ITT: feet of girls you know

ITT: feet of girls you know
pic related. my sweet teen mistress



How did you convince her to take pics of her feet?


i just asked. she is pretty open about it. she even lets me be her footstool while watching tv

post more of her soles


explain more

greentext if true user

yes pls

Might as well make it a teen thread then! nudezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>be me
>be 26 years old
>friends rent a hut near my town for weekend of party and drinking
>be there
>get wasted
>enter maude
>19 years old
>funny, witty, hot
>we sit around campfire
>it gets cold
>everybody goes inside for party
>only maude and me stay out
>i ask if her feet are cold
>she says yes
>i ask if i can massage them
>she says yes
>one foot is gettign massaged
>other one she shoves under my hoodie and rests it on my bare chest
>massage continus
>daimonds af
>at some point i gather my courage and ask if i can kiss her feet
>she says sure
>i kiss both her feet in turns for hours
>afterwards i ask if it was nice or awkward for her
>she says nice enough for you to do it more often
>since then we meet regularly and i massage and worship her feet

footstool story?

now post her fucking soles







the fuck is wrong with her face, looks all puffed up





my ex




shut up and sniff







friend ;)