So im in a different reality than I was before.....pretty strange...

so im in a different reality than I was before.....pretty strange. I don't expect anyone to buy it but would love to hear from people about it...thanx guys

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what is it like?

I get it man.
i feel the same but cant prove it.
what was your reality like?

or how is it different

well for me it just started last year.
i noticed that my friends and family talked just a little different putting weird emphasis on certain letters, new slang terms.
then when i was talking to them their personality had changed ever so slightly.

it's like a universe where everything is shifted slightly to the right.

it honestly may have been a fantasy of somekind. I know there was a year or so that I was very depressed and did nothing but lay in bed and pretend life was different. but a few years ago I started remember all this stuff about my life that I had forgotten. nobody admits to remembering any of it. things are very similar to how they were so its hard to explain. and its gona sound stupid cus the biggest difference is a girl that I had a very deep relationship with now claims we barly know each other and never had that relationship. not that i misunderstood but that we never actually spent time together when i was sure we did. i think a bunch of gods may just be fucking with me. in one of the memoerys that came back i met a person with a rams head... and that's not something i would pretend to experience on purpose..

op here. look at our last dig. spooky...

so its like putting a red tind on a projector right?
different, but only noticable to few

i feel the same way (i didnt realize it until now)

i may have completely lost faith in god and made a deal with the devil thinking he probly wasn't real either.. i remember thinking of how that works and specifically wanting to think my life had been different. and thinking at one point, maybe i have to pick what i want to remember... it was a stupid think to gamle on cus i was literally only asking to remember it differently.. the memorys go so far back tho.. things that know for a fact happened and knew about before had more context that i didn't remember..

hm i guess u could say that but not really. i was in a situation with a group of friends, and they would probly not just pretend it didn't happen now.. but they don't mention it at all.. and i vividly remember all this talk from literally everyone iv ever know about magic and gods and everyone hated me.. its like i didn't remember a huge theme my while life then one day it all came back over the course of a few months.. and sometimes something on tv or something will happen and i know for a fact iv seen it before even tho its brand new and i coulnt have... like music from this last year is in some of my memoerys from years ago...

i saw jesus and hes a terrifying dead arab.. i watched my hand heal instantly after punching a car till the skin was busted to shit. i remember my arm being broken and asking god in anger"why i was doing this for him" and telling him if he didn't fix my arm id kill him if i ever get the chance and i felt it heal(painfully as fuck) i and this girl raped the shit out of eachother(abit worried theres a grain of truth to that) everyone in town found out and blamed me cus im the guy.. i even called her and asked her if i raped her and she said no.

I remember exactly when it happened. I had just ended a C4ISR shift at 3AM on a base in northern Afghanistan and was walking to a small bus stop. Suddenly, I had a glimpse of my body walking from behind and about 15 feet above ground level (sort of over my right shoulder), and I "landed" in it. It was strange, because for just a moment, I had no "control" over basic motor functions - like I was just a passenger of some sort. There was a large deep ditch directly in my path, and I tried to stop walking, but couldn't. A moment later, I gained control and managed to stop a foot or two from the edge, but both legs stopped simultaneously in mid stride. It felt odd and uncoordinated.

Ever since then, I've found that a majority of my memories don't match up with the accepted history of this dimension - they differ in a number of small, seemingly unnoticeable ways. It's pretty unnerving.

hey other guy here.
I too made many deals with the devil in my head thinking it would never work but always hoping it would.

this isnt some mandela effect bullshit.
like I remember everyone hating Breaking bad when it came out but in this universe it sparked a tv renaissance.
people who i knew were in jail are suddenly free

this is a better timeline for me though so im not really complaining
except for the ever so slightly higher gravity

thank you for your service if your talking about military. that's crazy. i recognize kinda the part where u stoped in mid stride. it reminds me of the 3 or 4 times that i remember time itself stopping.. i was on prescription drugs for learning disabilities, depression and antipsychotics from about 8 or 9. the antipsychotics were because i saw a hand come out of a tv cabinet when i was around 3 or 4 and it pushed a box of tissues on the floor and went back into the cabinet. it was against a wall. and my babysitter heard it and came and asked me how it got on the floor.. and i told a doctor that. but i hadn't started taking stuff like acid and shrooms until after i remember this whole thing.. im sopose to fight evil in spirit space or something and anytime iv tryid to leave my body i just pass out and its been years, the quilt over barly ever trying anymore crushes me more everyday until now im just numb to it. i just get high and live my life and wonder if il ever be able to help the way they said i was sopose to...people have never treated me well, almost like brainslugs targeting me. and in the memories this is because im like not aloud to be happy cause of how a bunch of gods are making deals about my life...

lol fuck you faggot

or are u serious? the breaking bad shit cracked me up...

dude that jail thing kinda happened to me. the girl who, we raped eachother kinda sorta. her dad had died in jail and when i was trying to contact the other girl who i had a relationship with(both girls related) the dad talked to me on the phone.

yea im serious
ive decided that im not really going to look for a way back or what the main difference in this reality is.

im just gonna live here in my new home i guess.

Nigger detected

have you also experimented with astral projection... before i ever remembered this i was convinced i had a succubus attachment cus my new age grandma had said i did when i was younger but i thought she was just being a retard, which she was a very stupid person in a lot of cases.. and i was convinced it was cus of when i tried astral travel..

op is white.

do you feel the gravity or am i making that up.

something about this universe feels oppressive

tried and failed. it makes me nauseous.

when you take too much psychedelics, it is like the fabric of reality changes. You start to have very different experiences, I sometimes see digital screens as if I'm on acid, they are wavy and they look as if they are slightly above the screen for example.

The way I concieve myself and my mind has changed, the first person view feels alien, my body sometimes feels alien. Social interactions seem alien, it is as if I'm in one of those dystopic black mirror episodes constantly.

This is what they call disorientation.

Nigger hath no color, tis a state of being brah

that's some major changes man. things arnt better now. they wernt great before but man its like paradise was dangled in front of me and now things seem so bad in comparison. even the memories of when i was remembering all this are heaven compared to how i feel now. i truly felt like their was no limit to what life could be and now i feel like il be stuck here till my life rots and il probly suffer more after death than i have here... dose ur life now reflect what you spoke to satan about?

Comon bro , this thread was going well until you got all edgy faggot

not really.
its like instead of giving me what i wanted. he gave me just enough to keep me happy and sad at the same time.

its suffering but i can deal with it. if this is hell then its better than my old life.

im serious about that gravity tho. it's like when i talk about it it gets stronger. do you feel it?

no i don't feel anything diff about gravity. you mean your heavyer or lighter?

when i practiced i got basically put in a bag and thrown around my room for a few minutes afraid to open my eyes. then when i did i was next to my bed, i saw myself laying in bed and i saw myself rolling on the ceiling arms and legs twisting around and shit like the grudge...i remember one of my brothers friends asking me if i tried astra when he saw me some time after that. he said i needed to again and said i needed to do things outside. he said i might not be able to but needed to try. it would turn out hes from another demension and he my guardian.. hes actually coming over to have dinner with my parents soon. idk how that's gona go down...


yea none of that is nearly as much edge or autism as the whole story my friend. autism is a huge part of psychedelic. please just leave if u don't like it. id really like to gain precpective from people who understand somewhat.

it's called growing up

have you read about the "mandela effect"?

No going was a "merge" due to an extinction level event due to a solar flare. In this reality, we recruited another civilization to bleed off the excess hydrogen before it erupted.

but im still not convinced its actually satan from the bible.
def some being outside of our dimension
it a heavy oppressiveness i can feel just the slightest pressure on my body

aw nice. i met a few guardians back when I was still not accepting this new place.
had a guy named james offer to protect me here but i turned him down cause i was still in denial and a little angry.

I think that not the same as what im going through.

Do you remember how you got here or no?

i don't feel the gravity. but the other part sounds about right. i don't know if gods teaching me a lesson or if i have just fooled myself into this. idk if god loves me and the devil is just fucking me around.. i don't even know which one i can trust anymore...

Everyone in this thread are experiencing their own personal perception of ZEBRA.

This has been going on for awhile now. There is a lot going on. If you want to dig a little deeper, browse the works of Philip K. Dick (especially V.A.L.I.S. and Exegesis).

She's been back for awhile, and it's going to get better. Sit back and enjoy the shifts.

real op here... yes i have its along those lines but much further beyond that concept both in detail and perception..

How many mental disorders have you guys been diagnosed with?

what u mean sir?

In a sense, yeah. I remember when I was younger, having vivid memories of what life was like. I remember we were poor as shit, but happy, because we all had one another. Around 10, we moved across the country with my grandparents, and my dad was laid off and we lived off his unemployment while my mom worked for a cable company. We moved back to where we were from, and my mom got a new job and money started rolling in. When I was 14, I had broken my leg and was in bed one night. I remember I woke up from a dead sleep. I felt tingly, like I was vibrating almost, and then I felt as if I was seperating from my body. I was lifting up in the air, all the while I heard this droning noise in my ears. I saw different shades of blue and bright white, and before I knew it, I was above myself, but everything around my body looked like static. Then I realized I was in bed again. It happened to me in class about a week later too, but as soon as I was "rejoined" with myself, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. Everything felt different, looked different, but in an undescribable way.

conclusion coming, gimme a sec


none. been cleared by every professional ive talked to

This is some strong shit you guys are on. Where can I get some?


oh shit man
that book is amazing
I felt like the main character while I was reading it in a mental hospital where they were trying to diagnose me with schizophrenia.

I have a few reality changes I documented (some song lyrics and stuff) and some experiences that suggest the Vast Active Lifeform Intelligence System is real

I met THEM
I was used as paper
I was used as a machine
they installed software in my brain

and then I've seen through it and became like them
like the real gods people secretly are

op here a few bud.

>real gods people secretly are

i would not tamper my friend.

I'm going to tamper though

secretly, we are gods
I learned it on acid

an acid trip is a time when everything goes according to our will and we can just say words to make things happen

good luck bud.

You're in hell now. Sorry.

the nth dimension. ask for satan or poochie

for real tho does anybody feel this pressure or is it just me?

People sounded different to me. I remembered fondly talking to a friend of mine like usual, talking about this exact scenario, when she said something along the lines of, "Is this your weird way of making friends?" Naturally I kind of pulled a wut maneuver, and told her we sat together all the time before this. She told me we never sat together before. We'd never spoken before. We never even acknowledged the other existed. I didn't know how to handle it, so I left.

People told me when we moved across the country, my dad never even looked for work. I remember him coming home exhausted late one night after an interview and crying. I was told it never happened. The color of my walls was a lighter white than before, I didn't look quite the same in the mirror. I developed an anxiety disorder because of it, and my depression hit the deep end shortly after.

I came to the conclusion that in a way, nothing is the same anymore. But that's okay, I accept it for what it is. I don't worry over it. I notice the little differences, but I stopped letting it bother me. I'm not scared anymore. I'm not worried. I'm just here.

i stuck my hand up into a fan and couldn't feel it when i was on acid.

another thing I learned is the meaning of life

reality is a mental disorder

And what's that

It must be the choice of...STEINS GATEURU

God plays hide and seek forever

Of course. The one right above the mth dimension.
I'll make sure to bring my phone so Google maps can direct me to Satan's house.

getting straight to the point of fucking

I couldn't make my father come back even with acid though:(

That's been established since before Darwin genius

you didn't use a phone
a phone is a human being not realizing its god on acid

THEY called 2pac on me and had a conversation with me this way

I remember Earth being on the outside edge of one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way. Now it seems we are remarkable "closer" to the core, which would explain an increased sense of gravity or pressure.

Your body is exhausted. You feel all sorts of things when you're sick.


>I remember Earth being on the outside edge of one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way. Now it seems we are remarkable "closer" to the core, which would explain an increased sense of gravity or pressure.

Wew lad

op here. will killing myself help or hurt the situation? dose anyone here know who i am..? if so do u have any advise on what i shoud do?

Yes. Relax. There is nothing to be afraid of. It all cycles in and out, off and on, back and forth. Forever. Just enjoy the shifts.

I dont think thats what i feel

but ive been feeling it for at least a year and some change now

no Op as another out of universe visitor i would say try and make this reality work for you or try to find a way to travel further on

i gave up on looking as this reality is a little better than my own but i can only see killing yourself as playing into satan's hands.

is it the same satan you think?

Doesn't matter

will killing myself help? people told me a lot about me, how much of that was true?

prove u know me then....

It's not a devil or Satan, those are archetypes. They're just concepts. Not real. Ideas.

You're dancing around with your shadow. Your unconscious is more aware than your ego. It can flip on and off. This is normal for people going through initiation for certain Orders and going through spiritual crises, ordeals, etc. You'll be fine.

>but ive been feeling it for at least a year and some change now

Life is mutable, you're not used to it changing

same satan as what?

No, killing yourself is kind of impossible. There is no "self" in reality. We are all one being. Having dreamtime.

did anyone tell me the truth or was it all bullshit?

why is mine like this...

Oh god, so much cringe. Sounds like someone needs a positive male role model in his/xes life, to help him/xim become a teenager

People who have experienced the same gravitate to this thread. Have you not noticed?

So you realised you'll never get laid?

the same i talked to.

I believe they are higher dimensional beings instead of actual religious entities and they pull identities from our minds.

im truthful i do believe i have traveled

that's not proof. duh they would come here if they saw it on the main...

im both replys

sounds about u think they took mine?

i don't mean people here dude. i mean the story people have been telling me about me my whole life, is that true or bullshit?


it would just change your form
you will still exist like you always did

you'll be on a highway of the soul, experiencing reality in other ways till you finally end up as a sentient being with the sense of being self and your perception of time will slow down to something similar to what it currently is

suicide is only a way out of a person you are now
there's no way out of life

>be me on DMT
>someone asks me a question about a name or location of some place I haven't heard of
>I think to myself "I wonder if Google Maps works on this piece of paper"
>he hears the exact answer to his question in my voice

listen to

I mean they use names and lore you will understand instead of their real names.

I dont think people have lied to you. If you actually do feel you've traveled then things are gonna change.
I dont actually know you so i couldnt really say 100% but from my own experience you try to save the relationships you can with the people you knew before it helps with the shock to see familiar faces even if they're a little different

am I the only one who has provable, or at least very real examples of some people reading my thoughts

I've been doing dimensional shifts for about 20 years. It was freaky at first, but now I'm more used to it.
It's the whole "infinite number of universes vibrating on different frequencies" deal.
I can tell when it happens because everything feels off kilter for a bit. It's tingly, and everything sounds like a radio that's just a hair off channel. As things become more focused, things return to relatively normal.

It's easier to trip between Earths that are grouped together, because their frequencies are so close. If this Earth was say 101.5 FM, then shifting to 101.6 FM would be relatively easy because they're so close, and the similarities are so great.

It IS possible to go from one end of the spectrum to the other (Let's say 99.3 to 104.9), but usually that's due to some catastrophic reality altering event. The shift isn't easy, and can be very disoreinting and sometimes painful. This is also when events can be drastically different from the reality you just left.

whats your proof?

but im sopose to be different then other people. i heard the person i "am" just never was because i took his place. i heard me and one ofther person are not here in the same way. we are not pretend like other you know what that means of if its true?


have you ever felt this increase in gravity ive been talking about?

it sounds like you either switched or merged with the alternate you from the universe you now inhabit

the people radio
it's a phenomenon the police introduced me to when doing a check
when I walk through crowds of people and think about a certain topic the shape of the regular noise I'd hear changes to my topic, sometimes answering my questions

e.g. walking on a street and thinking "what have you learned?" and some random person on the street telling me "that you can always leave everything behind"