>this is the pinnacle of modern murriturd """""""""""""""""""""cinema"""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Let that sink in.

Say that again?

Why not just...film outside?

It requires effort

That again


This is what pisses me off about the mcu, the lack of effort

You're forgetting the movie that bombed so hard they retroactively removed it from the DCU.

>Not knowing the difference between Marvel Studios and Fox

>he thinks marvel studios had anything to do with f4nt4stic flop

Yeah and? Ghostbusters is "Certified Fresh", RT scores mean shit.

This is prequels tier haha oh wow

The fight sucked. Everyone was running around randomly and all seperated despite being in profile for that retarded army charge

>rotten tomatoes is the gold standard of movie reviews

Because it's easier to use greenscreen to mold the scenario, plus if they filmed outside the entire thing would inevitably be recorded and leaked online.

I still haven't seen it.
That fight scene looks piss poor and although I'm a marvel fag I don't think I'll enjoy it.
I've read civil war and I can guarantee it won't have the same scope.

>DC faggots think Marvel is the only one that does this

kek, its hilarious how you try soooo hard to win your little company war and end up looking like faggots in the process


Whoa, 8% LMAO

Is this why movies cost 200 million dollars now? Just fucking film outside.

For all the talk that CGI and Green Screen are cheaper, films seem to cost 150-200% more now. Just compare 80's and 90's films to their modern sequels and reboots.

Greatest action scene in the history of capeshizzle, so entertaining, the entire theatre was enjoying the fuck out of it

compare to it, the groaning in the theatre during BVS lol

Meanwhile, at Cuckvel

Filming outside doesn't suddenly give Henry Cavill the ability to fly or shoot laser beams out of his eyes.


That's FOX you utter retard, has nothing yo do with the mcu


This is what a marvel studio looks like.

They should just make their logo green too


It's hilarious how Cavill just stands there like a balding retard.

Fucking retard LMAO

>civil """""""""""""war"""""""""""

Because there's literally nothing that can hurt him, it would be more retarded if he was bracing himself

Mad tbqh desu baka

The airport scene sucked balls.

Civil War in general sucked balls until the final fight when shit really went down.

I wanted to see Avengers fuck each other up. Not spare and quip at each other.

Batman ''""""v""""'' Superman


I don't even understand what's going on anymore... Is this supposed to be some shitty attempt at bait? It's pathetic

To be fair, it makes more sense in their case when you look at the finished product. However, there was literally no reason they couldn't have shot outside.


*Quips fedora*

don't worry, some of us realize that capeshit is a plague

A burning battlefield with giant heaps of debris


An airport

>i-it's not REAL marvel
hahaha oh my fuck

An yet, the Marvel airport background looked real, and the Doomsday fight background looked fake as fuck.

The final result is the only thing that matters.


>airport background looked real

Was there even a background to the doomsday fight? I just remember lightings all over the place. shit was a mess

that was classic satire though you fucking pleb holy shit


literally who (gives a fuck?)

A action heavy scene like this may take all day or multiple days to film. The lighting/weather would change too frequently and be jarring when editing the scene together.

I don't like it, but they have to do it to maintain consistency.

holy shit, rekt

>marvel fans and dc fans are rivals

you autismos are incorrigible

Looks fine, far better than the flying falcuck's scenes.


What does incorrigible mean?

>hating more classic satire
keep ousting yourself as a pleb fuckwit

I still haven't seen this yet. Should I?

Best movie in the DCEU. Can't wait for Jonah to cross paths with El Flasho.

>Halle Berr
>bright spot
Critics are fucking retarded.

>all these screens of rt scores back and forth

Top kek such good entertainment seeing you please fight amongst yourselves

This is in Hindsight pretty good

The airport scene was fun but this shot was shit.

And the scene after it is cool but so short.


>Satire means it's allowed to suck
But that's not even the point you fucking moron.

>X'ing TFA and Iron Man 3
shit taste desu

This was EXACTLY how a cape movie should be.

Cross out Ant-Man and I'll agree.

are you for reals?

>hurr it sucks because.it has a low RT score

>b-but marvel
every fucking time

If they had stuck to the comic it could have been great, instead they bitched out in order to sell more tickets, so that's why IM3 gets crossed out.

are u ok

The Incredible Hulk is very underrated. One of MCU's best films, in my opinion, before everything turned into a quipfest. Actually I don't believe there was even one quip that entire movie...

It sucks because it's not a good movie.
The RT score is simply a quantifiable metric in order to show what percentage of critics liked it and as such is easily comparable to other RT scores in order to suss out a general idea of a films quality.

>It sucks because it's not a good movie.

HeHe (笑´・艸・)

>C average films

Pretty embarrassing DESU, Disney

Actually how did Avengers get such high ratings? It was the worst one

I liked when Captain America tried to murder a teenager by dropping a walkway on him.
Finally a hero Americans can look up to