Post pleb filters

Post pleb filters

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More like fag filters

so is a pleb filter an album that plebs listen to, or an album that only non-plebs like?

something in the discography that plebs can't like

Yeah albums that turn off plebs
You both failed stop



I've been meaning to check him out is it worth it?

Yes. EE off the second one (lexonmenomecon I think) is my favorite.


I was surprised to hear the Feel Good Inc. sampling on the fourth track.

literally the most obvious choice.


The only true choice.

nah its reputation kind of keeps it from being a pleb filter, since plebs are drawn to it through that

maybe when it came out, but not now.

No, I'm not doing a irony

disc 2 specifically

some people just can't into early ween

I think interviews might be a lot more anti pleby.

if you cant into this you are a certified PLEB

Yeah for good reason

might be because its pretty bad

Angel Guts: Red Classroom is actually pretty accessible, despite the fact that it's by far Xiu Xiu's darkest record.

C'mon, now.

perhaps im just a pleb

Nah, no way Angel Guts is accessible with songs like the silver platter, a knife in the sun, black dick, cynthias unisex, the intro and outro tracks. I mean fuck, the only accessible track i can really think of is stupid in the dark and MAYBE archies fades

its 2good4u

I kinda started this thread in hopes of getting some sort of discussion going about angel guts. La botanica, black dick, adult friends, stupid in the dark etc etc.. It's just a masterpiece. It flows and works and is so coherent and I've never seen any real discussion about it on Sup Forums.

God I love Angel Guts and never understood why it got such lukewarm reception.

Shit is angry and devastating as fuck. The way it descends into "horrifying" territory is something that's really hard to pull off in a way that isn't cheesy

never though it was horrifying desu, just angry and weird in a fun way. Tbh the only track that has ever horrified me was frankie teardrop, mainly because i didn't know the screams were gonna be so fucking loud

Angel Guts is incredibly creepy. The album solidifies Xiu Xiu's ability to craft dark, chaotic, tense atmospheres. the album is a very good representation of what it's like to be completely unhinged. there's not a lot of screaming, but it still finds other ways to be genuinely creepy. but it's more of a slow-burn creepiness imo

damn, i guess im unhinged enough not to be scared from it lol


The funny thing I've noticed about Red Classroom is that if you play it in front of a room full of people, half of them will be frightened, and the other half will sort of let it consume them. They're either scared of it or embrace it. Discuss.

Honestly I never got a creepy feel from it but I can see it. It's just perfect in my opinion, I can't exactly put my finger on why. I think it's just what I always wanted from xiu xiu and knew he was capable of, when it came out I was left in awe and haven't heard anything with quite the same effect since.

It's one of the best fucking closing to an album ever. The way it connects to the intro and kinda wraps the rest of it up in itself is amazing.

Murder Mystery

i think red classroom as a song is the greatest thing xiuxiu have done
a knife in the sun - :red classroom is an amazing streak

also want to mention how fucking outstanding the cinthyas unisex music video is, perfectly captures the songs feeling

Pretty good thread but why aren't we mentioning BOTANICA
haven't felt so much from a song in so long

Either this or Outside.

only for art students

Jenny Death is the far superior side of TPTB

The Pod is literally normie repellent

This is good but their poppy stuff is far superior.

Should I listen to this or Metal Box first?

I loooooove Xiu Xiu and for the OP... I've always been surprised at how big of a fanbase he managed to collect for this reason. I don't think a good portion of his fans actually get him.

Stupid in the Dark is one of the catchiest songs of all time


Absolutely Metal Box before Flowers, but start at the beginning.

I think a lot of Xiu Xiu fans just hear I Luv the Valley and maybe Dear God I Hate Myself and lump them in with other indie bands from their era but they truly are special. No other band has ever achieved the dark, beautiful, chaotic, punishing and vulnerable sound of Xiu Xiu's best work.

Couldn't have said it any better.

It's funny that people will call us pretentious for pointing this out but it's just factual.

>pleb filter
>their most popular release

It's In My Blood is the only pleb filter on this album


Niqqa didn't you get arrested for posting nudes ?

Unkle Adams 10/10 review it again!

>their most popular release
True but still a pleb filter. I would have posted musik in the dark if I had a picture of it.
lmao 100% fake news started by a facebook leftist group. surprised someone here actually fell for that.

this and/or campfire songs
constant shallowness leads to evil + queens of the circulating library

Sister Ray



This too

Hell yeah, IMO they were best without Attila. Still like them with him, but I feel like early SUNN O))) was 'purer'

Jenny Death
*breathes in*

good album but how the hell is it a pleb filter?

just saw them three weeks ago and stupid in the dark is amazing live. it feels like a lot of angel guts material thrives in that setting.

That shit's a pleb magnet. Stick with the redditcore and quit playing make-believe patrician or develop an original taste in music.

Now that I think about it Tripper is a bigger pleb filter

Did they do botanica??

ive never seen anyone on this board mention squeegie or axis bold as boognish so kudos to you mang

i fucking loved that adult jazz EP dunno why so many people hated it

shit sounds like if animal collective was still creative

I remember being so thrown off by this album. Such a huge difference between stuff like Stoned and Starving

Chruch Gone Wild is Hella's true pleb filter.

Heck yeah man, the neutral milk hotel. One of the greatest rock bands, Jeff Iron is my favorite rock and roller. It's also a pleb filter because he says sea men and everybody knows that plebs hate pirates

It's incredibly divisive. Upon hearing it, people usually either love it or hate it. I loved it. Melon and Pitchfork hated it. I think it's because of how grating it is.
And I admit, it is grating, but the good new is that it's also the perfect length. It stops JUST before it wears out its welcome but also doesn't leave you underwhelmed. It also makes up for the annoying aspects with amazing arrangement and songwriting, so for me the good outweighs the bad and the EP is easily a 9.5/10 because of that.
It's definitely an acquired taste, though

And while I did NOT see them going in this direction at all I'm still just glad they actually took a risk on this thing instead of just making a glorified Bon Iver record.
Gist Is was nice, but not at all original. The same can't be said about Earrings Off

this literally sounds like AnCo for homosexuals

that's not a bad thing, but it's just so homosexual

Honestly, if there has ever been one album that's really served as a pleb filter for me it's Remain in Light for some really odd reason.

I've had the luck of playing it during a road trip. One dude seemed absolutely lost in everything, another started experiencing some hard dissonance and asking weird questions, the driver went into this hyperfocused mode and the last person in the place somehow just got it and started discussing the album with me.

It's an entry-level album but goddamn it got me some weird reactions so far.

Why does Angel Guts' album cover look so dark?
It looks like there's a grey film over it.

It's the visual pleb filter they put over it to throw plebs off



dude i saw them before "forget" came out and they did a bunch of classic 'knife play', and 'fabulous muscles' classics in angel guts style and it was fucking incredible.

anything by The Body

i know this one goes without saying but i just had to post it

wait what
its her most accessible album

Just pretend Flowers doesn't exist.

i can't listen to xiu xiu anymore

Huh nice one friend

i know tons of basic normies who love this album and carly rae jepson

I know right it's almost like a joke or something

this. i remember the one time i put the album on with my pleb parents (they are otherwise awesome though, just not into Sup Forums type of music yknow), they really liked it and when it was murder mystery time both of them asked WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT or words to that effect. also they tolerated tago mago just until like peking o, so they are quite strong,

upboat xD

Unironically babby's first "weird" music.

Obvious bait but it still deserves to be told that more than anything it's a pleb magnet

TKOL is the real pleb filter



Radiohead is the essence of pleb
