Is this the best show ever made?
Is this the best show ever made?
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No this is
Sopranofags would disagree with you OP
It's not even best show from the team that made it.
I'm going though it just as we speak. It's good but the first two episodes failed to capture the magic BoB had.
Pacific has completely different approach to war. It's personal hell for two main characters. Third is big time war hero, because American public need something patriotic to watch anything.
Pacific is also about becoming a monster and dealing with afterwards.
It's based on two far better books than anything written by 'muh interviews hack.
A real story>>>some made up narrative.
close but this is the best show ever made
Have you thanked an American today?
maybe for Americans, since I don't have that false "proud to be Murican" sense, I didn't find this show special, it wasn't bad, but definitely not the best one
Is there any other company in the european theater that would work for this kind of TV show? Surely Easy company couldn't have been the only ones.
For what?
same,when I watched it I enjoyed it,it was compelling and well done but since I watched it all i have barely thought about and can't imagine ever needing to rewatch it
This, it's a damn cool show but 100% propaganda with little moral core other than just glorifying MUH HEROES. Which is kinda cool in its own way but it's a very superficial show.
Second best
1.Generation kill
3.The Pacific
The order in which I enjoyed the most.
Although I did like all 3 a lot.
So did Blythe really get combat blindness or was he just a pussy?
>1.Generation kill
Is this any good?
He's fucked from the time he landed. He just wandered around lost. I think he had mental issues exacerbated by the drop and the situation around him.
He does freak out later on and Winters has to tell him
>let them have it Blythe
He just needed to be lead. He does volunteer to take point and gets shot in the neck and never recovers So there's that. Maybe he should have pussied out more.
>Sup Forums likes a sexist and racist mini series
Wow. I'm shocked. Totally shocked.
>Is this any good?
Definitely, It was my favorite of the 3 from HBO. If you liked the other two you'll more than likely enjoy it.
The scene that cemented my hatred for this shitfest was when that manlet faggot was running in between multiple explosions, unscathed, to deliver a message or some shit. That crap was good for a sensible chuckle at first.
>Is this any good?
Yeah it's based, much shorter and more realistic, but it gets the soldiery comradery way better than the other two, marines fucking love it due to how true to the experience it is.
>Hey Gramps, you heard of the Allman Brothers Band?
>No, but I served in a band of brothers.
Why are title drops getting so lazily shoehorned into everything?
All these catamites.
>Is this any good?
yeah, its the best show/movie/whatever about the Iraq War. It just shows what it its without really forcing anything. Not cringy USA USA USA WE FOUGHT FOR FREEDUM! shit and no real gay hippie FUCK BUSH MAAAN! liberal shit either.
its also pretty cool because some of the characters are played by themselves.
The american representation of WW2 is always bad. There is no proper drama, struggle and pain of true war. It just looks like soap opera with guns. Vacation of american soldiers in Europe. How can you enjoy that circus?
sure thing pleb
Rome and Carnivale were better. Additionally, the Pacific was a superior war show because it made war look terrifying instead of the melancholy adventures of Dick Winters & the Nazi slayers.
Generation Kill was by far better.
Band of Brothers and The Pacific are both far too stereotypical 'oh look how noble and wonderful ww2 was'. I hate that aggrandizing.
i cant take any more of your shitty shoehorned memes guys plz stop
>Rome plebs
1 good season and 1 shitty season means a series is mediocre.
Fucking this.
The only good parts were the ones in the battle of the bulge, but again that was just BoB being beautiful visually, it had some good horror of war there, but even then they had to have a cute french nurse.
BoB was so hollywood.
Nigger did you even see The Pacific?
>its a "this is bad because it doesnt have tryhard sophomoric european nihilism" post
>1.Generation kill
>Is this any good?
>Band of Brothers and The Pacific are both far too stereotypical 'oh look how noble and wonderful ww2 was'. I hate that aggrandizing.
Band of Brothers might be war glorifying propaganda... The Pacific is the hangover few years later. All three stories in the Pacific are about trauma, alienation and trying to stay functional.
>Generation Kill was by far better.
It's bit too Fruity for some people.
Nice b8.
It was bad because it was pretty much one note, it wasn't interested in asking questions or showing the human condition, it was just "war is cool lel america fuck yeah". In fact, it wasn't bad, it was just samey and superficial. It's a watered down fairytail version of events.
>its a "its bad because it doesnt have sophomoric tryhard European nihilism in it" postfor a 2nd time.
You already used that one, you need another.
>series LITERALLY called "band of brothers"
>all about the brotherhood that forms between soldiers who fight in a war together
>show shows how through all the pain and suffering, they only grow together
>"hurr its bad because they arent all mopey faggots and the show doesnt have another generic "war is bad" theme for the 1650465461 time"
I guess people going temporarily blind from the psychological horrors of war, or people being so paranoid that they bayonet one of their buddies just coming to relieve them of duty, or someone curling up and pissing themselves in their foxhole show how cool war is, huh?
you arent as smart because you use "human condition" in a sentence
>call you out on your bullshit
>just double down and say the same thing
>"hurr y u sayin da same thing!?"
>human condition
I don't think you know what that phrase means
Shit like that never broke the single dull tone of patriotism and glorifying that military camaraderie. Like I said, it does one thing well but it lacks the depth to put it on the same level as a truly great show.
Everything isn't black and white "I hate everything about this show" or "this is the best show ever", though considering you like BoB so much explains why you like things so simplified.
>make a nonsensical claim
>repeat it anyway ignoring every point made
That's pretty desperate, user.
Given that he served in two wars and was awarded silver star, three bronze stars and three purple hearts... that is unlikely.
>He just needed to be lead. He does volunteer to take point and gets shot in the neck and never recovers So there's that. Maybe he should have pussied out more.
In reality he recovered fully, worked as electrician for couple years, got bored as fuck in civilian life and returned to army. Served in Korea, died in Germany in 1967 to perforated ulcer.
Albert Blithe is a good example how well Ambrose does his fact checking.
>Shit like that never broke the single dull tone of patriotism and glorifying that military camaraderie
except it does and it proves your point of it being nothing but "le war is cool" completely wrong. It also isnt bad for being patriotic either, unless you are just some european who has a knee jerk reaction to hate anything that doesnt depict US troops as satanic villians drinking the blood of children and/or some self hating oikophobe
>getting triggered this hard again and ranting with wild exaggerations
The ironing.
I literally just said it's not bad because it's patriotic and only really interested in being that, just that it ultimately limits the show. Look at things like how soppy the ending is, or how when there are some prisoners of war shot, they have to make sure one of them is an American before the writers think the audience would care about it. It's sanitised and a little dated, but still looks beautiful and does its thing well.
That show was pretty bad 2bh.
cool buzzword Mr.Meme master, but my point still stands. And you slowly backing away from your original claim as I call you out doesnt prove me wrong.
spotted the assblasted europoor
It also flings tons of shit on many officers and brits while having fairly limited connection to actual reality.
The Pacific is superior to be quite honest
I enjoy watching The Pacific more than BoB but Leckie and Basilone just aren't interesting, not to say there weren't aspects of their story that weren't great to watch.
Everything with Eugene is 10/10 though.
Fruity Rudy Reyes is based
Nice trips, but the fact you misunderstood what I said and got angry at it doesn't change anything.
Do you get this upset when anyone points out flaws in things you like?
>The only good parts were the ones in the battle of the bulge
the two episodes in the ardennes forest were the best in the show imo, probably one of the best in TV in general
>amerifat trash
>the best at ANYTHING
kill yourself you cultureless swine
>got angry
you trying to fall back on this circa 2007 Sup Forums tier response of "u mad?" as you are shown the folly of your sophomoric view of the show is pretty pathetic m8
>Do you get this upset when anyone points out flaws in things you like?
except the exact opposite has happened. I pointed out how the "flaws" you mentioned were unfounded and then you tried to turn the "debate" into a "yeah, well youre angry!" shitshow.
Im done with you
Literally seething, amazing.
Right, just to confirm you know those are the same thing? Just the way you worded it was strange.
I agree completely, they stand on their own and are of a way higher quality than everything before or after on the show.
WTF i hate germans and love jews now
Also dude boooom lmao haha i didn't know shermans were this powerful! Truly awesome, the allies didn't win because of their sheer numbers but because of their superior equipment - This show says so so it must b tru
i agree. like Restrepo or korengal it just kinda showed what the dudes went through with very little politics involved. wasn't there only one character who played himself? the big gay dude- rudy (or whatever his name was)? that dude was obviously not an actor imo but it didn't detract from the experience.
One of the great things about Generation Kill was the politics in it were just the characters shooting shit, they had different (mostly extremely right wing/bumfuck) political views, or just said shit to try and be as offensive as possible like squaddies do, but it absolutely never preached anything. They didn't even try to make it more of a drama by having one or two of the main characters dieing, because it was all based on real events, and somehow all those guys made it through. The idea was always to be true to the experience, you have to respect that.
Total opposite of Band of Brothers that just wanted to be an extended Saving Private Ryan.
>american soldiers were all, or even primarily Germanic ancestrally
>and are of a way higher quality than everything before or after on the show
>or after
The final episodes were really good bro.
I thought they were the weakest. I kind of liked the start with Ross but none were as good as those few in the snow.
Band of Brothers > Unsere Mutter Unsere Vater > The Pacific
> means better than, not worse than.
Nice quads.
The pilot was really good, then there was a slump for a few episodes, then the snow episodes came and everything since then was great imo.
think 2 of the tertiary characters are played by the real marines but in other roles, not themselves
one of the LT's plays one of his assistants or something like that, wish i had the specifics
The production value was amazing, but overall, BOOOOOORING
Reminder it's not gay if it's Fruity Rudy
My favorite. Totally underrated series. I've been defending this series on Sup Forums since the day it came out.
Never seen it, but I'm reading some of the memoirs of the Marines in it. Does it have dead marines with their testicles in their mouths and all their limbs chopped off?
Yeah, it does actually.
>mfw he was so nuts and so beautiful that nobody could play him but himself
I just want to bend over and offer my boypussy to him