Is there something new from the killer in Germany?

Is there something new from the killer in Germany?
New news after he killed that woman?

Other urls found in this thread:

did i miss something ?

there where some posts whp claimed to be him, that said he wants to shoot up a public place from 9 am but nothing hasppened so it was fake i guess, another one posted a pic with a dog and he asked what he was supposed to tdo with it

In Finland news there were something about it. Maybe the same guy?

We already have a thread




Fake news

No women was killed.

There is no video. It was the fake news media bullshit.

so what about the pictures, he posted?

they've been searching for a woman who got some larger sums taken from her account in the region but couldn't find her as of now

um... there was a corpse.. and a timestamp
and not only one picture with corpse and timestamp
and in the picture was the same knife.

sorry dude, you are retarded :(

I think I saw the killer make his own thread. Have images. Will post

so, following cucks logic: no video turned up so far--> there is no video
they did not find the woman so far: it was fake


The Woman was no Fake. If they find the flat of this woman...they find the dead daugher aswellllll


and him dead too. i dont think he is still alive.

still could be fake. but i agree very unlikely. i just think he spread false info to distract police. looks like a man on the pic, why would he share that he left on train, why would he share the distance he travelled, why would he share he will access "her" bank account, and so on.

he's afraid of the biker gangs

I've seen two of them. Just because you haven't, doesn't mean that there isn't


it's just one gang

they didn't find the woman cause they don't know where marcel's wandered off to, the pics posted
looked pretty real to be him, but at this point i don't know anymore, time will tell


may be sone neckbeard with barbecue souce and cold pizza who wants some fame.
Who knows.
The Killer might be an edgelord, but writing his name in japanese on a timestamp is a bit over the top.

see you space cowboy

i agree. just doubting people's logic in here

That is why we should never get too excited about anything on Sup Forums.


Check 1 2

hast also auch die KC-pfostierung gelesen

nothing new afaik, tonight OP from last night will probably restart the threads so wait until then

KC sagt hier wären alle teutschen panniert?

this dude can only hope the police finds him before the bandidos do so. They told the police they wont go and hunt him but i can 100% tell they will

i hope this bastard gets what he deserves

Video 2 was some sick shit.

herro newfag


Germanfag here. Just testing whether Bernd is bullshitting me or not.

if there was a daughter, her school would have reported her missing and police would have found both of them by now.

There were no videos!

Ach Bernd.
Du wurdest getrollt


That you have seen

Hey Bernd, was geht aaaaaaab?

I love Southpark too


A moment of checkeronis please


Scheiße, Bernd, es reicht mir, ich habe dieses Lotterleben satt. Immer dasselbe, alle lachen mich aus, niemand erkennt mein Potenzial. Ich meine es ernst, Bernd, ich habe Waffen hier und ich werde morgen früh an meine frühere Schule gehen und mal so richtig gepflegt grillen.

Vielleicht komme ich ja auch davon, haltet die Ohren offen, Bernd. Ihr werdet morgen von mir hören. Merkt euch nur den Namen des Orts: Herne. Und jetzt keine Meldung an die Polizei, keine Angst, ich trolle nur.

Dieser dünne psycho junge aus heßel macht hier seit 24 stunden ein thread nach dem anderen auf um 1 meme zu werden...

ganz ehrlich kann mich an keinen der psycho mörder erinnern dies mal gab... irgend so ein robert odero gabs mal... son frustrierter schweinenacken der mitschüler erschossen hat oderso.

Was bleibt von den kleinen komplexbeladenen abnormalitäten nachdem sie ihre menschlichkeit abgelegt haben? 0 fucks.

He ate her pizza? Ruthless...

Wie die Amis wieder drauf abgehen, kaum haben wir hier n Killer-Kid on the run

this picture has been bothering since I first saw it. I can't stop thinking about how awful that slice of pizza must've tasted when they had so many options for toppings. It looks like it's just dough

>Es gebe weiter keine heiße Spur zu dem flüchtigen Tatverdächtigen Marcel H., sagte eine Sprecherin der Bochumer Polizei am Nachmittag.

Marcel can be on the run for a long time if he wants to, because of incompetent German police.

The media were getting their shit from Sup Forums threads moron, the only reason they started saying there were videos is because a few shills here were spreading that.
Now we have swarms for faggots swarming in because 4chinz made the news again, asking for the videos that don't exist. OP from the original threads the day before yesterday said there were no videos

Nein Bernd, tu das nicht, wir sind hier nicht auf KC, deine IP ist nicht sicher!

kill yourself fat lowlife scum


Can you link said videos?

Schulzthread! No brakes!!!

als ob es der Marcel ist der hier die fäden eröffnet

I think I do not get caught by the police today.

How i will manage that? Ha, quite simply, I said a year ago I purchased the Casio EX-S770 camera for about 300 euros .
It got fucked this summer already, because some grains of sand got into the camera. I found that quite surprising
because I was only near the beach. It costed me 100 euros repair because Casio wouldn't issue a guarantee.
Two months later I got it back. Today, the next damage: The display is broken. Just like that.
Without display the camera is largely worthless. Let's see what Casio says now and whether the guarantee at least is granted.
I'm annoyed about spending that much for a camera, which is broken the second time within a year.
And now I got to deal with the Casio-Support again. Again, I am not willing to spend any money for that.

>mfw Germany killer
>victim not even shit immigrant terrorist

Killer cant even priority, I am disappoint...

Don't think so. Schools don't report you missing just because you missed one day...

zu spät. BKA ist unterwegs

Do we know if he got that daughter?


Should have bought a Nikon 'Coolpix' nigger.

He trained with his sword in the yard m8

Die Fäden werden von N-TV und Spiegel Online eröffnet

so this is the camera he made those photos with? what a sick fuck.

hes a dumb nigger

continue #2


I saw that video. It was the 4th one iirc

source of this quote? Since there is a grammar mistake ("gebe" instead of "gäbe") I assume you invented this quote.


Fick dich Bernd!

there is no video, german press admitted that it was fake news, some cop told that crap and every newspaper copied from another.

Kek, Wahrscheinlich

so bernd, hab deine ip und deinen standort, werde bald mal vorbeikommen so gegen ende der woche um mit dir mal zu "reden" und ein stück "käsepizza" zu teilen, wenn du verstehst was ich meine. bist bestimmt auch derjenige, der sich ständig über scootagfäden beschwert.



Krautkanal faggots gtfo nobody wants your shitty "humorous" translations (pfostieren, faden, zwischennetz).

You are all a bunch of unfunny edgy try-hards.

My theory is that he killed himself in the house where he killed the man/woman. If this person lived alone it could take weeks to find him.

most proof i've seen so far

>those hairy fat arms
Typical european women kek

y-you too officer

Hallo ,
bin ein Journalist von N24 , hätte jemand Lust auf ein Interview?

There's no video you bunch of retards

lose one more word about the internet elite and i will have your ass personally, traitor.

repost pls

someone said he'd wait for the daughter to come home, not sure who posted


bei n24 gibt's nur reporter und keine journalisten ....

Ich bin ähnlich autistisch wie der Marcel, kann dir alles beantworten.

i hate that retarded shit. i also just flamed another retard in a different thread.

deutsche, die mal wieder beweisen, dass deutsche keinen humor haben

agree. his last update was from yesterday at 4pm, thats a lot time since that, i think if he really lives he would text again or make a new photo with shoes and knife or something else.


he's hiding in a now-defunct mineshaft at the outskirts of herne