what did he mean by this?
>you are sextist if you dont support this
Other urls found in this thread:
What's his name again?
Joe "look i have a girlfriend now" vargas
This Angry Joe, has no personality
That he enjoys the work of Tyrone in his wife.
Looks like your typical slut
I saw Joe 's comments in the video, he clearly did not know anything about comics, Wonder Woman and especially he knows nothing about movies.
Do not waste time watching Angry Joe channel.
>i am mad because tonight i will fuck a pillow, and he fucks that.
what a basic bitch
he liked the trailer. It is a good trailer.
Holy fuck, this gives me hope
>cum all over the JLAction trailer
>cum all over the WW trailer
>erectile disfunction for JL live action
This is the kind of person I do not fuck with
Hello Joe.
Rachet af
The only video that I like is when he made the intro for the DMC review
>is this ww1 or ww2?
FUUUUUuuuck America what the fuck are you teaching in schools, seriously
>grown men "ranting" on youtube about capeshit for fun and profit
They're teaching that God did it and that communists and faggots are out to get you. You know. Important stuff.
holy shit are you me?
i fucking hated first two but JL live action looks great .
It has really more to do with the fact people think WW1 was all about trench warfare and nothing else so they're immediately confused when that's not what they see. WW2 did have some cool shit that gets forgotten.
>Fokker monoplane literally in front of you
>"Is this WW1 or WW2?"
Angry Joe are getting some money to praise Gal Gadot?
Just a question
Hilarious jealous virgins. You would all spill pounds of spaghetti if that girl even said hi to you.
I don't know why Angry Jimmy Jons thinks he needs to say that considering the trailer looked good on its own, much better than the JL trailer for sure.
My co-workers are hotter than she is so you're wrong.
Hey, look it's Wonder Woman: The First Avenger.
>Wonder-Woman is a woman out of time.
Not actually out of time, just out of place
ratface is so fucking bad.
hypocrite hilario