Emily what is the story behind this whore

Emily what is the story behind this whore

>Is whore.
>Continues being whore.
Not a great story, but a story.


Her name is Kaitlyn Spell. Look her up on fb. She lives in Houston/Woodlands area in Texas and makes money as a cam whore. She recently started dating this loser that is leeching off of her.

She did porn, now she's on chaturbate. There's no fucking story. Go to chaturbate, give her your entire paycheck and gtfo.


link? can't seem to find her.

Any more of her? I like her pale skin. I looks soft.

Yeah I'll get some more give me a second

If I give you the link lll get band

Try again
It's Kaitlin Spell
My bad, I can't... well.. Spell.

Where is the climax?

Nothing unusual.
The usual daddy issues attention whore that is lazy as fuck and sells her body for money because she is too fucking useless to do anything else in her life.


sicc I live near there lucky me

I'll post some pics from her fb
Pic related

>Kaitlin Spell
not her


So not her!!! Lol good try fag

Here's her loser bf

s'not her, emily is dating a taller dude with long black hair she's also part Japanese not korean.

I realize this now. Oops.
Still. 2 pale skinned cam whores.

Haha fail still not her way to ruin this three rookie fag

Oh yeah? Did you go to Conroe Highschool? The fuckin hellhole.