Is that thing on the right a virgin?

Is that thing on the right a virgin?

What do you think?

I think I killed one of those things in skyrim once

Nope, shes had more sex than me

im sure a black dude fucked her

>much like a hamster, this amazing creature can store excess food in cheek, neck, chin & forehead pouches.

Even if someone wanted to have sex with her, not even Nigger McBlackerson is long enough to reach anything sexual

I didnt even know your forehead could store fat


This is absurd, do you know how many calories you'd have to consume?

They should be taken and held against their will, and fed 200 calories per day below their maintenance. They should be forced to exercise in increasing intervals, and not fed any junk food.

They should not be released until they are 200 pounds.

This is absurd that they can be this fat. At a certain point society needs to step in.

How the fuck do you get FOREHEAD fat????

And I'd be willing to bet that those things are 100% supported by welfare.


No eating someone dosen't count as sex

Isn't there video of this beast?

Sadly, probably not. There's always some sick fuck somewhere that would.
Landwhales like that always make me very curious to see what they'd look like if someone locked them up and put them on a diet and got them skinny, but doing it healthily and not just starvation.

It probably gets more pussy than me.

Is that thing on the right a HUMAN, is the more appropriate question.

And why haven't we rounded up "people" like her and gassed them yet is the next question.



Stand one of these beasts at the border and we wont need a wall

she was fucked by a horny dude back in day before she was 98% fat by weight

old Sup Forums says they'd fuck it

Nah, the internet's been fucking her for years