Why is Beethoven's 9th symphony considered the greatest composition of all time...

Why is Beethoven's 9th symphony considered the greatest composition of all time? I honestly think something like Mozart's Requiem not only sounds better, but is also much more powerful considering the context.

>inb4 muh deafness

That's literally nothing compared to writing music on your deathbed.

>Why is Beethoven's 9th symphony considered the greatest composition of all time?
its not. Bach's art of fugue is

The real answer is that there is no one composition that is considered GOAT. There is no general agreement, but instead millions of opinions.

Did you know he was deaf?

>Beethoven's 9th symphony considered the greatest composition of all time
By whom?

At least one guy.

It's just music. You like what you like, I like what I like :)

>Why is Beethoven's 9th symphony considered the greatest composition of all time?
It isn't, except by plebs who can't into classical and fawn over the last choral movement since
>muh he composed it when he was deaf

The 9th isn't even Beethoven's best symphony.

Please leave.

This. 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th are all probably better. But I very much enjoy the first movement of the 9th.

OP we all have different opinions. Enjoy what you like. :^)

Was Mozart's face ever on a bubblegum card?

It consists of 3 of some of the most sublime symphonic movements ever composed and ends with something totally out there: a 20 minute finale (never been done before in a symphony) that combines orchestra and choir (never been done before in a symphony) that says fuck all to a clear structure (you could argue the structure of the finale in a variety of ways - never been done before in a symphony to my knowledge) while simultaneously culminating and continuing the harmonic and narrative flow started by the first three movements (the three movements are briefly quoted at the beginning before being "rejected" by the cellos which culminates in an easily-singable melody to represent the brotherhood of humanity, D->Bb->D key scheme appears all throughout the symphony). Also keep in mind, performances were a total trainwreck until much later when people figured out how the fuck you perform things. Beethoven's vision literally transcended orchestral capabilities at the time.
These are just some of the ways I've heard people talk about Beethoven's 9th that I find agreeable. I don't necessarily agree that it's "the greatest music ever," though I was absolutely awestruck the first time I heard it all the way through and the first and third movements will never cease to amaze me.

Mozart's Requiem absolutely has potential to be the greatest, but it's kinda marred by the fact that he died halfway through it. Same goes for Art of Fugue, though most of that was completed I think.

I thought it was John Cage's 3'11"?

Mahler's 9th is the superior 9th.

Did you just finish watching Evangelion, or something?

The actual greatest composition of all time is King Crimson - Starless.

I don't know why people say Mozart was so great. Mozart wasn't so great.

it's 4'33" you moron

wrong but ok

No, Mass in b minor is.

He never got his picture on a bubblegum card did he? How can he be called great if he never even got his picture on a bubblegum card?

but the sax solo fucked the whole thing up

Fine. King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic.

Missa papae marcelli > mass in b minor

St. Matthew > everything


That's a weird way to spell In the Court of the Crimson King

I know it can get confusing but this discussion is about BEST compositions not "most overrated"

Wow I'm really glad you investigated 3'11"

st john tho

also morales requiem

>sax solo
>fucked up