Does nothing new
Follows the same monster movie cliches we have all seen before
Why are people acting if this is some great tv show?
Does nothing new
Follows the same monster movie cliches we have all seen before
Why are people acting if this is some great tv show?
Because muh 80s.
Because people are slaves to nostalgia.
Because adhering to the conventions of a genre aren't inherently a bad thing you fucking retard
Those conventions exist for a reason, they work
It must be so boring being you.
so what if it follows cliches, its fucking good
leave Sup Forums its clearly not for you because you dont have taste or critique
Netflix has a lot of money to throw at influential reviewers and manipulate the public consensus into thinking bad shows are good.
See: House of Cards, Arrested Development S4, Orange is the New Black, Sense8, Jessica Jones
All shows range from mediocre to great. Netflix is cucking HBO right now.
>Implying I read or even care what some other faggot is payed to write.
You're a fucking idiot anonymous, seriously.
cliches exist for a reason dude. What ever works and is enjoyable is emulated and so it becomes an standard in that particular medium. Did it do anything ground breaking? No but not everything thing has to in order to be fun and worth watching.
I like the D&D bits and the bike riding. Reminded me of being 12 again
Reminder that the last 3 episodes dragged down the entire show to a bland 4/10
>mfw OP is a mouthbreather
Justify that statement. How on earth can craving something new make a person more bored/boring than slopping up mediocre appeals to nostalgia?
Stranger Things is a SyFy original series wrapped in cool music and a decent intro. It's fine, but it's not great
I thought it was alright. Too lighthearted/cliche, too many child actors, not dark enough. Nothing centering around children can ever be that interesting.
Reminder that this show is pure kino
it's a meme show favoured by reddit
>How on earth can craving something new make a person more bored/boring than slopping up mediocre appeals to nostalgia?
you're spot on with this statement. most people on Sup Forums cannot handle an opinion that differs from their own. don't come here expecting anything more than buzzwords and cutesy screencaps.
>Why are people acting if this is some great tv show?
It's a combination of paid netflix shills, and people with buyer's remorse who try to oversell it to convince themselves that they are not wasting their money on such a shit service.
I heard this was like twin peaks , weird awkward and cool
>look mom I posted it again
>It's time for your Autism pills
>mediocre appeals to nostalgia
Eh, the 80's references were subtle and tastefully done and made sense thematically with the cold war era CIA stuff
because a criticism based on one's personal dislike of a genre or style isn't a valid criticism. The real way at looking something objectively is to see what conventions they are trying to attempt and how well they were performed. There's nothing wrong with taking a set of guidelines and working them into something entertaining and engaging. That's how we tell stories. That's how we've always made stories since recorded history. It's one thing to say it was a terrible monster movie-like show, but total dismissal because of what it is looks ridiculous.
>the 80's references were subtle
Found the millennial fucking shit
ITT: Buttblasted HBO shills
because "doing something new" is horribly overrated
Originality is a god awful false god which has destroyed a fuckton of decent projects.
Stories all tend to follow similar themes with similar beats. This is not a bad thing.
They should be judged on how well they execute these structures and tropes, not on how much they deviate from them.
Sure, once in a while you might find something truly game-changing but it's completely fine to rate something highly simply because it executes all the cliches and tropes perfectly, which Stranger Things pretty much did.
>n-no, you can only judge it on how well it's a mediocre rehash of 80s cliches!!!1
Judging by how people are rating it, it's objectively good.
but then you're doing exactly as I'm saying it by calling it mediocre in the first place
>muh originality
It's because it as well produced, well written, well acted and definitely alot more interesting than what most shows has to offer.
The night of is better than anything on netflix
I felt the same amount of 80's nostalgia watching Stranger Things as 70's nostalgia watching Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Humanity as a whole hasn't done anything new in hundreds of years. At some point we tread all ground so to say.
Are you literally retarded?
You're defending it by arguing "it's supposed to be mediocre!"
It's garbage, you're pleb, fuck off back to lebbit
what are you using to create your response with? imbecile.
Zero, because you're a millennial fucking shit who lived through neither?
Why is the black kid such a prick?
Dont be a buzzkill. It's not ambitious, it's still fun. Appeals to nostalgia. 80sploitation on tv shows will become a thing from now on.
Nope, I'm just aware of the fucking concept of a period piece
It's built up irritation from the barrages of racism he endures every day.
It's an entertaining show, over-hyped as fuck though, like most shit on netflix or HBO
I don't think he was much of a prick, to be blunt he seems the most logical out of the group.