how did he get away with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's pretty vague anti-consumer conspiracy stuff so that is can be consumed easier.
because the third act is shite.
They knew no one would watch a John Carpenter movie so they let it slide.
>tfw autism + red pill/going on Sup Forums too much is like having them on 24/7
anyJC fans /
postthe capenter timeline
the thing
ef ny
big trouble
ef la
ghost of mars
Literally blue-tier shit
By making it vague enough so it can apply to the political bias of any cancerous group
Leftists think it's about the consumerist/capitalist/military industrial complex
conservatives think it's about the government surveillance nanny state
SJWs think it's about the patriarchy
Sup Forums neckbeards think it's about Jews
Sup Forums are the most blue pilled board on Sup Forums.
berncuck detected
See, this is what I'm talking about.
whats the most red-pilled ?
>nazi parties for israel
>commie parties against israel
What the world has come ot.
who gives a fuck about israel.
Dismantling cultural marxism is the real issue
You're literally retarded
Because John Carpenter made this film !!!
>anti israel
>conservatives think it's about the government surveillance nanny state
>SJWs think it's about the patriarchy
Said no one ever.
The movie is about anti-division between races and fighting the real enemy.
It really did drop in quality after he walked into the bank with the shotgun, but damn if I don't respect Carpenter for such a radical shift in tone
>goes from foreboding and tense dystopian existential thriller to
>"I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, AND I'M ALL OUTTA BUBBLEGUM!"
Wasn't it pulled out of theaters in some places pretty fast?
Didn't it get to Number One at the Box Office for a couple of weeks then it was mysteriously pulled from theaters?
/r9k/ robots with non racial hatred
real shit, do you guys think this movie is why his career went down the tubes afterwards and has basically flatlined since? seemed like he was given smaller and smaller budgets til nothing was left
true and if you cant see this you are retarded its blatantly obvious. long, drawn out fight scene between black and white man getting nowhere crippling eachother until they both see the truth, real threat, the two strong men represntingtheir eace come together as a team and takes down the (((enemy)))
So far I've seen 3 John Carpenter threads this morning must be my lucky day
>mfw Sup Forumsyps actually think this is an anti-jew film
It is literally a leftist film, it was made to criticise reaganomics.