Why didnt he shake Draco's hand?

Why didnt he shake Draco's hand?

Harry's hands were a little dirty.


Draco was mean to Ron. Kind of weird to think how different the whole story would have gone if Draco had just been a little bit less of a dick. He could have introduced himself to Harry in Diagon Alley, or he could have just ignored Ron here. Either one of those things would have led to Harry being in Slytherin.

because Harry Potter is Marxism for 11 year olds

How? It's about a bourgeoisie hero fighting a working-class villain.


Harrys hands got a little dirty here to yea innit?

>pic related is you

draco wouldnt have gotten btfo

Because its the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises for sure. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

It's amazing how Harry let his entire impression of the Wizarding world be decided by a ginger he met on the train.

>I fucking hate Slytherin and love Gryffindor even though I literally knew nothing about either them less than 24 hours ago

Welcome to real life

Oh nevermind
I see the redditors are trying to ape Sup Forums memes now with this OP after their last one was exposed as a reddit meme

to be fair Hagrid was his bro and he was sorted into gryffindor

That kid with the blond hair looks like Eleven from Stranger Things

anti neo nazi propaganda

>Catch 22
>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>Don Quixote
>Atlas Shrugged
>God Tier

fucking hack

I'm most offended by brave new world in low tier as well

HP would have been a lot better if Draco had been a girl and was bullying Harry because she didn't know to admit she actually liked him.

what the hell was harry and dumbledore's problem? they literally treated anyone who wasn't gryffindor like scum

Slytherin won the house cup six years in a row before Harry came along and they still were whiny little assholes. Stay salty

Nah. Dumbledore was very accepting. Remember he kept Snape around and protected him when pretty much everyone was telling him "That nigga is probably going to kill you one day".

Harry was judgemental as fuck though, which made him come off as a huge cunt. Like the other user said, his entire impressions about everything were based on what other people thought. He didn't think for himself at all.

Its a shit series for children and people that don't actually read


He did introduce himself in Diagon Alley in the book, he was getting fitted for robes when Harry came in and they spoke. Draco was an uppity little shit there too talking about pure-blood wizards, so Harry already knew he wasn't going to get along.

>hes promoting pasta on a virtual tibetan scroll board

To be fair, Voldemort wasn't a Pure-Blood and he was the greatest dark wizard in history.

>Nah. Dumbledore was very accepting.
ahh yes well done Slytherin well done Slytherin

Did he? I haven't read the books in a really long time, but I could have sworn that Draco didn't introduce himself, he just bitched about his mom and said something about Hufflepuffs.

>implying it isn't 100% correct save for the image

Not really, that's kind of how 11-year olds are.

It isnt i know the source and you have literal autism as well. look at the board these threads arent the problem

>admitting to bait
>b-but its right because I'm right

Yeah just re-read it and he doesn't specifically introduce himself as Draco, but he insults Hagrid so Harry obviously has a dislike before him even before they get to Hogwarts

>literary scholars and film critics
>its shit heres why

>meme hustling teenager from Sup Forums 2016
>its wrong because it hurts my feelings and facebook nostalgia

oh boy

Look how hard you are trying. Kek. The review isnt even a proper critique of the series and is biased. Its also based on a positive 7/10 review

Don't Quixote is god tier though. Or at least high tier. The other two also belong higher.

But atlas shrugged definitely doesn't. Its hilarious that Ulysses is so low too. Its literally a list made by someone who reads classics casually and thinks they can be an authority. Anyone who knows what they're talking about understands better. Hell, most classics belong in high or god tier anyways. They only change if you judge them against one another rather than objectively.

go back to /lit/


>literary scholars and film critics
>its shit heres why

>meme hustling teenager from Sup Forums 2016
>its wrong because it hurts my feelings and facebook nostalgia

can't you see this is a thread about books and not literature

Thanks for the fucking autism, not even mentioning Gilliam because it doesnt go along with your angle

>every thread
>meme hustlers wahhhhhh
kek your life

It is "young adult fiction".

That translates to being inherently bad. There are "books good for young adults" and then theres "young adult fiction".

Rowling is at least credible for making a semi magical atmosphere and world I guess? But the writing is very very mediocre, if purple prose is flowery her's is like fucking cement mix.

marcus don't reply too many times or your posts are all going to get wiped again and you'll prove everyone correct

What a trash list, no wonder /lit/ is such a bad board

So are mine