Physical Media

I don't think DVDs and Blu Rays will ever actually be replaced by streaming services.

The ability to control the media, the quality of the media and the assurance that it will never be taken down from a server are enough to keep the formats going into the future.

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Physical media stays, format might change. Current Blue Ray will be replaced with uhd blue ray.

>Blurry Disc

>The ability to control the media, the quality of the media and the assurance that it will never be taken down from a server are enough to keep the formats going into the future.
You don't need physical media for any of that though.

I'd like to see streaming services offer some of the bonuses that are included in DVDs, specifically audio commentary.

Where do you think those blu ray rips you illegally download come from?

It's still just data. You pay for all that plastic but it's not what you want. You think you're buying piece of mind, but at the end of the day if that bluray gets destroyed, unless you've actually ripped it, then you don't have that movie anymore.

>You pay for all that plastic but it's not what you want.

The is what contains the data. It's like saying you're not paying for the record, you're paying for the music.

>but at the end of the day if that bluray gets destroyed, unless you've actually ripped it, then you don't have that movie anymore.

Yeah, and if your computer, phone, or television gets destroyed then you wouldn't have that data anymore. Unless it's saved in the cloud, but even that's not a guarantee.

>The is what contains the data
The plastic is what contains the data*

>Unless it's saved in the cloud, but even that's not a guarantee.
It kinda is though. If you purchase a digital copy of something than you're making a guarantee with that company that you'll always be able to access a copy of it.