Redpill me on Cara Delevigne, what's her endgame as an actress?

Redpill me on Cara Delevigne, what's her endgame as an actress?

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using her boyfeet to become a footlsut

None, she's an empty headed fridge bodied slut with no talent that's only where she is due to nepotism

to get money for being a meme
get access to A-list pussy

Is there no one on her hit list? Didn't she date Boyega too, or was that some other black Brit actor?


no endgame

her family is ridiculously wealthy so she's just doing whatever

She was the Dh for the pop station in GTA V

Everyone always says that but are they rich or like actually rich? Either way pay to get her some rehab for coke!

those are some ugly ass toes

>no talent


Very rich and well connected from what I've read, but I haven't seen her dads tax returns or anything.

That said; I think she's a decent actress. I like her voice and she has very kissable lips.

that's the first shit i did 2 years ago on day one at drumming school faggot and i was 6

fuckin yuck, no wonder shes a lesbo

she's covering up all the good parts


> actors
> paid for their bodies

psst most of them are short and look like shit

they get paid for their gorgeous faces

fwiw margot robbie is a fridge too

>ywn be a dyke with her

someone left their surfboard in the water

How low does your self esteem get when everyone says you're pretty and THAT'S your body and know everyone is lying to your face.Holy shit that's sad.

must be pretty boring being a dyke with no tits to play

Should've stayed with Michelle Rodriguez. She was so much hotter than Annie Clark.

>super dry

what did she mean by this?

They're like European old nobility rich.


I happen to like her



pls post more cara panty!




Did she hit any homeruns?


I like Cara a lot. I like her good looks and her bad looks. Gets me going either way. I like HD images of her that show all her flaws.


I listened to that station just for Cara. I would go at full force in her vagina, mouth and ass. I want to stick my face in that.

only flaw i can see is that her second toe is longer than the big toe. that always grosses me out.


ugh 0/10


why is no one posting her hack of a gf?

She's a carpet muncher dude, full on lesbian

Become nobody once she turns thirty and looks aren't enough to compensate for lack of acting talent.

would she let me eat her pusy lips if i grew my hair out?