What would you do if you had 3000$ to blow in a week end

What would you do if you had 3000$ to blow in a week end.

>inb4 coke and hookers

I'd pay hobos to see them fighting each other. Dunno what to do with the leftover 2990 though

buy hearthstone packs

Buy ton of weed
Buy ton of beer
Buy ton of cigarettes
Buy massive tv
Marathon movies
Call hooker over

Prudently invest it.

Maybe i would buy my first car, go for a ride and if i had money left i'd go for a couple of beers with friends in the evening


Buy a really good computer PS4 a big tv and a smart phone cause I got none of these except my pc is ok

Find away to turn it into $6000

I have more than that to blow...
Save it

Id blow it on gold and precious metals

Lego UCS millennium falcon

Buy a car

Feel sad because I usually have a lot more.

jesus christ this is booooooring bruh

>don't drink, smoke, don't know where to score good MDMA, coke, etc. so uncheck all that
>not a gamer, so uncheck that
>don't buy music or movies anymore, torrent that shit, so uncheck that
>don't gamble, so uncheck that
>not risking hookers or sti's, uncheck that
probably order some pizza and shitpost on Sup Forums

Would buy you a brain you communist faggot

Heroin lots and lots of heroin and pills.

New PC.

Buy a strap and some coke.

Slowly turn it into big money and start a rap career.

Or die in the streets.


Interesting! then tha next week-end turn that 6K into 12K! I like!

That's $62.50 per hour.

I'd rent a moving van and just move as much fucking stuff as I could.

Or give it to me cuz i'm poor as fuck

for 3k you can plan a fucking trip + hotel+ hoes .+ drugs in many countries .. and you guys are telling me you are going to buy beer and pizza , jesus christ americans ..

I need a better table saw and a bandsaw.

Whatever is left over on skub.

I make about that, unfortunetly I'm also a gambling addict and therefore 46000 in debt. Making a lot of money when you have a stupid addiction still makes you feel like a poor ass mofo. I'm getting a lot better though will have this paid off soon (I hope lol :(