I can lift a fully-grown horse above my head, and I can hold my breath for ten minutes

I can lift a fully-grown horse above my head, and I can hold my breath for ten minutes.
To settle a wager, I once ate a pound of P.B Fouke's strongest badger poison and then ran a mile in the nude.
I cannot feel pain, and I can see for two miles unaided by a lens. No man can kill me.
I have beaten a man of every race in formal combat, including a Turk, a Pygmy Negro Man, and a rare Deepwater Jew.
A medical doctor and two priests have written and signed a document confirming I have no soul.


Yeah sure why not

Can you do the moonwalk?

I guess the more accurate question to ask would be should I do the moon walk

i can rip you fucking head off and use it as a soccer ball to play with my kid,,pic related you cockgobbling faggot

You speak as a man of experience on being a cockgobbler

BALDERDASH. A pottle of P.B. Fouke's could kill a damn elephant.

Do you doubt me sir

I do not merely doubt you, sir, but I consider you either a damn liar or a delusional mongoloid!

Damned impertinent


Is it impertinence to call a spic a spic? I do not believe so, sir. Nor do I believe that the populace at large would buy into such a cock-and-bull story.

But let us handle this as men do. When next your meanderings take you through the Nashville area, I may be found at the Mitchellville stop along the East Tennessee Railway line. Barring that, sir, name the place and time. I will not claim to Jew-bludgeoning or soullessness, but I have mastered the fine arts of Bartitsu, Irish Boxing, and Hungarian-style Swordless Fencing, and will surely prove a match for any braggart. I make sport of lining your kind up to knock them down.

I've sucked off a blue whale in order to gain its trust and rode it across the Pacific, my lad. All thanks to a solid oat breakfast.

That's a 4x4 ft brick of oats mind you

>takes it seriously
somebody ring the newfag alarm


Is there any truth to the matter that the pea-nut and pepper concoctions of the heathen hindoo is capable of dulling the sensations of discomfort for extended periods of time? My physician has insisted that I halt my calisthenics regimen while a rotator cuff heals, but nuts to that.

I'll give you fair warning sir as I am nothing if not a sports man that it was I who single handedly took on and defeated 15 regiments of French Cavalry with nothing more than half a glass of brandy, three cigarillos and the clap, I am more than capable of fighting off a mick bastard such as yourself sir

And we were at peace with the damned frogs to begin with

Ye but can you do this?


I know right

Drink laudanum every three hours and smoke some of the finest opium in the empire

The insult of being compared to something so insignificant has been noted and discarded as a novice's play at the science. As is the parlance about these boards, "lay in wait and observe longer, oh confirmed bachelor".

But we could pick at your writing all day with nothing to show for it, as you'll not change anytime soon. Your words have written a cashier's cheque that your fists are incapable of cashing. The time and place, sir, or else you will have outed yourself as a coward.

I want to be capable of FINISHING said calisthenics. The latter results in a solid day's vegetation.

To use a parlance from the vulgar dialects you sir are a philanderering libertine quite incapable of even the most basic of physical activities never mind the honorable sport of fisticuffs, poo to you sir I SAID POO SIR

Bah! A coward you are, then. Twice I have laid down the gauntlet, and twice you have done nothing but boast and chide in reply.

Sir I am not in the habit of needlessly turning men to gibfaces but deride my ability once more and I shall give you a right good thrashing

sir! I implore you to reconsider your words. Reconstruct them at ONCE or I will be forced to engage in fistycuffs with you.

Photograph not related

Are you the kid from Terminator 2?


I'm beginning to think this is one person

Hell if I know