ENTJ masterrace reporting in. Are there any fellow xNTJs out there? The rest of you can come in too

ENTJ masterrace reporting in. Are there any fellow xNTJs out there? The rest of you can come in too.

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ENTJ here also. What's up

>master race
how's pretending to be in charge working out for you?

>thinking meyers briggs is relevant or accurate in any way at all
fucking kill yourself

So I've revamped my daily schedule to get up at 5am every day. It's been pretty powerful so far. I can hit the gym with full access to the equipment and work on my projects before I have to go to work.

I noticed that my productivity tanked later in the day because people kept distracting me. Now I don't have that problem. The only issue is that I need to go to bed early to get enough sleep in. Highly recommend checking out early wakeups, though.

Retake the test every 6 months or so and after two years the most prominent traits will show, at least that's how I've done it. It's annoying because when you score 50-50 in between two catagories it just assigns you to one or the other there is no in between

Not too bad. Executing on plans designed to achieve your goals is the GOAT life strategy. I've got an easy job, making gym gains, girls like my attitude.

I want to break into web development, though, so I can work while traveling. Live that nomad life.

Nice. My usual schedule is just waking up at seven and getting to the music hall in my uni before everyone else. It's nice being able to practice on my own without anyone else drowning me out.

Only big thing I gotta worry about is when I have to clock in for reserves once every month. I'm doing diesel mechanics as my MOS and it's pretty fun. But back at uni Im usually in charge of the small ensembles of about 5 or 6 people. Life's pretty good.

>not using cognitive functions to type yourself

Honestly if I could do it all over again I would've gone the ROTC route. I'm sure that it would've kept me from partying as hard in college and my opportunities now would've been better. Not that life is bad now.

There's plenty of benefits going the ROTC route, but I thought it was pretty depriving in high school.

Honestly I use the KTS I feel like it's more accurate. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keirsey_Temperament_Sorter

INTJ reporting in.

The indifferent ISTP here

INTP here, my best friend's an ENTJ, love u guys x

These tests don't work.
They are like horoscopes what ever you "get" you will agree with and see yourself in the description.
You will answer the questions pretending to be the person you want to be.

Reserving a quiet corner for my INTP brothers.

Other INTPs, in what field are you studying and/or working, and how do you like it?

Then why does most of society type as degenerate SFs?

Ayyy one of my besties is an INTP! I love how you guys can sit back and really think through a topic. Gotta work on seizing the day, though.

INTJ here although I switch to more extroversion given the circumstance. What's up my brethren?

>not thinking about the bigger picture
>only commanding a daily routine instead of being truly great
>not being an Infp like 90% of great writers and most entrepreneurs

Military intelligence, as you an assume I'm mclovin it

INTJ masterrace here

I love how (at least my friend) ENTJs take everything seriously and are willing to actually discuss ANY topic you present. They ask questions that show they are really interested.

That was my old job, you're basically paid to be an INTP, it's fantastic. I got out and do IT now, I wanted to work on my social skills.it's ok, I guess.

ENTJ reporting in

I'm learning economy right now, if all goes good I'll have 2-3 papers to my name that will let me work various kinds of accounting and administration jobs. Altough I'm thinking about how I'm going to fare in a smaller office environment.

What service were you in?

infp here


Supposedly INFPs are my ideal mate. You ever dated an ENTJ? What's your opinion of them?

better than you

What lessons have you learned recently that make you better at achieving your goals, my ENTJ comrade?

What can you smart fucks tell me about ISTP

INTP but with things