Why do Americans like to kill their good presidents? Is it the whole being retarded thing?

Why do Americans like to kill their good presidents? Is it the whole being retarded thing?

this is obvious bait, but those good presidents got a lot of shit done, which means more chance that it will piss off the crazies.

Reagan lived. Trumps still kicking. Try harder m8

>Already declaring Trump good
>Pretending Regan was better than he really was


Lincoln was so bad half the country seceded. Even though the states had a right to form their own country, Abe got into a pussy and went into a war that ended up Killing millions of Americans. Abe didn't want to free the slaves but the North morale was waning and look where freeing them got us today.

A) Abe arrested a fucking STATE so they wouldn't secede
B) He only freed SOUTHERN slaves. The ones in the Confederacy.
Lincoln was a cunt.

>Is it the whole being retarded thing?
Yeah that thing
It's that

>people unironically think this way


Good presidents usually prove someone's beliefs wrong. That's dangerous here.

The modern tactic is to just lie about the good president being a good president. The most recent example is Obama. He made some mis-steps but he did do very well over all.

I dunno, he did authorize the unlawful kidnapping of US citizens without due process. Not sure if that's well enough.

Kennedy didn't do shit, he didn't get us out of Nam and told MLK to his face that he wouldn't give blacks their civil rights because the people wouldn't like it and it would fuck up his votes. He's famed for his dealing of the missile crisis but he only escalated tensions and it was Gorbachev that lowered them at the last minute. If you're one of those people that like civil rights then thank the fact his brain parted with his skull because LBJ actually made an effort to help blacks. Hell even Nixon did more for civil rights than Kennedy.

Not to mention completely fucking up Syria more than it already was

Kennedy was literally to Catholics what Obama was for blacks. Such a progressive vote.

Bombing yemeni hospitals, etc. But that isn't nearly as bad as a single constitutional violation.

And the nsa, particularly giving other government bodies the right to see nsa data on us just before leaving office.

See there's that and then there's the stable economic recovery he pulled off. Granted the middle class was weaker than they needed to be. All in all things could have gone so much worse, like they are right now.

I can't fucking wait for all the surprised retards to surface 4-10 years from now when we hit another huge recession because of republicans. Shit's going to be hilarious. I'll probably starve.

Fuck you, cunt.

JFK was a great man.

I dunno if he REALLY helped the economic recovery or just bought time for the dollar to collapse before the next one. Time will tell. They could have gone worse though, yeah.

>and it was Gorbachev that lowered them at the last minute
You mean Khrushchev right?


Great with multiple ladies at once perhaps. No so much being president

Lol Read the second half of my reply. Republictards are going to crash the economy.

Arming the rebels that formed ISIS was a great achievement, how else would the Kurdish proxy army forces seize land in Syria?

Oops yeah. Silly me.

I did read it but the legislators don't really control the economy in any meaningful way in the short term. Obama burying us in more debt is not a solution that laws alone can fix. The government isn't really interested in becoming sustainable so it doesn't matter who's in control if this train's going off the rails that hard.

Trump's big talk was all about cutting the costs to pull value back into the currency but doubtful even in two terms he could manage much. Republicans in general, with or without fiscally responsible Dems can't handle all of that shit.

True American Patriot. Didn't like Mondays. Loved Lasagne.

RIP in pieces. Eat a dick, Odie.


Got my fingers crossed they start killing off the shitty ones, too.

Abe freed slaves, kennedy knew secrets he wanted to expose to the american people about aliens.


They all lit

lol kek.

+1 for Lincoln deserving to get shot. he was doing the same thing to the South that whitey was doing to black people and for the same reasons.

pretty much
