What's your thoughts on trump care?

What's your thoughts on trump care?


He says it's not a mandate but 30% extra premiums for 63 days without insurance?

Pre-existing condition coverage
Continuous coverage — 30 percent penalty if people don't keep themselves insured
Special fund to help states set up "high-risk" pools, fix their insurance markets, or help low-income patients
Enrollment in expanded Medicaid will be frozen
Current enrollees can stay until 2020, and keep getting extra federal funds, until they leave the program on their own
Medicaid will change to "per capita caps" (funding limits for each person) in fiscal year 2020
A new, refundable tax credit will be available in 2020 to help people buy health insurance
Covers five age groups — starts at $2,000 for people in their 20s, increases to $4,000 for people in their 60s
It's not means tested, but phased out for upper-income people (starting at $75,000 for individuals, $150,000 for families)
Insurers can charge older customers five times as much as young adults

All Obamacare taxes
All Obamacare subsidies, including its premium tax credit
Individual, employer mandate penalties
"Cadillac tax" (until 2025)
No longer will limit the tax break for employer-sponsored health coverage
No payments to insurers for cost-sharing reductions
Selling insurance across state lines (can't be done in the "reconciliation" bill)
Medical malpractice reform (can't be done in the "reconciliation" bill)


None of this idiots are going to have any worthwhile opinions.

Can you put this in the form of a frog meme?

Single payer is the only way to reign in healthcare costs. The insurance lobby is just too powerful to ever let something benefit the American people so plainly. Our healthcare is the most expensive on earth and nowhere near the best, not even top 40. We're getting screwed and almost all of our politicians are happy to help insurance companies do it.

It will never get out of committee. The bloc of Republican reps put in during the Tea Party--the ones who brought down Boehner and installed Ryan--have enough votes to kill the bill before it even goes to the budget office, and to depose Ryan if he fights.
Maybe if Republicans had spent the last 8 years putting together an actual plan instead of mindlessly obstructing everything that came down the pike, they'd have a practicable replacement by now, rather than this slapped-together turd log of legislation.


But nobody ever knew healthcare was so complicated!

In the meantime, the ACA continues to bleed to death, so that if something isn't done soon, literally tens of millions of Americans are going to lose coverage. Whom they will blame is the only mystery in the system, since everything Trump touches turns to crowd-pleasing feces that only upsets people who read the New Yorker.

I know! Damn Schoolhouse Rock, making us think a bill was, like, one page rolled up and it would walk around D.C. explaining itself in song. Real bills can get to be like hundreds of pages, apparently, and they don't fucking sing at all!


30% for missing 2 months? That's almost worse than obamacare. Also, how can someone over 60 afford to pay more for their insurance

30% of what exactly though?

You could just actually pay for it and not have lapses in your insurance. Not that hard.

30% extra on their premium. How much it costs

Not if you get laid off and can't find a job for a few months

This. The first and main priority of congress is to keep the insurance companies and for profit healthcare conglomerates happy. IMO healthcare just isn't something that's effectively insurable (at least when costs are as inflated as they are), and more "options" doesn't help, because most people just don't know enough to be informed consumers.

This plan appears to be a mild tweak of the ACA (though I do appreciate the removal of the individual mandate, since it's tantamount to a tax on breathing).

>throwing out the sale of insurance across state lines
>no mention of creating price transparency
disappointment. The only thing that can shake up the insurance market is free market competition or a government takeover. This is just a different flavor of regulatory capture for the big industry players.

lol wasn't planning on ever getting insurance anyway, they can suck on their 30%. I fuckin hate doctors


OOoooOOOOOO SCARY president TRUMP oo

What's your thoughts on the healthcare bill then? Surely you must have an opinion to think trumps scary

You really think having the government be the only insurance provider is a good idea? If you don't trust politicians to care about reigning in costs now, why would they change when they have complete control and power with a single payer system?

That's not how single payer works. Companies will still provide healthcare but the government will negotiate to get the best deal

We already have a single payer system (medicare and medicaid). It's a typical USG clusterfuck of inefficiency, corruption, and shit policy, but I guess I'd rather have that than nothing.

>Medicare is now single payer
Yeah ok bud. Except only a hand full of people get it and it's underbudged

I think a nationalized non-federal entity (like the fed, but with audits) would be your best bet. Otherwise Obamacare was just stealing money from you to force you into shitty insurance plans.

>only a handful of people get it
So? If a real single payer system were politically feasible in the USA, it would probably look a lot like an extension of existing bureaucracy (because that's what bureaucrats do). So it's a useful object of study.

yes, and that could be a problem with an all encompassing single payer system.

It seems to me that we should allow the sale of insurance across state lines and mandate price transparency as a first measure. Market forces might not fix things, but those measures certainly wouldn't hurt anything.