Soo, where do i start?


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smells like children ;)

Damn, op. I was about to make the same thread. Is his music worth checking out in the first place?

antichrist superstar

Antichrist Superstar and Mechanical Animals. Listen to those albums and judge for yourself don't let anyone dissuade you with LOL MANSON SUX xD

listen to good industrial instead of memes
even david bowie's one attempt at making industrial surpasses memeson entire discography

alright, thank you!
i'm really feeling his ''sweet dreams'' so i thought i'd give him a listen

my favorite is Holy Wood, but I'd begin with Mechanical Animals.

Either that or listen to his trilogy of albums in reverse order because that's how the concept is told (starting with Holy Wood, then MA, then AS).

In a subgenre oversaturated with Godflesh/Fear Factory/Rammstein clones, Antichrist Superstar is still one of the top best industrial METAL releases mate.

just listen to trent instead

You know by listening to Portrait or Antichrist Superstar you *are* listening to Trent, right?

If you want to listen to accessible industrial rock then get into Nine Inch Nails instead.

Start with Portrait of an American Family and drop him like a hot potato after Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death). After Holy Wood he became total shit.

>another anti-Mansonfag who doesn't know shit not realizing Antichrist is a spiritual successor to The Downward Spiral musically

>loved him because he told off O'Reilly on fox news
>his DUDE TRUMP LMAO music video happens
why does this happen

You don't. He's an edgy fag

Listen to Skinny Puppy instead. Their live performances are Alice Cooper tiered stage productions. Everything Manson wished he was, Skinny Puppy was and is.

>oversaturated with Godflesh clones
are there really that many Godflesh clones? The only one I know are early Pitchshifer

Try to turn someone on to Puppy, they ask if it's marilyn manson.

A person who made a career out of ripping off Rozz Williams?

Just listen to early Christian Death.

>Smells Like Children
>Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals, Holywood (They're a Triptych)
>Born Villain
>Golden Age of Grotesque
>High end of Low

after that just do whatever

yeah other than Pitchshifter, Fear Factory started off as an almost straight Godflesh clone. Singer copies his vocal style. Their clones are mostly underground so I mean when it comes to underground industrial metal they're almost always clones of Godflesh.

Or you know listen and enjoy both. They're only comparable in stage aesthetic like yeah they both did the stilts thing but that's where similarities end. Also the vocals are completely different you're really exaggerating the similarity.

perfect, ty.

also, to everybody telling me to check out other industrial bands, i already had the intention of doing so, i just wanted to check manson out

lol same

You could listen to Manson and then listen to his influences (NIN, SP, Foetus, Big Black) afterwards or in whatever order. Could also look into Ministry and Godflesh for more industrial metal. Honestly hating Manson is a meme itself.

Yeah, i will, thx. Agreed.

exactly, it's Trent's music and band without Trent, might as well go all the way