ITT: Nova Scotia nudes! Post your 902's. I'll start with Jessi R

ITT: Nova Scotia nudes! Post your 902's. I'll start with Jessi R.





Damn, moar?

Seconded. For science.

WTF? Thought she looked like someone I know, noticed Nova Scotia thread, was surreal.

Not her though.

Post nudes

Yeah, I worked with her a ways back. Would love to see righteous win of her, always had a thing for her. Sadly, that's all I've got :/

Post her at AnonIB.

nova scotia? Like that place in the arctic in the northeast of canada?

I thought like 4 human beings live there that are only there because they're researchers or something?

Already done. Also in a cola: /r/BAsUKhR

Hah, it's pretty much true. Not even a million people in the whole province.

a fucking MILLION?

what the fuck. i'm pretty sure i've even tried to impress people in the past with the geography fact that nova scotia only consists of a tiny research base with a few scientists. how the fuck do a million people live in the middle of the arctic desert?? Like it can't sustain plants or animals right? o_O

Yeah, we're sitting at 900,000 something or some shit. Eh, it's just a bunch of trees. No arcticness. A couple military and air bases, fuck ton of fish plants. Not much else.

This is some mandela effect-level shit. I was pretty sure it was a place that eskimos couldn't even survive in.

What. the. fuck. What even is reality anymore

Meh, grow a lumberjack beard and throw on some plaid flannel, you get along alright. Winter can be rough though, if the polar bears start ranging south for food. ALWAYS carry an axe. No fucking joke.

An axe, like for protection? Wouldn't a gun be better against a bear?

Yeah, that'd be nice, if you could afford ammunition. Seriously, there's like one Canadian Tire in the whole province, and the cost to import things like that is ridiculous. It's fucking Chris Rock level $5000/bullet.

Think there's a demand? Look into gun running.

Yeah, but gas is expensive too. Whether it's a truck or God help you, a fishing boat, those things barely have enough room to bring a big enough catch back to make the fishing trip worth it. Fish plants pay you fuck all for the bounty of the sea.

No, it's way easier to just square with the fact that life in Nova Scotia is like playing Don't Starve IRL.

Haha I love how we've stayed on topic here.

Im interested to see what other pics are floating around of girls down here

user ib ca/res/81522.html

Somehow youve confused nova scotia, a place in the same neighborhood as maine, with Alert, a research base at the northernmost tip of nunavut

Yeah, but he's pretty much on point for describing Hemford or Springfield.