Net ride should niever end, comrade

Net ride should niever end, comrade.

Keep it symbol, keep it s/fur

Other urls found in this thread:



floof and stuff



Heya Sunny.



this is a good start




Can we please just get a /fur/ board yet?


How y'all doing today?

this is the fur board, silly

Tried that once.

Didn't end so well.

Howdy Mighty. It goes!

Path once traveled


It's been a good day so far. How about yourself?



pretty good
cooked and ate my favorite comfort food

still need to clean the kitchen.... meh maybe I'll just wait 'till tomorrow

Not bad, caught the Zelda bug so I've been wasting a bunch of time with that.


Same as yesterday, same as tomorrow, sans furpawstin

18 indoors is the winner :p

I am close to caving and buying the Switch just for BotW


Switch is still super sold-out near where I am, so I burnt some gift cards and got it for WiiU.

Then I'll buy it again for switch when I get one.

Life is hell.

Others have 'pound' cake, you have 'ton' cake


you will be able to play it on your pc for free in two or three months once those guys get it working on cemu

That sounds like a lot of work.

I don't get it


Still too warm fur storing dead bodies


15 is ideal temperature.


>11k per month
well they are making bank for it though... kind of. depends on how many people are working on it

Nigga yall shot yo self in the foot with dat one.


Where did you find this out from?

I want.

Give them time to restock

Exactly. Get more than five people trying to split that pot and that's not that much.






that's true, but an office is generally a bad place to store such things :p


What a lovely stomach.

It's a number bigger than 14 butt that's all


I've spent about $60 on Furry commissions this past week. Haven't spent money on comms in a while so I feel good.
How much have you guys spent so far?


On just commissions, or on fandom-related purchases in general?

Probably around $500 or so on commissions.

What if you're a pathologist


Like 500 total?


Yeah, on multiple commissions.

I very little disposable income



None at all on commission, bought a couple prints back in... Oh 98 of 99.
Back before quality printers were available for the general public at affordable prices.


Heya GT.

then i probably still wouldn't be storing bodies in an office :v

i once gave a furry artist $5 to draw something totally not furry-related

Greetings Mer Hotshot.

>60% of all internet users are willingly using a botnet now
what went wrong, s/fur? will google ever be stopped?

Well you see. Normal, average people don't care.


I use firefox, like a good furry


In total or like, this month?
Either way, far too much.


this month.

About 200 total I think

normal people arent furries and dont belong here

its the only acceptable browser to use. waterfox version is better though

>the joke was speculation about what a pathologists office would be like
Oh nvm

>to draw something totally not furry-related
Yiffin' casuals

This month, around 300.


Waterfox Master race.

Nice quads.


it was a teapot

i was bored

Yay weekend



Are you loaded?




>microsofts botnet
might as well use googles too

Oh well - priorities and all that

What upsets me is only ~15% of internet users are furries anymore

You're all degenerates
