Just found these in a box of old shit from 4 or 5 years ago...

Just found these in a box of old shit from 4 or 5 years ago.. I have 17 I think they might be bunk anyone know what these are or seen them before? They look like pac man ghosts..

Could be a lot of things, get a test kit

that's boo berry you dipshit

OP candies like that last like 7 years, and that's just the best by date. They're definitely boo berry. Have one and report back. It really shouldn't hurt you.

Looks like ecstasy. If anything look up things that react with it and test it. I'll check in a sec

Fucking hell, are they X?
If they're from years ago... TAKE THEM!
X is watered down awful bollocks now.

do like the other user said and get a test kit to see what they are

pop 2 and tell us what happens

I took 2 and snorted one... definitely not boo berry .. kinda wish it was now

nice. feel anything?

should be fun, got any benzos on hand?

fucking clueless cunts

thats fucking ecstacy im wicked jealous

prepare to die

good call if the pills are ex

Take one of those motherfuckers and pour the strongest acid in you house on it. Should react, being that the amine group in MDMA should react with it. Do it outside tho.

>inb4 all the boo berry comments.
>just try it faggot

Nothing yet.. buts it's only been a few minutes.. usually takes me atleast 15 minutes before I start to feel shit

a bar or two has saved me more than once, never dip out of bags at shows, ever

>wasting an entire pill to test
are you fucking stupid
not op

Proof this is op. Faggot.

its going to hit you all at once like a brick to the face

looks like x

>op being the shithead faggot like he always is snorts fucking ancient drugs without second thought

Well that just sums up all the b tards here

lmao the pacman ones? they look like they went thru ww2 and ww3

you live on the east coast US? those look exactly like some green transformers (autobots, actually) I had that came around in 2013ish. They weren't great. (I have done PLENTY of molly and x tablets over the past decade, these absolutely weren't pure MDMA (or pure any type MDXX), but they weren't JUST the shitty legal-in-euro substitute/filler bullshit that can kill you.

But a test kit is ALWAYS the smart move.

take all of them at once, fag

let us kno

inb4 op anheros faceface

Just take a file to it or some shot and test the dust. More surface area I guess right?

>inb4 being called chemfag

Take 3, put on some tunes, turn o your lights

wait nvm, those are pac man ghosts.

they used to come in a little pac man tin case, i remember these i had a fuck ton of them cause i liekd to store my weed in them

>finds random pills in old shit
>ask Sup Forums what they are
>Takes two and rails a third
How are you feeling champ?

i know molly when i see it, especially those little fuckers right there

if those are really rolls, they should be good. get a test kit and test them to make sure they're real. also mdma does not expire

Oi I think ops gone and fuckin copped a wrong un, fuckin godspeed eh

Jaws starting to clinch and my pupils are getting big.. lights are starting to stand out more.. other than that not much yet..

Uhh yes it does? Smh

def mdma or ex. have a fun roll or take a benzo if youre not about that

chill music and water, my dude

Godspeed op

Ahhh you've probably taken semophylinmdmapseudodrugblazeytfgt I usually crunch 7 every morning for some pep have a fun ride and stay high duder

Sounds about right for the goods.
Damn I don't remember the last time I got to sit and watch a mystery drug report in real time lol

They look like the pacman mints from Gamestop or walmart, but gone bad and shit. Just throw them out you fucking idiot. Even worse than kids eating off the ground. "I found old as fuck rotten food, lets try eating it!" For fucks sake.

If rotten food did what molly did I'd eat some putrid ass floor food.

Took some shady pressed pills over the weekend. Ended up feeling wired for 10+ hours with a horrible comedown im still feeling later days later. Have fun op you probably just took some meth.

6 dubs in a drug thread hell yeah

no it doesnt faggot

mdma is a very stable chemical

only one way to find out if their bunk or not OP

pop em and post results

Smh keep on believing that fucc boy I'll chill with the truth, IT DOES

Still, he did not know what they were when he found them. He just grabbed these green fucking things out of an old box and ate them. Even kids don't do that.

nah fam hes a true pioneer, an explorer. but of, like, his mind

>implying the average mongoloid who browses Sup Forums is smarter than a child

Holy shit op take a picture of your eyes. so we can screencap the whole thing later

spoiled kids do this all the time

Will require a send to based 4chomg page

Yeah eating without testing was pretty dumb lol.

>Implying junkies are smatter than kids

please tell me the shelf life of mdma then.

the guy doesnt even know what that means

Bruh the shit I trap you talking about like idk fuccin like 6 months, if it gets past that I just drop it quik

agreed, show eyes so we can diagnose

>tfw ive saved mints from 5 years ago and they're still good


Oh man im really starting to feel it

Thanks some nice weed bro

Please kill yourself

is this a YLYL thread

OP dont be a faggot and post update with proof attached to it thank you fucking piece of shit

how do u get dubs with a pic like that jfc what a waste

Are you alive OP?

If dubs eat all of them

looks like pac man ghost candy

This. If you do drugs that aren't weed you should buy a $10 testing kit online, otherwise you're rolling the dice every time.

Op is trippin the fuck out he don't know what A Sup Forums is right now