More like this... i mean, cum in weird places

More like this... i mean, cum in weird places

Lol someone jizzed on a bird what



Krankes Stück Scheisse!

What the fuck did the bird do to deserve that?

It's bird seed

lmao this gon b gud

Du bist ein elendiger Hurensohn!!!!!!Du dreckiger scheiss Typ...Ab in die Gaskammer mit dir.

Du elendiger Bastard


I left some cum in your mum

heres a tip: cum in soda cans, you can return them for 10 cents here

>made the thread to make 1 joke
>nobody responded

I feel for you, probably samefag



I had hope for this thread but they're dying

Not even mad, good pun, well played.




Why did no one post the mantis yet? As a matter of fact, did that guy ever post the cockroaches/other insects he talked about?