Did anyone want take me from the ukr to any country where western civilization need defend...

Did anyone want take me from the ukr to any country where western civilization need defend? Im true paladin and will serv right or kill myself tomorrow with proofs if noone take me.

Also i dont tell me to kill somone or make hight score, i not hate people about something and will kill only for defend other peoples, i live by democracy and yes, im mad, i have very bad childhood and nowtimes, that reason why ill kill myself if noone need my service right now.


I would bring you to the UK if you let me suck your dick 3 times a day and came in my mouth.

Well if you will suck my dick than it no so bad at all. But you will buy me armour and sword, ok? How you take me?


I can say you are working for me

how old are you? post cawk if you dont mind

also are you legit?

Im 18, yeah it my thread.

Kill yo selbst fagot


Why not just go on a crazy adventure? That's what I would do if I wanted to kill myself. I'd try and get to the South of Europe or something by any means and live like a hobo while doing it. Just pack your bags and go somewhere and do anything. Sleep under the stars or try and make your own forest home.

Anyway, 18 is too young to kill yourself and if you give it a few years, you might be able to take part in some kind of great happening. Who knows.

But where shold i go if i can legal go only to russia and belorussia?

How do crazy adventure?

If the alternative is killing yourself then who gives a shit if you try and cross boarders that you shouldn't. Anyway, everyone's doing it these days.

Sure you might get turned back, maybe it would take you a few attempts or maybe you'd never make it but just trying to get as far as you can would be great fun. If death was my alternative, I would say "fuck everything", cut all ties with everyone and travel around doing fucking anything.

Maybe that's not your kind of thing but you should at least try and do something.

let's take cuba back from the castro's

I would get as much money as I could, pack whatever I might need, pick a far away destination and then do anything possible to get there. Information would be important so I'd probably bring along a survival guide of some kind. I'd probably have to spend a week or so researching how to survive outdoors as well.

But how to cross the walls like this? It contain guards with firearms, what scared my one time and i back home.

Lets! It really cool place but under bad buys, just like china.
I do it before, it was like steal, pack, go, become super tired, see walls and guards with firearms, scared as shit, run back home. The most question is how cross the walls what is border

The border between the EU and Ukraine is pretty long, there'll be a gap somewhere. Do some research.

One could get a tiny boat and try and make it to Romania (be careful of getting mugged/killed) and then head through the Balkans. My point is that if the alternative is death, it doesn't matter how difficult your goal might be or how scary the journey.

18 is too young to kill yourself. Do some actual living for a few years and then see.

You could also try legal migration (and probably should tbh). Apparently countries like Hungary and Poland are importing Ukrainians to solve their labour shortages. Maybe do some research into that.

But yeah, just do fucking anything to reinvent your life. You don't have to have any ties with who you used to be and who you used to know if you don't want to.

But tortoure is worster than death. And i can be just tired, hunry and feel bad with no hope.

But all my life from beggining and now, and even where i try to adventure os a pain. What if after death i will feel better? Its like this tourtoured slsve in got what not want to drink water from Daenerys and want die becouse it havent sleves after death...


Well yeah, it certainly wouldn't be easy but you'd have a goal and you'd be alive. I was just going through what I'd want to do but I'm not going to pretend I understand how you feel. 18 is definitely way too young to kill yourself. You haven't started life yet and might even still be in school, do fucking anything for some years first.

Even if leaving the country is impossible though you don't have to stay where you are forever. Work hard until you can cut all ties with anyone who you don't want to know anymore and eventually move somewhere else for example.

But it not work like it. You can work hard but only debts will rise. On other imageboard some rich person say thay you can born the rich and live all life on top easy, and you can born bitch and work superhard just to eat shit another day. Why someone should go hard just to live? Life is different, one life is awesome, other is shit. Rich person say thet if he become like one of bros like me or just poor he will suicide after one day.

Yeah, i will fight to the deayh with everithing and win unbelivebel fights just to see another day and some rich kid will just want something and everyone will bring it to him. I dont hate rich kid, i just ask myself for what it all the fuck need? Even if i win i will be injustried. And everyone will die somedays.

Eh, life is hard for most people and even rich people kill themselves. Find something or several things that you love and use it to get you through the shit, that's what most people do. If you don't have something you love or care about, then you're too young to kill yourself.

I play guitar for example. It's stupid and it's simple but it's something I care about and wouldn't want to let go. Do fucking anything, you don't have to be rich.

No, you dont understand, i really love play games, post with anons, eat pizza and american food, fap, think about making my own kingdom somedays and do it all comfortable and alown, i want to do it after death. I just think why the fuck i must save my life? Why still playing if somone will win you no matter what you do? Why live if you was a slave? People who saved from slavery most of all suicide.

Why live if you see yourself a knight but you are not. Why live if you see cool person but for real is punished scare child? Why live if noone need paladin? Why live if you cant be who you want? Why live if tir are dead? Why live if cool rich boy will suicide immediatly becouse traing your life

You think about other people too much. I love those things too and all I care about is being able to continue doing them. I don't understand why you wouldn't want to work hard so that you can do those things in the future. Hell, it's not exactly an ambitious goal so it shouldn't even be too much work. Then maybe one day, when Europe goes to shit like it has in the past, you'll be able to find a purpose fighting commies/fascists/mudslimes/whoever you want. Live for that day, if nothing else.

Anyway, I've got to go. Don't kill youself faggot, we have too much in common.

better time stamp some fucking proof there paladin

No bro, you just dont try things i must try from born. Thats all. My fucking slaver will back in some minutes and will punish me again. And everyone will destroy me if they see this thread but they dont let me die. Tomorrow i will kill myself.