Islam hate is becoming more agreeable every day! When do you guys think we will finally be able to Hitler them...

Islam hate is becoming more agreeable every day! When do you guys think we will finally be able to Hitler them? Can you even begin to dream of a world without Islam? Wouldn't it be glorious?

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Holy shit, Islam is alpha as fuck

I'm being dead serious. Muslims are subhumans who should be taken care of.








OP here. Keep em posting user! Also, do you believe mass-genocide is a reasonable solution for the islamic infestation? Israel seems to be the only country man enough to do it.

I think we should turn the middle East into glass.

I like you user. Do you think concentration camps for muslims in America/Europe is a realistic goal that we will be able to accomplish? If so, how soon?

No because then we are no better then they are.
What we need to do is reform Islam and detour the extremist. Such as dumping pigs blood over random Muslim's after each and ever terrorist attack.

Satanic trips checked

>No because then we are no better than they are.
I can understand this point of view, but the difference here is that Islam is without question the bad guy of this situation. If it were two neutral sides then yes it would be barbaric to kill them but islam is not neutral. They are fighting for the right to oppress women, children, and non-believers. We are fighting for the future. If they are using their barbaric beliefs to hold us back then they must be taken care of.


From the Islamic extremist point of view that's what there doing, but on a spiritual level.
Muslims are fighting agents what they call the dajjal order, or the new world order.
Eitherway they there hole so called faith is based around being slaves to god.
Barbaric as it may be we have our own weapons to use agents them just we haven't.

Like I said before, after each and every terrorist attack, after each mass movement or wherever instead of murdering them...Which is WHAT THEY WANT!...You shower them with pigs blood baring them from the afterlife. You take there belief's and use it agents them.
Meet there terror with our own.

The moment you kill them you make them martyrs. The moment you hate them you justify there conviction. We have to take the wolfs teeth away and remind everyone else that it is just another religion like all the rest.

If someone can get ahold of that maniac German serial killer before he gets caught, we could kick this thing off a lot sooner than any of you are expecting.


As much as i find the methods of radical Islam abhorrent, i can certainly begin to understand it. They have had a multitide of foreign armies march in to their country for no good reason with guns blazing, telling them how to live and what type of government they should have. Americans had the same shit when the British ran the show so they rose up and got their independence. Same scenario, yet it's celebrated in the US every year.

If the chinese crushed the US military tomorrow and installed a communist government in the white house then US citizens wouldn't take it lying down either.

why would you need concentration camps?

ship the non middle eastern muslims back over there, then nuke the place a second time for good measure

Only if we get rid of all the christians at the same time. Now THAT would be glorious.

Kill them all. They are shit humans. Pure garbage and should be hunted and killed this the last.

Reminds me of the noble savage being wiped off america for resources

Check this out guys:

Check this out

OP here. I'm an atheist too man but a lot of Christians I've met are genuinely good people. Not perfect but they are good at heart. Not to mention that most American farmers are Christians so we would be screwed if they died.

Guys go watch Pat Condell on YouTube and share it , we need let people know Islam is the culture of rape