Which bathroom shall I use?

Which bathroom shall I use?

The one associated with the sex on your birth certificate.

do a handstand and piss on your face

Obviously the Tim Curry deluxe bathroom

Whichever you want idgaf

Behind a tree far far away from society.


its a room you shit in, who cares?

I'm a dude, and if there is a line for the guys bathroom and none for the ladies, I should be able to use the one without a line. Same goes for the lady folks.

What really pissed me off is when they put a 'mens' sign on a bathroom with one toilet. Even if your too narrow minded to let the other gender in while you piss, you don't have to worry about that because its a one person bathroom.

Which seat can I taaaake?

Do you need to piss, shit, or molest a child?

Transsexuals identify as the sex they were born with.

shit a child?

piss a shit?







The one marked gas chamber




This, Separate bathrooms are stupid.
If you're really afraid of someone the opposite sex of you seeing you piss then close the fucking stall door.
