Hey Drumpfkins

Hey Drumpfkins,

What makes America great?
Exactly what standards are used to measure when a country is great?
Why wasn't America great before Drumpf won?

I'll wait.

Other urls found in this thread:


Betcha none of them can articulate it, without resorting to racist bullshit.

Wealth disparity continues to grow and the people are the most divided in recent history. Very few products are made in America when compared to 20 or 50 years ago. Jobs reserved for kids are now mostly taken by adults working 2 jobs. Such little upkeep the infrastructure is becoming dangerous in some parts of the country. The current CIA is fucking incompetent.

Not that Trump is going to do anything about that.


Opinion discarded

Drug and hospital fees are at an all time high. Higher education costs are at an all time high. The dollar is worth a bit less in general. The media is no longer a trusted source of news. We're going through a Heroin epidemic...

Fuckin liberals always whining. Just go prep Tyrone like a good cuck.

because it makes leftists who don't employ reason mad

stay mad kid :)

ffs I'm listing the reasons America needs to be great again.

>people are the most divided in recent history
There's no way you actually believe this do you? There were capitalists who were thriving during The Great Depression. Wealth disparity has always existed but it's nowhere near the worst it's ever been.

>The current CIA is fucking incompetent.
The CURRENT CIA? Compared to the CIA decades and decades ago when they wanted to train soldiers to blow up goats with psychic powers or when they thought dropping Agent Orange into the battle field was a good idea? They've always done asinine things. Them wanting to hack people's TVs and listen to them scream "Where's the fucking remote?" is pretty tame compared to the shit they used to do.

>wanted to train soldiers to blow up goats with psychic powers
that was a movie you fucking dipshit

I like how people were all surprised to learn the cia can "hack" our tech to listen to us. It's like come on retards, it's 2017, if they wanted to they could know exactly where you are and listen to you by your smart phone. These types of "hacks" are not new at all

Put us all at risk. They kept a database of backdoors and exploits into all of our devices instead of reporting them. There's nothing to stop other governments or hackers from discovering and using those, and they have.

Congratulations, you've now learned that some stupid movies are based on true stupid stories.

Also, Special Forces used to use goats to teach soldiers how to treat wounds. They would kill goats in the process.

The entire idea came about because a Special Forces soldier claimed he killed a goat by staring at it.


>being this stupid


Lol people like you amaze me.

Google has all of your information, your browsing history and the creepy shit you're into at their fingertips.

Facebook has literally every single tidbit of information about you. They were caught selling information to marketers to make a buck.

But this is what you're scared of? The CIA having backdoors to read your private messages and see your disgusting nudes?

>believing the govt would spend money on such a stupid idea


It's easier to identify what doesn't make america great. It's pic related

Take your shitty tiny trump memes elsewhere, CIA. Memetics department is weak, you guys studied the wrong memes; besides they have to be organic to have effect

haha gif



Last time all agencies agreed it was about WMDs in Iraq

Which is hilarious considering Clapper just came out and said they had no russian connections 3 days ago, making the past "17 agencies" claim total bullshit

Freedom and bravery.


Spotted the nigger.

Logs out.

O w8

What makes niggers so great ?

Implying it wasn't great, but what years before Trump was the "greatness" at its peak

sad man posts his sad post.

you answer yourself too quickly kid. we all know its samefagging bullshit.

so its just like when barry was president.

When they made this movie, that's when it went to shit


This. Selective outrage over invasion of personal privacy is retarded. We give up more PII voluntarily than the CIA could ever collect.

Haha. How much does that butt hurt little guy?

No niggers and no fags would be a good start

Real pic btw.


10/10 writing

That pic would be great if it didn't have the stupid anime fag and N64 in there.

You dream an alpha would suck your HIV riddled shaft huh?

Need a Trump duds


Pick one.

Why is it that Republican congress members always sound like bumbling dipshits?

Compare them to Democrats who sound sane, sound and reasonable.

You took a fucking bubble bath ! What the fuck was I supposed to do ! I didn't fuck you ! You fucked me ! You fucked me ! You both sucked my cock !

Go back to Sup Forums you script nigger

Pretty sure Sup Forums is for sucking Trump's cock and praising conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Gotta get the word out that whites are dying and porn is degenerate, right?

You go back to your cesspool pit of NEET tinfoil hat losers.

Got it. Trump dubs


Good job retard





its the only superpower

Yeah, they're that dumb.

>What makes America great?

the sad bit is, in the 30's, 50's and 60's, the US truly WAS great, and a nation others aspired to.

Why? because it stood for equality, freedom, liberty. Religious tolerance, scientific endeavour that pushed the boundaries, intellect and innovation.

Now? its everything that it was against. Intolerance of immigrants, creationism, jingoistic isolation.

Make products in US.
Kids don't want to work. We just looped back from recession.

Thought it was us ("Americans") who had to do anything if anything.

Can boycott and create new medical lines. Not obamacare.
As far as heroin goes. Population is rizing and so far it's a choice to kill one self.

>the sad bit is, in the 30's, 50's and 60's, the US truly WAS great, and a nation others aspired to.
I'd rather live in the dark ages. Books were great. Beer was cheap.

Hatred for literally anyone new, Irish, Italians, Germans.

Hatred for anyone not American and "blue"

Same for 50s but a tad bit better and more hatred for Commie asians.

Nigga what?
Now it is true that America was great, but not for the reasons given.
It was economic superiority that but us ahead of others, even during the depression we were doing good compared to much of central Europe.

It's the mindset. You can't repeate or rewind. You can't make, what was once "great".


>I'll wait.

The mentality in this country now is that as long as we're more "free" or "greater" than other countries, we're ok. Uncle Sam finds new ways every to take away some freedoms and/or rights and the average american is too stupid to see it.

Hell, we're heading into a extremely controlled society but hey, as long as we're not getting fucked more than the other guys, 'murica is still great. Doesn't matter how many collars the govt puts on us, as long as we have less than the other guys, 'murica is still great.

This isn't and hasn't been a great country for a long time. Is it better than most? Yes. But we could do better. WAY better.

Yeah, it's some shill 16 year old payed by correct the record to post stupid shit on here hoping they might convince the one-off retard who believes fake news sources.

40 days after Trump wins, ISIS has already admitted defeat

>ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has admitted defeat in Iraq and ordered militants to either flee or kill themselves in suicide attacks, it has been claimed.


Republicucks are too stupid to run this nation.

>in Iraq

ever hear of a place called Syria?

Trump killed the god awful TPP deal almost immediately after getting into office.

Even Bernie Sanders praised Trump for this


2 types of republicucks. I'm better that most of the ones here are like the guy on the left.

Sad but true

They're great if you're rich.

Samefagging so hard. Beat it, SJW. Your oh-so-tired talking points ain't gonna cut it here

This thread.

FTFY bud

>U.S. added 235,000 jobs in February; unemployment rate dropped to 4.7 percent


Calm down dimitri

sure snowflake

Just made this piece of graphic art today.. what does Sup Forums think? Plan is to sell as poster along with my other work

>jokes on you, he only defeated them in one of the two countries they were in!

how is this a failure on his part exactly?

lol, you better enjoy these kinds of attacks while you can still make them. His jobs plan, ie taking jobs out of foreign countries and working with companies to keep inflation from happening, is only going to benefit men and women like the one on the left. Besides, liberals do the same damn thing. Just imagine fatso is some millennial black chick.

Thanks Obama

just continuing on the trend that Obama started.

Stupid Russian. Fuck off Boris

Samefagging again

Hey, you got an email? I'm gonna make this into a shirt for my group.

Nice try dimitri. Fuck off russian

Theres STILL no evidence of any russian hacking conspiracy. The DNI reports came out months ago and contained nothing

Also, Hillary and her team lobbied for a Kremlin owned Russian company to mine for Uranium in America and she accepted millions in donations from the russian government which she tried to keep secret



email on Sup Forums.. yea okay.. give me yours

>oh no, this thread again


You're on a phone, so it's pretty obvious you just turned wifi off lol

Another Russian in this thread?

1. Trump hasn't defeated shit
2. He promised he would defeat them in 30 days, not defeat some of them in 40 days.

>believing trump




>1. Trump hasn't defeated shit

you mean other than Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and ISIS?

Sure thing.

I can




So many Russians in this thread. Fuck off already

do that too