You wake up, and realize that your arms and legs are tied to barbed wire. The machine starts to pull them away from you

>You wake up, and realize that your arms and legs are tied to barbed wire. The machine starts to pull them away from you.
>The pain kicks in as you scream in horror at your own body being mutilated right in front of you.
>One arm gets torn off. You are now suffering in the worst agony.
>Then...One leg is ripped off...Now you are practically begging to just die..You don't want to feel this anymore.
>Next...The other remaining arm is removed. >Followed by the other leg.
>Your Limbless self, falls onto the ground as the blood spills out of the four stumps that were once your arms and legs.
>Everything fades to black..As death approaches you...

What would you do if you were in this situation Anons? How would you "escape"..Even though you probably can't.

you wouldn't escape, you'd be dead

You'd be fucked, no doubt about it.

Only a few moments to question why you never did what you loved in life, and watch it all fade to black wondering if you're about to meet your God, or eternal darkness.

>You wake up, and realize that your arms and legs are tied to barbed wire. The machine starts to pull them away from you.

>what would you do .

Well there is not much u can do at this point

I'd probably pass out as the first arm gets torn off. No problem there

I'm pretty sure your body would go into shock and it wouldn't hurt that bad. Then you would bleed out very quickly and have sleepy time forever. Unless it pulled very slowly like that one torture method I can't remember the name of.

I'd roll to the nearest exit. I might even use my body as a door jam if a fair maiden needs to get through.

Even if I'm handicapped, I can still treat m'lady like she deserves.

You don't believe me? You don't know what it is fucking like in today's rape culture...




The shock doesn't kick in for a while
As it's being ripped off and a few seconds after on the ground you'd be in the worst pain, but then you'd probably pass out or something and die


I would escape by using by telekinesis to lift myself off the ground and fly through the wall.

Watched my co workers arm get ripped off you dont bleed to death, in fact there is hardly any blood ironically. The thing is whe. Its ripped off all your muscles and tendons stretch waaayyy out and when it gives theh snap back and shoot up to the nub so violently they bunch up and prevent much bloodflow. Also after the 3rd one wouldnt you fall and be dragged by your legg? Just saying i dont weigh enougj for my weight to pull my leg off.

Idk man, I really think it all depends on how slow it's pulling. If it's pulling pretty fast, yeah it would hurt as everything dislocates and the muscles start to tear, but once it ripped the limb off I think shock would kick in and you'd bleed out quickly. Now if it was pulling, let's say, a couple centimeters an hour, that would be really bad. Also I don't think the barbed wire adds much to it.

just adding in some screenshots to show the gruesome details of the torture.

I would say "no" and then go home

How did he get his arm ripped off? Heavy machinery?

>As death approaches you...
You F5 using your nose a YLYL thread and you still dont laugh

Basically we have these large rotating flywheel like tools his sleeve got caught he got ninjaflipped and landed rigjt on his ass without an arm. The lack of blood and reaction really stumped me i even began to wonder if it was a sick joke...then all hell broke loose.

I would make dismemberment pins while I still could

We use to have to brainstorm problems like this in school for Odyssey of the Mind (a class club that parred with a creative problem solving class).

as everything fades to black. As death approaches. My regeneration kicks in and within seconds my limbs grow back and I am fully restored to health, I walk away and go get breakfast.

Puns dammit. Sorry, was typing with one hand.

>it was a hologram
>track the guy who set the wires using my psyblood power
>summons an etheral katana made of the finest steal in the solar system
>teleports to the guy's place when he's having lunch with his parents and kill his mother with katana
>curses the father so he will never allow his son to watch anime anymore
I know this is a harsh response, but i've been through it and let me tell you this pain is far worse than beeing dismembered

That's pretty crazy user, you don't think if it was taken off slower or in a different fashion it would of bled more? So he didn't freak out so much from pain but more so from the fact his arm was not where his arm should be?

Shock is immediate.

Pain can take a while to register. Some people don't feel ailments or injuries until they are pointed out to them.

I'll beg them to suck me so I can at least have a last orgasm.

I mean my guess is it would be pretty similar but im no expert. But i will say as freaked as he was about missing his jacking off arm loosing 3/4 limbs would probably put you into such a shock alone you would pass out and likley die. Idk. I have always been cursed with keeping conscious during horrible shit.

I see what you're saying my man.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that while this definitely wouldn't be a very 'fun' way to die, there's many other scenarios that would be much worse.
Seriously though, barbed wire cutting your skin is going to be the last thing you feel when your limbs are getting torn off. It just seems something to add to the 'edginess', maybe the scare factor at first.

I'd use my powers.
>enter in bullet time
>*unzips katana
>cut barbed wire
"damn, this place is dark"
>I use my katana against the wall. Sparks make the room brighter
>I see a cam that was recording me
>*teleports inside it through the cable
>I'm facing my executioner
"Nothing personell kid"
>Instantly I create several copies of myself
>We slash him
>I destroy the wall with a kick
>Escape freely



>lost arm
>stumped me
>wondered if it was a sick joke
I see what your doin

its Sup Forums you cuck. get over it

Trolls trolling trolls?
Or troll trolled faggot?
The world may never know

Do you levitate after your second arm is severed or how come you only drop on the floor after your leg is torn off? And how does it tear your second leg off if that's the last limb you're attached to it with? Wouldn't it just drag you over the floor? Someone didn't think this through.

Well if I don't pass out from the pain, I'd definitely pass out from hitting my head against the floor without resistance.

>One leg and arm cut off
>Other arm comes off
>Unable to maintain my balance with only one foot
>flip downside and hit my head; pass out
>Last barbed wire will pull my leg until it rips its way out of my foot.

At least I'd have 3/4 of a leg.