den Rest deines Lebens so leben? Ich habe fünf Jahre lang in einer 1-Zimmer Wohnung gelebt und glaub mir, dass hängt einem echt zum Hals Raus. Außerdem kannst du dir keinerlei Rücklagen ansammel und wirst somit höchstwahrscheinlich von Altersarmut betroffen sein.
Das alles im Hinterkopf würde ich dir empfehlen, doch nochmal mit dem Gedanken einer Ausbildung zu spielen. Mit 19 stehen dir noch alle Möglichkeiten offen. Bist du erstmal 30 oder so, siehts bei weitem nicht mehr so gut aus.

>trying to pose as marcel sensei

Ja, da hab ich auch schon öfters drüber nachgedacht. Ich werde höchstwahrscheinlich in 1 - 2 Jahren eine Ausbildung anfangen, auch wenn ich diese dann nur als Notfallplan habe.
If I remember correctly, that's the guy who killed himself because Filthy Frank insulted him or something along the lines of that?

Ich wünsch dir alles Gute OP

Danke dir, dir auch.

Wir können zusammen einsam sein und Animes schauen! :D

oh look at me i'm an introvert that watches anime all day, good job you are not special at all there are a lot of introverts on this planet.

come back once you have become a hikikomori for 9+ years like myself.

Sorry about that, I was just bored so I got the idea of an Ask me Anything. Thought the aspect that I'm german and that I have opportunitys to hang out with people, but I decline them would make this a bit more exciting.