What is this?

What is this?
I just found it on the floor under my computer and have no idea what it is. I am probably holding it upside down by the way.

Other side

pic of the other side?

part of a button or cuff links?

Looks like a button.

Its the logo of Terra a Computer company

how stupid are you

Yep. It's this. Your girlfriend is cheating on you.

I have an NZXT tower, you mong.

that looks nothing like OP's button. how blind are you?


You rike pray game?

I dont own cufflinks and my girlfriend has never been in this house yet so it can't be that.

Its a Mandela effect you are in a parallel universe.

With that stud on the back it looks like a button for jeans without the backing to hold it onto the pants

I am looking around my pants and jeans near my computer and none of them are missing buttons nor share the same design as what's on this thing


Alternatively, can anyone make out what the fuck the design is supposed to be?

Who fucking cares
Its people like you that's making this place shite

if you rule out trousers, go to coats and jackets next.

Ur gf is cheating on u with a Terra fag

It's a rivet from your gay as fuck jeans you bought at pacsun you fucking underaged toddler

I never go on Sup Forums
I'm from Sup Forums and /fit/ and come here just to ask trivial questions becsuse i know ill get a quick answer.
Sup Forums has been shit for years, fuck off.


Flat Earth map

Why the fuck would I have a metal 1cm-long model of flat Earth?

Its a Pin from the secret breotherhood of flat earthers

Finding the answer to that is the next step in your journey.

your parents or your GF is in a flat earth cult and left it there