So who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

so who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Inb4 Leslie jones

[Insert Black Male Actor Here]

How the fuck are so many people still memeing about Harambe? I don't mind it, I'm just a bit confused.

Andy Serkis

cos he looks like leslie jones

Post your best harambes

Michael Cera

oh, you meant the gorilla?

Clinton had him killed to take attention off her emails.

But the emails keep happening.

A precious animal going extinct was murdered so another animal could grow up to become a crime ridden thug that'll most likely end up being shot or thrown in jail. The parents should have been charged here for not looking after their baby monkey. They are directly responsible.


Look at me: i'm the nigglet now

the only real answer

Leslie Jones.

idris elba

Harambe's a fuckin legend dude, he was one of us.

keiran culkin


because black live matter you fucking racist!

Tom Hardy


>Bernie supporters actually think he wasn't a pawn working for the Clintons since the beginning
>People actually donate money to politicians
>People vote