OK Sup Forums, time for a different sort of feels thread. I’m not greentexting as this is far too long for that...

OK Sup Forums, time for a different sort of feels thread. I’m not greentexting as this is far too long for that, so buckle up for a text wall.

I know that in actuality we are a surprisingly diverse community, but I’d like to direct this message to the stereotypical denizens of Sup Forums: lonely men. I see you here commiserating with each other over your lack of IRL social support, or your inability to get laid, or your inability to get a girlfriend, or getting dumped by your girlfriend/wife. I see your feelings of alienation and loneliness. I see the pain of rejection you so often feel. I see the creeping despair overtaking you. I see your self esteem plummeting. I see your self-hatred. I see a few even contemplating suicide. I also see your underlying resentment towards women for shutting you out, and I understand it. I feel your pain, and thus I feel I must tell you that in the eyes of this femanon, you have value and worth in ways you do not realize. Let me explain.
I first started coming here in 2007. I was a teenager trapped in an abusive home. Aside from the direct abuse at the hands of my mother, she worked vigilantly to keep me isolated and under her control. I was constantly monitored. I wasn’t allowed to have friends outside of her sphere of influence, and if I befriended anyone approved by her they would report anything I said or did to her. Naturally, I ended up having no friends. I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without her or one of her associates there to watch me. I was forbidden from watching most TV shows and movies. I wasn’t allowed on the internet without supervision. I wasn’t allowed to have any accounts on any site, not even an email address. I was utterly alone, locked away from the world, with absolutely no freedom of any kind. I wanted to die.

But then she got a job that didn’t line up with my school schedule. Every day after school I had two hours without observation. Two hours to grasp some shred of freedom. I still had no friends to secretly hang out with in this time, so all I could think to do was to spend that time on the internet and hopefully find things to distract myself from the hell I lived in. I bounced around on newgrounds, albinoblacksheep, and YTMD looking for laughs to dull the pain for a minute. Those worlds soon collided with Sup Forums, and my curiosity led me to Sup Forums. To other eyes, it would have looked shocking and repulsive. But I immediately saw in this place what I had needed so badly: complete freedom. No rules, no social boundaries, not even an identity. Complete freedom to be anyone and say anything. A world polar opposite to the miserable world I knew.
From then on, every two hour window was spent here. You, lonely men of Sup Forums, gave me so much in this time. You not only gave me the only freedom I’d ever had, you gave me a home. A place where I belonged. A place where I wasn’t trapped and alone. With that glimpse of freedom you gave me, I had a sliver of hope to hold onto when all else seemed hopeless. I don’t think I would have made it through without you.

Homo says what?

I escaped my situation when I was 18 and moved to another state. I was free, but frightened and alone. You were there for me, giving me a community to belong to and a place to feel at home. A place of lulz and mischief where I could be carefree. Now, ten years after my arrival here, my life isn’t perfect but it is unfathomably better than it’s ever been. I have my freedom, I have good IRL friends and a support system, and I’m slowly working on recovering from the mental scars left from before. But even though life is relatively good now, I still come here. It’s still my home, and it always will be.
I will never forget how much you all have done for me, even though you weren’t aware of it. You’re good people, and you deserve to know it. I wish so much that you all could recognize your worth and value as people. You deserve to feel good about yourselves. You deserve good IRL friends. Most of all, you deserve to be loved.
I know how shitty some women can be. If you’ve actually read through this rambling screed, you will know that I’ve seen firsthand the evil they can perpetrate. It’s so easy to hate them. I hated them for a while, even though I am one. But I came to realize that there do exist truly good women out there, and I firmly believe that if you can really recognize and accept your own worth and value a good woman will come along that can recognize it too.
In the meantime, know at least that I love you. You are my family. You are my Sup Forumsrothers. I want you to know that at least one woman in this world cares about you. I can never thank you enough for what you’ve done for me. You helped save my life. From the bottom of my femanon heart, I love you.


This us a good thread


Well this is a nice sentiment op.
I just can't help thinking that it is too bad that a person like you, had to go through all of that shit to get to this point.
If this is what it takes, I fear for the relationship between men and women in the future.

tits or gtfo

I fear for it as well. I see what's happening in the world. Part of why I wanted to reach out.

On the other hand, if the world keeps going in this direction, more women like you will appear, because parenting like the sort you grew up with will be more common. It might sow the seeds for its' own destruction if we keep sites like these alive.

Idiot, the apostrophe is not appropriate here.

spergs flare up?

Well I'm doing pretty well considering this is my second language. I'll keep that in mind for future reference though.

I hadn't considered that. Unfortunate that it should come to that, but the outcome would be beneficial. It is indeed crucial to keep these sites alive.

Ah, how rude of me to neglect this rule. This should clear up the breach of conduct.

Sup Forums is a special place. Please provide tits for my mastubational convenience, and thanks.

But seriously, this place is pretty much everything I was ever looking for online. I can't join normal communiities.

I see this people put all this effort into creating personas and gathering friends and just... why?

It's such a waste of time and resources.

Here, I can have a laugh, argument or fap and move on with my day. No problemo.

Sup Forums is good. Maybe the best.

> no timestamp

Thanks but no thanks friendo

Hopefully it won't go that far, recently is has been more socially acceptable to advocate for mens rights and acknowledging that every demographic has issues. It might not seem like it, but all of the dividing politics going on right now, is seeing a pretty big pushback from regular people.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Yes, on other sites requiring a handle or an account people do get caught up in building that identity ultimately to their detriment. It's sad and irritating to watch.

This is basically why my Facebook has been inactive for almost 12 years now.

While I am very glad to see the push for men's rights, I only fear that it could end up like feminism did: turning from fighting for equality to hating the other gender. It's hard to avoid that pitfall sometimes.

Please timestamp, i want this to be true

That's why I initially deleted mine as well

Very well then, give me a minute to gather materials.

That is why the people who speak out needs to be kept in check by the people listening. Having a chronic devils advocate in your midst is a good way to avoid that.
I was basically strong-armed into creating it, I used it for about a week and gave up because I literally couldn't give a shit about what goes on there.

Thanks champ


Oh and to add more, if the mens right movement ever ends up like the current feminist movement, I'll be there calling them out on it like I did and do for feminism.


There we are, all in order

That's good to hear, we need more people like you involved

I'll be damned!

You are an amazing person

Proven wrong

here I was thinking the world was a shitty place.

then there's this thread.

then OP actually delivers.

Thank you, my friend

Sometimes Sup Forums is a magical place

Nice, would love to play with.
So other than showing some appreciation, was there anything else you wanted to do with this thread?

i was having a shitty day but then i seen this thread and now my day is slightly better thanks user

Damn so that was true... you're an amazing person op, your text cheered me up a bit

Sup Forums is always a magical place you just gotta look hard enough.

You're welcome.

> stop posting trap and shota threads though, thx

Mostly just wanted to get the message of appreciation out, and have us all take a moment to be grateful for the community we have here

Glad I could help a little, user :)


Take us with you femanon,
Please dont leave me behind



pls feets for your /bros

Okay, well consider my moment of gratefulness taken.
So what do you do now that you are more free and can decide on your own?

Good, that's what it was meant to do. Thank you for the kind words

If you insist, I shall refrain XD

I never leave a Sup Forumsrother behind

Sup Forums anons rolled trips and then another user made a web page for my recently deceased cat, Paul. Yeah, Sup Forums can be really cool.


> ever doing anything for a footfag aside from kindly putting it out of its misery

can you please put a bottle up your pussy or ass?

I know, I singlehandedly brought the cancer upon us /s

Correct response

everything is gonna be alright OP, keep strong :)

Aww, and it's not even Caturday yet

Thanks user, you too :)

I'm a total newfag and started browsing Sup Forums about 4 months ago. I live in the middle of but fuck nowhere and i never really get out much. I have alot on my mind that i could never really talk to anybody else about it bc i didnt want to seem like i was crazy. Thankfully almost everything flies here and it already has become a home for me.

Thanks OP. You write really well, I think.

What kind do of things do you do now?

Of course, pics of pussy is a standing request.

Again, thanks for the beautifully put words.

Thank you my sister. Sup Forums is the only thing that got me through some days in my life. I wouldn't be here right now, if not for my Sup Forumsrothers and sister.


Op is a nice gal.

Wish the best of luck to you all

As a good user, i have to ask: MOAR
Oh, and You're Welcome.

Honestly I'm not sure. Feels good to have gotten everything off my chest, now I'm just reminiscing on the days of old. For instance, I was dragged out on a nature walk once and on the path I spotted some graffiti reading "POOL'S CLOSED" and had to suppress peals of laughter so as not to be interrogated on its meaning by mother. It made my day. I might still have a picture of it somewhere.

I know that feeling. Best of luck to you user, and welcome

Felt good getting off to your chest.

The pool is closed due to aids.

Bologai Stewards? Is that you?

Thanks, I try to keep it coherent lol. Well my immediate project for the moment is helping teach my roommate how to navigate Linux and bash scripts and the like. She's taking an online college course about it so there's no physical teacher to help her with questions, so I'm filling that role. I'll consider a pussy pic, but it's not likely

Amen, Sup Forumsrother :) glad you're here with us

Thanks, you too friend

I've had a bad few weeks and you just made me feel good about myself for a few seconds.
Just thought you'd like to know.

It was an honest compliment. Those kind of thread are pretty rare, hell, it must be one of the first time I see Sup Forumsrothers being so nice to each others. I oftenly forget how much this community has done for me, even if they don't know it

HAHAHAHAHA OK that made me drop my cigarette XD

Excellent :) I do hope things start going up for you.

yo OP, nice tits.

>boasting in quality bread

oh and i'm gonna lurk here while i type up this boring shit for work.
aw fuck, trips. this thread are magic now.

Feeling suicidal for a very long time, but now I've got a job interview next week. Nice to know things are looking up for some of us.

In a place where everything is mocked mercilessly, it is definitely easy to forget that underneath it all we are a family of sorts. I felt it appropriate to just this once take a moment to recognize it. Glad others feel the same today

I'm sorry you've struggled, but I'm glad to hear you're moving forward still. Good luck with your interview

I doubt it'll change everything over night, but I find comfort in full time work. Even if the rest of my life is shitty I can still make money and afford a place to live. I think unless I turn into a total sperg I should get it.

Ha, well I'm glad my small gesture of gratefulness was well received I suppose

Wow..This thread. God bless

Nothing changes overnight, but it's good to celebrate any amount of progress. Let yourself feel hopeful, you deserve it

I've wanted to make a thread like this expressing appreciation for this community and I'm glad you posted femanon
I've felt at home here since 2008 and have taken shelter in the humor and degeneracy and there really isn't any other place like Sup Forums. I have a hard time expressing myself but it's easy when you're anonymous, I'll always be thankful for that.
I love you too user, I hope we can all keep helping each other and that we can all get to a better place

Thanks. I just feel tired and lonely all the time. Things were looking up a few months ago and then fell apart. I just want to pick up the pieces and keep going.


thanks OP.

you seem like a very pragmatic individual, kudos on maintaining your sanity through a less than desirable upbringing, i truly mean that. size is irrelevant in the presence of gratitude being shown, the fact that it's shown at all is all that will ever matter, at least to me.

i wish you the best of luck now and for the rest of your days on this silly rock we call home. in a purely cosmic sense i sincerely love you user, for none of the reasons most mere mortals would dare to assume.

oh and again, nice tits. ;-)

But that's why we are coming here after all, aren't we ? Joyfully mocking and insulting each other and so on. Yeah, you did good op

I get that too, I recently started actually trying therapy because I keep going through cycles of building up and falling apart. I was told I might be bipolar with rapid cycling
that's all you gotta do though, pick yourself up and keep going...we're all doing our best and I just hope that in the end that's going to be good enough

Agreed 100%. I'm glad you're here with us, and thank you

I like the way you type. Very rare to see these days.

Anyway, i used to be one of the suicidal men here. Even tried to kill myself.
I was alone and depressed, and even when things worked out, i lost everything. My son and wife taken from me by cruel fate. But i hung on, did everything right and got them back. (Long story)

Seeing people like you here is heartwarming, in a way. Reminds me that i was never truely alone in the 10+ years i've been here. Even in the darkest times.

And i just want to add, your tits are awesome. Thank you.

It was very difficult, at times I thought I would slip down too far mentally and never get back. But I had you to pull me back up a bit :) thank you dear Sup Forumsrother. I wish you the same

Sometimes we just need a bit of hope, and a hug. No homo.

Indeed, I would never want to change that spirit here. It's freeing. Thank you

You can do it. I felt that way for a long time. Only thing to do is keep moving forward, even if it's just an inch at a time. It'll get better as long as you keep trying and don't give up