ITT: Write a random, interesting fact

ITT: Write a random, interesting fact

I'll start:

The reason pirates wore eyepatches wasnt because they all lost one eye. It was because when they went under deck, it was super dark, and so they took the eyepatch off, and their sight was already adjusted to it.

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Jet fuel cannot melt steel beams

There is a subspecies of squirrels somewhere in south-america that jerks off & then eats their semen & rubs it all across their body

they do it to protect strengthen their immune system against sexual diseases

Although an interesting idea, the loss of depth perception during the critical period of boarding and seizing control of a vessel would be an incredibly large price to pay in order to see better when going below deck, making this myth implausible.

The myth of pirate night vision has no basis in fact. While it does take time for the human eye to adjust to optimum vision when switching between dark and brightly lit areas, there is no evidence to suggest that such a tactic was ever employed by pirates or anyone else. No naval combat manual or historical account of the era makes any reference to such tactics ever being used.

Out of all blacks around the world, African Americans are the most inbred.

During world war 2, US airforce used cats attached to bombs. Servicemen thought that because cats are afraid of water, they would do anything to avoid it and guide the bomb towards a ship with more accuracy. Ofc the experiment failed as cats fainted during the drop

In complete darkness, the human eye is capable of detecting the light from a single candle at a distance of 13-miles.

Erect my penis into vagina is silky smooth and benefits me well

()() isn't a palindrome

)(() is

This doesn't even make sense.

The famous photo of a georgian soldier of the soviet army raising the red flag on top of the reichstag in berlin was "photoshopped" .
Originally the soldier was wearing two watches on his wrist. One watch was censored because it was probably stolen.

canada does in fact exist and its a wonderland

There was a bear enlisted in the polish army who made it to the rank of Corporal. He also smoked, drank and carried weapons to the front during battles. His name was Wojtek.

A wonderland of shit.

However, after Bismarck was fired by Kaiser William II in 1890, the traditional dislike of Slavs kept Bismarck's successors from renewing the understanding with Russia. France took advantage of this opportunity to get an ally, and the Franco- Russian Entente was formed in 1891, which became a formal alliance in 1894. The Kruger telegram William II sent to congratulate the leader of the Boers for defeating the British in 1896, his instructions to the German soldiers to behave like Huns in China during the Boxer Rebellion, and particularly the large- scale navy he was building all contributed to British distrust of Germany.

As a result, Britain and France overlooked all major imperialistic conflict between them and formed the Entente Cordiale in 1904. Russia formed an Entente with Britain in 1907 after they had reached an understanding with Britain's ally Japan and William II had further alienated Russia by supporting Austrian ambitions in the Balkans. The Triple Entente, an informal coalition between Great Britain, France and Russia, now countered the Triple Alliance.

Klaus Kinski played him in the movie.

Shaq hit almost 12,000 baskets in his career. Exactly 1 of them was a 3-pointer.

It may not be obvious at first, but if you look closely enough, OP turns out to be a faggot.

That's actually awesome

Brazil nuts are often called "nigger toes".

The wingspan of a 747 is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.

If it were brighter, the Andromeda Galaxy would appear six times bigger than a full moon.

Someone Did a Shit So Bad On a British Airways Plane That It Had to Turn Around and Come Back Again. The plane was going from Heathrow to Dubai, but 30 minutes in, it had to turn around and come back. it was considered a safety hazard to keep flying, because the butt crime was in danger of poisoning the air.