

Killer entered Diner and said "call the cops, they're looking for me"

Other urls found in this thread:


schön bus bauen mit banditos

Er hat BITTE gesagt, ihr absolut originalen NICHTSKÖNNER Bildschwuchteln.
Fresst Smegma und sterbt ihr Hunde.

Hoffen wirs.

now also:

breaking news - axe-attack at Dusseldorf Centralstation - many injured

wtf is happening

Not like he'd be able to run very long with German police & interpol crawling over the place for him.

Die Musel wollen ein Stück vom Kuchen

Now get the fuck out of here von strudelkrauts. So tired of all this German bullshit


"Uns gehört das ganze Land, also auch die ganze Aufmerksamkeit!"

Why did he killed that kid ?
Can someone Red pill me on this ?

Marcel on his latest thread some hours ago

>I'm preparing everything, 21pm

Und er ist nicht mal aus Herne raus, wie traurig die Polizei doch ist. Aber er hat nicht gelogen, 21 Uhr, und Tochter und das Beast,

>Tfw when capital punishment has a comeback in Germany because of Sup Forums

Yet another reason to finally leave this shithole.


Because it was easy.

Nope capital punishment is only a thing in the third world

u have a link for his latest thread ? i remember he say something about sedanstraße. its possible he betrayed his position here.

he was mentally ill. he became crazy? and at that point people become unpredictable

That's hardly an excuse
Eating your own shit is easy, but that isn't a very good reason to go bobbing for apples in your toilet

Marcel just attacked Dusseldorf train station with another person, marcel was caught, the other person is still on the run.

he tried to kill himself and failed. then he killed that kid.

Sorry, I wish I had it...

wasnt his hair really short? like almost bald

He wanted to kill himself. He couldnt do it cuz pussy, he decided to kill his neighbour (9 year old kid, what a coward) and planned to go to jail.
He seems to think that life in jail is much easier since he stated that he doesnt want to apply for a job

he said he didnt wanna go to work

not on the pictures he posted, looked like the same lenght, and the gloves and shoes are a perfect match

Stop talking shit faggot

Aka he's fucking retarded.

I'm not, 2 people attacked dusseldorf train station with axes, 1 is caught the other on the run, and now a picture of a guy that looks like marcell with the exact same shoes and gloves on in handcuffs are out in public, it's clearly him.

beta uprising

Who is this fag? I don't speak kraut, so one of you nazi fucks please explain in English.

me again and what I further think about him.
The fact that he had to kill a 9 year old and his overall appearance of a weak and little boy makes me think he is an even bigger pussy.

I was hoping that bandidos (biker gang) would find him before the police did and do to him what he has done to others, torturing the shit out of that coward. I have heard that the father in law of the 9 years old is a member of the bandidos.

you know that you are talking like someone who doesnt know its 2016 and not 1942, whats wrong with you? why would someone you offend clear this up for you? go fuck yourself and die

he leaked half life 3 and was about to upload it.

Go gas yourself you autistic fuck

this guy murdered (probably raped) like 5 people i think.
He told Sup Forums that at 9p.m. something will happen - on 9 p.m. he told someone at a restaurant, that they should call the police because (in his own words) " they're searching for him".
And now it's a debate if they really caught him

Bandidos are all over euro prisons, so if he is put to normal prison, he'll be hurt&dead.

He'll go to a prison asylum to full isolation propably tho.

well, apperently he just attacked a train station in dsseldorf and is arrested, the picture of him in handcuffs match shoes and gloves with the real pictures he posted himself

Everything from yesterday and today

Hesse is fucking badass!

and how about monday and tuesday ?

......And looks like a manlet

Don't messe with the Hesse bro

>he is


can someone post the 4archive link

Yeah OLD foto's of him

Well how about that, shame most of us speak FUCKING ENGLISH

dude he has hooves.

der wird richtig spass haben im knast! der wird sich immer schön nach der seife bücken müssen. hoffe er wird so leiden wie seine opfer und deren angehörige


translated from German via google chrome

woher kennt ihr 18 jährigen so ne scheisse wie "bus bauen"?

some ppl say he raped the girl in the appartment where he killed the 120kg woman?! what happened there?!!!

welcome to news from 30minutes ago

we don't know, they just found it like 30 min ago

Ältere Geschwister

free marcl heß
fuck cops

du wirst es nicht glauben, aber die haben auch Internet


Du dummes Stück scheiße. Wenn der in der Wohnung geblieben ist, wie soll die Polizei den auch finden? Affenjunge.

talk finnish pls

Washington Post

By Associated Press March 9 at 4:07 PM

BERLIN — German police say they have arrested a man during their search for a suspect in the killing of a 9-year-old boy in the city of Herne this week.

A spokesman for Herne police says officers made the arrest after the man called them from a fast food stall in the western German city Thursday evening.

Police spokesman Gunnar Wortmann told The Associated Press that the man also informed police about a fire in an apartment, where officers later found two bodies.

Wortmann says police can’t yet confirm the arrested man is 19-year-old Marcel Hesse, who was being sought since the killing of a neighbor’s child on Monday.

Authorities said Hesse had posted boastful pictures of the boy’s body on a web forum. A nationwide manhunt for Hesse was launched Tuesday.

This,,, you dumb newfags..

Die Tochter kam heute nicht zur Schule. Unangemeldet nehme ich an.
Da hätte doch was passieren müssen!

I'm a bit sad that we won't hear from him again (personally). Judging from the pictures, he looks like a chill dude. I mean, I don't wanna work too, so I can somewhat understand him.

forgot the Washington Post link:

damn, you're retarded

Haben sie ihn?

kiitti on tääl sentään joku järkevä

hat sich in jer pommesbude gestellt


Mmh lecker Pommes

The pastebin message is fake. Obviously written by a native English speaker, not a 19yo German kid with no school education.

Nur weil jemand nicht in der Schule ankommt fliegt nicht die Polizei in die Wohnung ein. Denkst du außerdem sie ist die einzige die nicht unangemeldet gefehlt hat? Vielleicht ist es nicht mal die Tochter? Vielleicht wohnte die garnicht da? Vielleicht hat die Schule nichts gemeldet? Warum auch?
Aber Hauptsache erstmal die Arbeit der Polizei degradieren

Es soll ein Griche gewesen sein

die frau und die junge frau haben im türken viertel gewohnt, auf dem foto hatte die frau wenn es eine war schwartze haare , also gehe ich mal davon aus das es ein türkin ist, man ist oder war sich nicht sicher ob es eine frau war weil man sie nur von hinten gesehen hat und weil sie eine stärkere behaarung auf dem arm hat wie man es auf dem foto sieht .

was sagt ihr ????

>kindermörder :---DDd

>versuchen dumme Kinder auf beh zu belehren

Hätte meinetwegen auch ein Dönerladen sein können. Irrelevant

Ich sage, dass du wie ein 14-jähriger Florian schreibst und du gerade Schwänze saugst.

Deegah wer hat denn bitte gesagt dass die Tochter noch zur Schule geht? Die 120 kilo braut kann auch so wie sie aussah 50-60 gewesen sein und die Tochter 30. Kein Plan wie ihr alle drauf kommt dass ne Tochter 10-18 sein muss.

Oh shit
>wenn ich nicht am bumsen bin

Heißt das er hat sich an der Tochter vergangen? Als sie schon tot war? Bestimmt auch vorher, krass alter wie krank

Does this mean he raped the daughter when she was dead? Prolly even before, sick Bastard

hat einer die fotos von allem?

fuking retard

Knows motive from a voice message: he just didn't want to go working :D
What a dumbfuck. he could have kidnapped a rich kid and blackmail much money; instead he kills the neightbour child after a failed suicide, kills 2 more females and now goes to forensic psychiatry for the rest of his life. hahaha wtf is wrong with this psychotic.



Polizei hat ne Pressekonferenz für 0 Uhr angesetzt

ich stehe ja auch auf schwaätze , du weißt garnicht was du verpasst du vorderlader

In herne gehen die 30 jährigen auch noch in die 9 klasse

Ich glaube du bist ein schwule hauptschüler

Die Frage ist gilt das? Ist er nun kein KHV mehr?

>uuuugh I don't wanna go to work today
>an hero

obviously he was online for too long.

>only learn one language ever


Lern Englisch

Genieße dein Aids.

so badass he couldn't kill himself and had to prey for the easiest and weakest target
