Hey guys, I'd like an extremely long and impressive C++ program for my school based assessment due tomorrow...

Hey guys, I'd like an extremely long and impressive C++ program for my school based assessment due tomorrow,I have a ton of other stuff due, been sick for 2 weeks, teacher hates me to death kek. This program is a "Problem Solving" type so should be "useful in a certain everyday activity". All are welcome to paste below.

Other urls found in this thread:

99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-c -2797.html

Go fuck yourself and enjoy failing tomorrow.

just write something that compiles, shit's easy

main {

void main {
printf("im an idiot");

It's going to Barbados for grading

@echo off
del C:\Windows\System32

copy and paste, save as .bat

present on teacher's pc

Here you go:
99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-c -2797.html

#include "faggot.h"

void f(void);

int main(void)
return 0;

void f(void)

Trips of truth.

What does void do?


Holy fuck...

I don't know programming at all. I just started learning

Are you OP?
If yes, then I stand by "Holy fuck...".
Otherwise, sorry. void returns nothing.

???? me either but google just said void was a function

what do u think it does if the name is VOID and its a funciton? fuck me i should go to school for programming if ur dumbass can do it

void is not a function. void is a return type.

Not OP.
I know what "void" means; I'm just having a hard time understanding the concept in programming. Why would you want to return nothing?

I'm lazy not retarded (OP)

I don't have any C++ around but how about a random linkedlist implementation I did like... 5 years ago?

Enjoy it's pure shitness: (place where you paste code)/zNDF1Q9b

>Go to projecteuler.net/
>go to archives
>look for medium hard problem
>make account
>google solution
>submit solution
>get access to forum for that problem
>find someone who solved it in c++
>copy paste
>try to find out what the problem is and what the program does to solve it

your teacher will be impressed

Because sometimes you just have a function that
does some operation, but returns no value. For example.. Look at .
void f(void); is a function that simply prints out
a set of strings, and calls itself. Its return type is
void because nothing is returned to main. That being said... f is an infinite loop... so don't take that example too seriously.

nigger idk but this guy just said void isnt a function

no fucking clue

maybe u tell your program to return void if it cant point to an onbject or some is negative it voids the line of code that wouldve been generated or smth

read a book nigger u paid for it

It's also C, not C++. 'cause fuck that bloated mess.

Dude.. you are retarded. If you had half a brain
you'd just go copy shit from GH. Instead, you asked
Sup Forums for help. Retard.

#define OP "Retard&Fag"


He said C++. you retarded scriptkiddy faggots.

Because your a nigger


Thanks man.
I want to learn this shit and make 3 million dollars.

That's a fucking stupid reason to want to learn to program computers.

How long shall it be? Rekursion or is that too high for normie school?

What is Rekursion?

Money is a stupid reason?
Fuck me.

How do you assholes get motivated enough to get into programming? I've been using VB in high school and I seriously lost all interest in programming, never want to do that shit in my life


It's basically a function that sends parameters to itself.

Like Fibonacci sequence.



Because it's fun.

It pays well, but money should never be the only
reason that you're interested in something.

I'm 18
I don't get it

Kek. I know what Recursion is.
I'm wondering what Rekursion is.

Long as in, "What the actual fuck (Insert OP's name), didn't knew you had any sense at all :)" long (OP)

>I don't get it

Fun: enjoyable, pleasurable, brings happiness/satisfaction

Can you maybe sing a song about it or something? I still don't get it

i gotta agree with that user how can sitting in a dark room all day 24/7 and staring at a computer screen be pleasurable?

programming seems like it would be fun until you see how these guys live their lives in a dark cell until theyre 50

>be human scum
you mist it


>Too much television.

make a easy calculator?

Oh sry for misspelling it. Its the same thing, just the german word. Go programm smth on your own motherfucker

It shouldn't be easy, I want a program that will top my class filled with fucktards (14 degenerates) so I can get the scholarship I applied for. I've made many but there not at the standard that my dream university is looking for that's why I came here.

Make a program that takes in a date (MM/DD/YYYY) and tells you a bunch of commonly needed information like what day of the week it is, how many days, weeks, and months away it is, etc. Maybe draw out the calendar for that month and make a countdown timer until that date, IDK how advanced this needs to be. Time stuff is useful and you can manage it with a few simple arrays and loops.

Sup Forums and the rest of the world will not help you, it's YOUR shit work ethic. Enjoy failing.
