Uncut is best cock

Uncut is best cock.

Prove me wrong.

You wont.

Yummy, frothy uncut cock.

Circumsicion is murder!

yummy smeggy

fuckin' disgusting dude.

i can smell it thru my screen.

Feels better for women.. And q uncut cock unwashed will still have a layer of dead skin.. Wash your sick.. So easy

i'm uncut. have no clue what the fuck that pic is??? ever hear of personal hygiene?

I've gone like a full week without showering and never had that shit, some people must just have shit genetics?

u just have to wash ur dick

just like u should still

dont even need to post anything moe i no its better coz its UN ha ha c u t hahahhaha


it gets that gross if you cum and don't wipe your dick

Holy shit. I guess everybody around him can smell his dick through his pants

I think uncut looks better, foreskin is fun to play with, I hear cut means you need to use a lot of spit and lube since there's too much friction

>I've gone like a full week without showering
??? i was homeless years ago, still manage to clean my self up every day in every way you could think of. shopping center bathrooms, gas stations, public swimming pools ect..

Cut dicks is for kike lovers.

Keep sucking on that cheesy smegma, faggot.

How do you feel about female circumcision user?

Even the horse is ashamed of you, cuck.

I dont give a shit as long as their cunt isnt sewn shut, you betamale.

You sound angry user

Im uncut and dont have the balls or money to get circumcised. My dick smells, look like a retarded earthworm, and I think I have dick cancer.

Yes I'm mad, asshole.

Let's see a photo then

I remember puberty and being able to jack off but not able to pull the skin back yet. The Kraft Cheese smell of it all when I rolled it back still haunts me to this day.

It took me about 2-3 days to wash off, it was really crusted on.

Can you remember the last time you showered because I can ,user. I CAN.

bruh, are you literally too autistic to use a shower?

Im bashful.

i remember my dad whipping out his dick and saying look, you need to pull the skin back on your dick, then he walked away.

i was too young to even know what/why he was showing me. didn't actually start doing it until later in life, where it hurt initially, but no...no cheese there, just pain.

the only people that complain about uncut dicks are insecure men who were mutilated. women don't give a fuck at all, some even prefer it.

Do it faggot

>Having uncut
>not having this

Still smells. You must be a cut dude. No matter how much you wash, the scent is always there, lingering like limberger cheese spread.

Uncuts get papules too, sweetheart.

What is that shit

>implying you dont change your underwear for 3 years and otherwise i wont know how, enlighten me

put some lotion on your dick after a shower, smell goes away, which is coming from the glands in the head. all dicks have this problem.

how does this affect the glands?

it doesn't affect shit, it just keeps a pleasant smell around where an otherwise bodily one would be. and it keeps your dick smooth. and bitches say it doesn't taste bad either.

Tentacles cancer.

Cut dicks dont have that cheesy problem, bud.

Bitches prefer cut dicks: FACT

Uncut fag here, possible Phimosis sufferer as well.

I'm pretty cleanly, taking showers/ baths always making sure to wash my dick. I can only pull my dick back so much, and from the part I can pull back to its clean.

Under the part that I can't pull back on, is there likely to be lots of dick cheese there, that I can't see. Is that gonna cause a smell I can't get rid of.

I know there's a topical appointment that can be applied to treat phimosis.

they actually do, you just don't notice it as much because the lining in your panties are rubbing and absorbing what's coming out the glands.

unfortunately though, you still have problems with chaffing and scar tissue.

Nice try Jew.

Basically my head looks, and smells clean. But am wondering if there's likely to be a problem I'm unaware of.

I'll take having to wash my dick every time I shower over scaring and chaffing and not being able to enjoy a dry jack off and being a drone to the Jewish conspiracy any day.

You should be outraged that your parents bought the Jew propaganda.

I literally never pull my dick back and have never once had smegma or dick cheese.

the only treatment is to pull it back, which should have happened already thru assisted or natural means. how old are you? have you even tried to pull it back? it can be done, but it will hurt. your skin doesn't magically fuse together. i suggest revealing more and more each time.

Just go to your doctor and get it checked.

How much should you be able to pull it back? I can only pull it back enough for a couple centimeters

i still can't believe how you guys are perfectly ok with having a huge cylindrical scar around your dick. people try to hide scars all the time(from surgery or injury) but having a huge fucking scar on your most prized possession is SOMEHOW betterer looking?!?

never have i needed to spit on my uncut dick to wank
fuck off faggots

That's disgusting. just clean your dick properly

end game is pulling it back all the way behind the mushroom. if it's not that far back, start pulling it back until it hurts. then pull it a little further. do this over time and you'll get it.

What is 'best' is perspective based. Furthermore you haven't supplied any evidence suggesting it's better than, well.... Anything.

>board that apparently hates jews
>willingly give up part of their dick to jew overlords and are happy bout it


>there are people who don't wash their dick + ass every day

i'm uncut and wash my dick every day and have those, papules just happen bro

americans don't have bidets, so AT LEAST 400million idiots don't wash their asses

Being cut and arguing bout it being okay is the saddest damage control ever.

Like fuckin hell man you lost part of your dick and sexual pleasure, we wanna support you. Yet you're so in denial you've convinced yourselves it's okay.

-child abuse
-genital mutilation
-immense cuckery

I mean if you want your dick cut, get it done yourself when you're older and it's your own personal choice. Not force it on your child then have them live with it for the rest of their lives constantly looking down at it and thinking "If you can't fix it, better justify it"