Where did I go wrong?

Where did I go wrong?




Right about here




Thats where you messed up

This is here...I think we're soulmates

I'm supposed to duck something...help me b!

you can do better

She just told you to fuck off


...maybe if I begged?

this is a girl who obviously fancies herself smart and respectable, you fucked up when you never stopped acting like a goon who joking or not wanted to jump right into sex talk. you sound like an idiot man, make a joke or two and then engage her in real conversation. you just kept going and going. thanks for being vulnerable enough to post this here though. To be fair she sounds like a tool in her profile bud.

What the fuck, retard

oh wow she really catfished us with that first photo....

Is this a joke? Or it is normal to virgin faggots kiddos as you to be a desperate edgy lords weirdos?

>the handicap restroom at denny's
my fucking sides

She seems like a self centred tard...move on

He said he has a dick. Dumbass whiteknight.


are you fucking kidding? she was being a cringey asshole just like op

This is not a girl - it's a horny fag, and OP managed to lose even that!

it looks like an ugly girl.

OP are you fucking retarded

this ugly bitch was actually into you and you screwed it up

God she's ugly

...I miss her

thats an ugly chick who made a dumb dick joke you miserable faggots.

you did all that and she still didn't show you her man boobs?
you did all you could op

Well, by its own declaration, it has a dick, ergo faggot.