What is the thing about Britain that you dislike the most?

What is the thing about Britain that you dislike the most?

How aloof you people are sometimes

The fact that it exists.

The underclass.



It's people.

lack of forests

The buildings. Honestly British housing is grim, and your estates are Eastern Europe tier.

British superiority complex


they like stealing OUR shit

The culturally working class

Lack of respect for the colonies.

The fact that it is so close to our country.

Black and brown people

Falklands is rightful clay

the niggerness in general

>niggered in Africa
>niggered in India
>niggered in America
>niggered in Argentina

etc et

Emma Watson

Nazism and propaganda.

The perfidiousness

You wouldn't exist without it though lad, that's some serious self hatred

You're lacking self esteem my boy

you're the ones that tried to steal from us though, what the fuck's wrong with you?

Their perfidious self righteous morality that they feel the world needs to live up to their standard, at least when it suits them.

Nothing actually...

The Orwellian state in which you live, especially London.

imperialism and being super bloodthirsty.
plus they started multiculturalism now its the other foot lol

>niggered in India
>niggered in America
>niggered in Argentina
Honestly speaking these three were treated much, much better than Africa.

No country holds more neonazis than Russia...

Are you bantering or truly believe we have any significant number of Nazi?

I meant official policy btw. Anglo world was extremely nationalistic for centuries, I guess it can't just go away.

>Are you bantering or truly believe we have any significant number of Nazi?
Yeah I've seen statistics.
From what I've read, most Russian neo-nazis do mental gymnastics and just blame the Jew's (because apparently Hitler thought Slavs were subhumans because they allowed themselves to elect the Bolsheviks in power).

They like to believe if it wasn't for them, the USSR and Nazi Germany would still be best bros.

Which statistics? I haven't seen any skinheads in my life. I heard there were some in Moscow but the only real organization was RNU, others are probably like 10 to 30 braindead students.

You can't really compare states like England and USA where racism was an official policy and Russia where minorities weren't judged by their ethnicity (but by religion, yes). We only have a very tiny group of nationalists, they really don't matter.

>Yeah I've seen statistics.
There is none. Nazis don't openly count themselves and other people can't do it either for obivous reasons. those are just assumptions, etc.

>I haven't seen any skinheads in my life.
Village or underage? There were some even in my town in 90s.

>they started multiculturalism


The brit*sh

>dental hygene
>most of you look like shit
>the denial of learning more languages because "muh english super language" and the ability to swim. most uk fags can't even swim


They are directly responsible for disenfranchisement, humiliation and suffering brought upon an entire race of people. They chose to continue their selfish, imperialistic ambitions even after the so-called age of renaissance and enlightenment that occurred in Europe. They are nothing more than a race of criminals.

They have a sordid past but I can't blame today's people for the errors and mistakes of their parents.

What bothers me about UK is how they act like they still had a relevant Empire. Sure, they are still one of the top 8 nations on Earth, but they can't swallow the fact that they have become a USA satellite and will never be relevant again on their own.

>most uk fags can't even swim

What? Every school teaches children how to swim

I met a dozen of you guys (20-25yo) and most of them said they never learned to swim. I knew even 2-3 girls who couldn't even ride a bike.

Eastern Europe is full of nazis

What? I don't know if you're memeing but I'm 23 and from a poor northern shithole and my state school took my class to the local pool to learn how to swim. I think you just met a few freaks.

Not Russia. And I meant your officials: government and media. They show much ethnical hatred towards certain nationalities.

taxation without representation

hmm....did black people learn a little too well from their former masters?