Can you guess the tweest?
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What if the twist is that there is no twist?
Check the catalog Reddit
The Visit was irredeemably bad, theres no coming back from that
He literally changes his entire body into a monster that they show in that little kid drawing = twist ending
You have bad taste since that's not even his worst movie.
The only time that has ever happened was in "The Last Airbender"
That would be "The Village"
Anybody noticed they used the soundtrack from The Invitation for this trailer?
is that thomasin!? thomasin a cute!! cute!!
Genuinely really enjoyed the Visit, so looking forward to it
thomasin a retard
The Village was decent, it was just mis-marketed as a horror
..maybe thats the same mistake "The Visit" made, cause it turned out to be a kids rap video
how. i honestly want to know how
did you enjoy the kids rapping? or was it the character arcs (swing away!)? perhaps it was the plot twist of "the psychos are psychos" which didn't change the plot at all. or was it the forced additional ending?
please tell me whats to enjoy about this absolute piece of shit which fails on every level possible
The kid rapping was bad, but everything else was decent to good. I don't know a single person who thinks the Visit was a complete pile of shit. A real pile of shit would be Batman v Superman or Ghostbusters 2016.
It was well-directed and well told, with slowly creeping tension and a really well-implemented score. The child actors felt like real kids messing about and the story unfolded naturally through their eyes
It wasn't the best film in the world and the twist was predictable, but it was decently made and I enjoyed watching it
the twist will be that its multiple personalites of ONE person
> It was well-directed and well told, with slowly creeping tension and a really well-implemented score
cant argue with this, its just everything else...
> everything else was decent to good
that whole father plotline/ending was incredibly forced and out of place. the character arcs were forced and stupid as fuck. the whole ending was sloppy as shit (...). plot twist was absolutely useless and the rapping. its not scary enough to be a good horror, and the story isn't interesting enough for a thriller. its a very simple concept with only a few characters, i dunno how you can fuck it up this badly.
encounters with the old people were also purely for tension / no real danger. the old bitch just hangs around in the dark room with the girl, and the old dude just stands around with the kid. its really dumb after they spend the whole movie being too scared to even open the door to them
The twist is there is no twist.
Werewolf movie?
It better fucking be. Better be good, too. I don't know if I can handle another shitty wolf movie. Last good one I saw was "Howl". Last great one I saw wasn't even fucking filmed in my lifetime.
the twist is he's probably just a normal guy faking it for lolz
is that the vvitch?
What are the good Werewolf movies? American Werewolf in London, I remember Dog Solders being fun as a kid. I can't think of many others.
The twist is that he's from reddit.
shes cute
this is werewolf kino
I may watch this because I want to cum inside the girl from The Witch.
Take me by the little hand,
And go like this.
This looks pretty good, honestly. And I enjoyed The Visit, no shame.
M. Night can do creepy visuals and he's shown that he can shoot a story well when the story isn't a piece of shit that he wrote himself.
good to see Thomasin getting more work too
I was wondering that actually
Looks good imo. This poo-in-looer better not fuck this up...
Always great to see cuhrazy McAvoy on screen
pic related is pretty dece for a recent movie
Twist will either be:
McAvoy and the three girls are all one person (multiple personalities of same dude). That or just McAvoy and Tomasin are the same person.
The different personalities we see of McAvoy are actually different people. Say if there were three different personalities they were actually triplets, or if five quintuplets.
the twist was they turned a no-brainer blockbuster franchise into shit
The twist is that he's triplets. Spoiled it for ya.
Well I hope one of the personalities is a rape murderer.
reminds me of the 3 from adaptation
It was the girl all along
>M. Night Shamayalaahdbjahsdjhavs
the twist is the main girl is actually one of his personalities. 100% sure of this.
I loved his Visit movie and so happy to see him return to his original horror roots!
Thomasin, NO!
>All the characters were one person
I liked The Visit, so maybe he's figured his shit out, and this will be good. Honestly, has McAvoy ever done a bad movie?
the three girls is only one girl
bald guy and girl is one person
one of them is a supernatural creature
place your bets
hey einstein, thats is literally said in the trailer, the dude has 23 different personalities
Why bother, though? Does predicting the twist beforehand increase your enjoyment of the movie?
it's the only value shymalashaskadingdong movie have
I don't really agree with that, but let's suppose it is true. Isn't it more fun to be surprised? Why not try to go in fresh, and just the let the movie do its thing?
My bet is on the bald guy and ayy lmao being the same person. The way she just stares at him in the car and does nothing as he drugs the other two is too obvious.
Am I the only person that actually liked the Village? It had such a great atmosphere, cinematography and acting. Not to mention dat score.
then we would have no fun and no threads on this anymore
They'll all be completely different people, duh
That's obviously not true, since most trailer threads don't spend the whole time trying to predict a twist. There's always something to talk about.
Didn't Vince Vaughn already make a shot-by-shot remake of this???
What? Noo
love it, hate the ending though
I remember liking the village but haven't seen it in a coon's age
It's genuinely pretty good up until the Tweest. I don't think it ruins the movie, but it sucks.
Didn't all of his last movies bomb?
>January 20 release date
Sounds like there's not much confidence in this one either
M Night wrote this though
The Village ripped off like seventeen Twilight Zone episodes. Fuck that movie.
They're all werewolves. Dude's just mad that they forgot.
The Howling is a classic.
The obnoxious kid rapping was actually part of what made it good. Rarely have I ever seen a movie where children really feel and act like children. This was one of those few instances where the child actors and the way their characters were written felt genuine.
>see trailer
>looks kinda good
>m night shyamalan
>watch movie
>so fucking terrible i ask myself why i get fooled everytime
Gonna skip this one. McAvoy will get nominated for some shit award like a razzy or something. The 9 year old impression looked and sounded pretty dumb.
Reminds me of this one desu
the twist is going to be that the 3 girls are actually all thomasin isnt it
>tfw this a female sandlot reboot and the main chick has to pickle the beast to leave
>bad guy is a white male
I'm tired of this meme.
Kinoest Kino to even Kinn.
are you seriously trying to tell me that guy isn't Tom Hardy? cause there is no fucking way there are two of them
Ginger Snaps
Glad to see anya in more roles, she seems to be getting popular
I genuinely fucking love The Village
>that webm
this cant be real
I worked on this film - feel free to ask me anything
that's the stupid ass twist
screencap this post
fuck you, the brownie poo in the loo cant resist making shitty twists, he is a werewolf, probably the girl will turn into that shit too
hope so
toppest of keks
tell us more about the werewolf
No werewolf in this film hombre
>just gets kidnapped from a shopping centre carpark, nobody sees him kill the man standing at the boot
>nobody seems or hears them get maced
>le the demon inside me is actually real trope
>people with multiple personality disorder can change their body chemistry
>man standing at the boot
What the fuck does this mean
he's possessed by a demon
there was a man (presumably the girls father) loading shopping into the boot of the car
the twist is that he doesn't have split personalities, he's just possessed by a shit ton of ghosts and one of them is super mean
fucking hack