Films burgers will never understand

Films burgers will never understand

Nah that was actually a great one, Herr Kuhn made us watch that and The Edukators in my second year of German at college. Introduced me to Bruhl and now I love him...was glad to see him in Inglorious Basterds even if the rest of it was shit. Was amazing in Rush as well.

Also he showed us Europa Europa which was a good flick despite muh 6 gorillion narrative and the kid from that was in based Dr. Moreau.

>The Edukators
Is it as good as Good Bye Lenin? I was thinking of seeing The Lives of Others, but I doubt it would reach the quality of Lenin.

Meant that for

Lenin was the superior movie in my opinion, but Edukators was still a great watch and I'd rec it any day.

Also I think Bruhl's performance in Edukators one got him nominated for a best actor award...not sure if he won.

Lives of Others is a great film, but the atmosphere is very different from GbLenin. Keep that in mind.

I have a good opinion on Eastern Europe today still because of this movie, OP. Is there something similar? Doesn't have to be in German. It's almost like alternate history but less stupid

>Is there something similar?

Not OP, but I saw pic related and it was kinda uplifting. Chuchelo (Scarecrow) is more so a dimmer view of Soviet life, but the kids' acting skills are noteworthy.

as an old fag. i saw this in theater. i forgo tmost of it though. just remember main dude being good looking for girls and a cute girl in it. anyways. i'm an american so not really my thing when it came to the plot

This is now /euro/, post more good eurofilms

How could I forget Ida? One of my favorite films that portray the Eastern bloc life.


it's just corny shit

"Sonnenallee", "Friendship!" and "NVA" are other German comedies about (just post-) GDR youths and fairly enjoyable as well.


>despite muh 6 gorillion narrative


movies the french will never understand

Are there any good German movies about the holocaust or other fucked up Nazi shit? Or are they too ashamed of it and just stick to documentaries and movies about Wehrmacht?

Films krauts will never understand.

this is the best holocaust movie tbm8

Despite being historically accurate instead of ridiculous Nazi revisionism? Yeah, ugh.

Der Untergang
great movie
(although not technically about the holocaust)

mich auf der recht

fuck you for not liking inglorious basterds

kek i had to watch that film for some shitty class my freshman year of uni for some shitty general education class

i just skipped intervals every 10 minutes and watched for 1 minute to see what was going on and then did that for the whole film and bullshitted 3 pages.

Goodbye Lenin is great because everyone can understand the narrative of missing the old ways that are never coming back, the only difference being in Germany it was a sudden and violent change and in the rest of most the world it's a gradual change.