ITT shows that literally only you remember.
ITT shows that literally only you remember
I liked this stuff, also dat prime Sienna Miller
Kevin Hart?
WTF is that?
it's Krod Mandoon, it's fucking medieval kino
>He seriously thinks people don't remember the Big Bad Beetleborgs
I loved them more than Power Rangers. Shadowborg was god tier.
Beetleborgs was tight.
The only Canadian show I've ever watched
I wish it got more attention. It's one of the best sports drama shows I've ever watched.
While we're one the topic, Kilokahn was a god tier villain.
This was fucking great, and despite the cancellation, it had the perfect ending so it became a mini-series of sorts.
>my face reading that the lead's brother was a boxer and one night he just went to bed and never woke up
I only remember the intro was catchy as fuck and once an aunt got me a toy of them and for some reason i tried to melt it so i stood in the sun for a couple of hours holding it up like a complete imbecil, by the time someone found me i was sunburn and my arm was sore as hell, fucking toy was intact.
The toys were the fucking best. I had the Beetleborgs, the Beetleborgs Metallix, Vexor, Shadowborg, the blue and green rovers, and some of the monsters.
27 year old Amerifag here. Theres a show I remember as a kid. I think there was like a blue cat puppet that was supposed to be super cool, and a guy who walks on his hands. Fuck I can't remember what that was though.
Fuckin hell. You didn't use a magnifying glass, just held it in the air?
I do! This shit was alright. Came on before TNG.
Cleopatra something something?
>Being this autistic.
Fun show if hilariously cliched at times
I recall a show on FOX, on after the Simpsons that was set in the 60's. The protagonist was a little kid. Scenes I distinctly remember are the older brother yelling 'PENIS' during a taping of a 60's game show and a scene where a friend's dad finds out the friend was looking at porn and is overjoyed to find out his son is not gay. I think this friend character later showed up on Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide.
Oh, and a fairly funny cutaway gag where the protagonist (whose adult self narrates the show) flash forwards to the 70's where he has grown up to be a hippie acid-head.
It found genuine humor in people grappling with serious eating disorders.
"It's not o.k.!"
Oliver Beene
That 8-bit boss fight music
Close enough. I have no idea what it's about other than 11 yr old me wanting to tongue punch the blonde.
>we wuz kangz on the left
All I remember is one episode where "the nerdy one" wants to fuck an asian girl so he throws some nerd competition for her, but she was like "you're a fucking loser you should have just beat me dumbass."
omg dude, that brunette curly hotty and the blonde sister, me likey
I got you.
Cleopatra 2525. I hated the show,but the theme song gets stuck in my head all the time to this day.
>tfw you google this
>tfw you realize cleopatra was a lot more attractive in your memory than she apparently was in reality
Yeah I used to sporadically watch this with mild interest.
Only one other person I know IRL remembers this cartoon. This was honestly my absolute favorite show when I was very young (3-5). I remember eventually it was on YTV at 4am after a while and I'm not sure why they moved it to such a shitty timeslot. This was probably 1994 or 1995. I always tried to get my grandmother to wake me up early enough to watch it but she never did and now it has been 21 years.
That main guy's outfit looks familiar . . .
mfw this is where i originally knew Dinklage from
Legend of the Seeker
Kevin Hart as a muslim what the fuck??
I'll try to describe/give titles:
1. A show about pirates with a talking parrot thing.
2. Swat Kats
3. The Fruities
4. Botsmaster
5. Kittykats
6. Lamb Chops Play along
7. Pappyland
8. Groundling Marsh
9. Secret World of Alex Mac
10. Fuzzpaws
11. Shirley Holmes
12. Marie Soleil
13. Tellatale Town
14. Bananas in Pajamas
15. Under the Umbrella Tree
16. Camp Caribou
17. Bad Dog!
18. Mega Babies
19. Beast Master
20. Mystery Hunters
21. Spicy City
22. Celebrity Death Match
23. Spy Groove
24. Captain Star
25. Stressed Eric
26. Caitlin's Way
27. Catwalk
28. It's Alive!
29. YTV News
30. PJ Katie's Farm
31. The Head
33. Aeon Flux
34. Lolita Lolita
35. The Maxx
36. System Crash
I'll add more if I think of more.
Source Code was a direct rip off. And I liked it too.
Also nobody remembers this and it was back when NBC made decent dramas.
This is literally talked about on Sup Forums daily so fuck off yeah?
>Celebrity Death Match
>Aeon Flux
Don't bother adding more. List is shit bro.
Oh man, The Odyssey! What a unique show, one of the few shows they should remake.
bridget is, but the show isn't tbf
Also this.
This was on NBC at the middle of Iraq.
Nobody I talk to remembers any of the shows I mentioned with VERY fee exceptions. Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad is one of them.
That's not Jack of All Trades
Walter Melon
The Boy
What A Mess
The Secret World of the Spy Dogs
I'd Kröd her WoMändoon if you know what I mean
That's the show that came before Jack of All Trades.
sledge hammer
once a thief
Yeah, that would be cool. I think when it came out it was sort of a new twist on The Lord of the Flies. I'm probably too old for demographic now cause similar stuff like The 100 doesn't hold my attention, but wouldn't mind a remake all the same.
I remember Ryan Reynolds ofc but looked at the imdb and wow pic related is in 2 episodes
Goddamn, user. Canadian here, every kid in my school watched The Odyssey. Pic related, Ryan Reynolds as Macro, circa 1992 I believe.
I remember one episode they mention owning a Playstation AND N64, and being able to play Goldeneye or Metal Gear Solid.
Also that face you could wake up to episode.
I used to stay up late at night just to watch this.
>Playstation and N64
>MGS and Goldeneye
It was the great white buffalo...
Is this worth watching? I loved Briscoe
Who else watched this?
I've seen every single episode and have never met anyone that has ever even heard of it before.
I think a lot of Canadians did, and it had some international distribution, but yet there is very little media or information about production. There must be a old storage locker or rusty container on some Vancouver backlot just full of gems from this show.
Nah it was shit. Only Bruce was any good.
The US was allied with Napoleonic France against Britain at the time of the Napoleonic Wars. So technically Jack's a traitor.
I still love quoting that intro.
I can't remember if pic related was any good or not. I loved the series when it aired but I had no taste
I remember this
that kid had that little pet fish thing that lived in their pool then shit started getting serious with more of them coming ashore from the ocean
Not from what I see most days.I guess I'm not on here often enough every single day of my life then unlike you.
Thanks I knew I wasn't blind when I scrolled through the catalog.
Yep, I'm reading the wiki page on it now and some of it's coming back to me.
The concept is cool but there's clones and superpowers and shit thrown in that distract from the mystery of the creatures.
>12 episodes of slow build up
>shit finally gets real in the final episode by the time everyone's stopped watching
It wasn't surprising it got canned. Fucking GOAT though
>tfw no bigger-budget reboot
This show was so bizarre I can't believe it actually got made. It was entirely in first person, and "you" the viewer was the lady's man main character. The show was basically an uncomfortable to watch and extremely cringe-worthy wish fulfillment fantasy.
Ah-eee-ah choo!
Damn i just posted it...But yeah I did sometimes. I never finished it though. You know if it's running on Netflix?
Bought the first two seasons for 5 bucks. I've watched a few episodes and it's not that bad. Pretty comfy, slow, low budget 90s television with Bruce Campbell being himself. His catch phrase is "very fancy". Its super repetitive though.
'War of the Worlds' had a short lived tv show in the 80s. Think it lasted two seasons in syndication.
Yup. It was a first person 90's sex comedy. Except it came out in the 2000's Fuck it was awful.
they used to rerun that shit all the time on TBS, the skinny wife was definitely milfy
>Spicy City
>Spy Groove
>Stressed Eric
>It's Alive!
Are you me, dude? Fuck, all you need is the Spawb series and Mummies Alive and we become identical
>USA High
>California Dreams
>Hang Time
>City Guys
>Saved by the Bell: College Years/New Class
Really just a bunch of interchangeable teen ensemble comedies
>3 seasons
>progressively worse somehow
also re using the same creatures and calling them slightly different things(yeti/bigfoot/sasquatch) really hurt this show
also S1 is the best
The ending was fucking terrible and I regret having wasted any time watching it
No one that I've talked to remembers this show
For a long time I actually wasn't sure if I imagined this or not. It was like a fever dream based on Transformers, Power Rangers, and 90's cg.
>superhuman samurais
>remember one part where the villain kid called the chick a GITCH
>watch where you're going you stupid GITCH
was the fucking best thing I ever saw as a kid
Does anyone remember that show fox put out late 90s early 00's about a family of warewolves..suppose to be a comedy but it only lasted maybe 2 episodes??? Ive been looking for it for years
Great theme song from this one. It actually gets recycled now and then in weird places like sportscasts and shit. It's the show's only legacy.